

单词 screw
释义 screw
 —screwable,  adj.   —screwer,  n.   —screwless,  adj.   —screwlike,  adj.  
 /skrooh/,  n.  
  1. a metal fastener having a tapered shank with a helical thread, and topped with a slotted head, driven into wood or the like by rotating, esp. by means of a screwdriver.
  2. a threaded cylindrical pin or rod with a head at one end, engaging a threaded hole and used either as a fastener or as a simple machine for applying power, as in a clamp, jack, etc. Cf. bolt1 (def. 3).
  3.  Brit.   a tapped or threaded hole.
  4. something having a spiral form.
  5. See screw propeller.
  6. Usually, screws. physical or mental coercion: The terrified debtor soon felt the gangster's screws.
  7. a single turn of a screw.
  8. a twist, turn, or twisting movement.
  9.  Chiefly Brit.  
   a. a little salt, sugar, tobacco, etc., carried in a twist of paper.
   b.  Slang.   a mean, old, or worn-out horse; a horse from which one can obtain no further service.
   c.  Slang.   a friend or employer from whom one can obtain no more money.
   d.  Slang.   a miser.
  10.  Brit. Informal.   salary; wages.
  11.  Slang.   a prison guard.
  12.  Slang   (vulgar).
   a. an act of coitus.
   b. a person viewed as a sexual partner.
  13. have a screw loose, Slang. to be eccentric or neurotic; have crazy ideas: You must have a screw loose to keep so many cats.
  14. put the screws on, to compel by exerting pressure on; use coercion on; force: They kept putting the screws on him for more money.
  15. to fasten, tighten, force, press, stretch tight, etc., by or as if by means of a screw or device operated by a screw or helical threads.
  16. to operate or adjust by a screw, as a press.
  17. to attach with a screw or screws: to screw a bracket to a wall.
  18. to insert, fasten, undo, or work (a screw, bolt, nut, bottle top with a helical thread, etc.) by turning.
  19. to contort as by twisting; distort: Father screwed his face into a grimace of disgust.
  20. to cause to become sufficiently strong or intense (usually fol. by up): I screwed up my courage to ask for a raise.
  21. to coerce or threaten.
  22. to extract or extort.
  23. to force (a seller) to lower a price (often fol. by down).
  24.  Slang.   to cheat or take advantage of (someone).
  25.  Slang   (vulgar). to have coitus with.
  26. to turn as or like a screw.
  27. to be adapted for being connected, taken apart, opened, or closed by means of a screw or screws or parts with helical threads (usually fol. by on, together, or off): This top screws on easily.
  28. to turn or move with a twisting or rotating motion.
  29. to practice extortion.
  30.  Slang   (vulgar). to have coitus.
  31. screw around, Slang.
   a. to waste time in foolish or frivolous activity: If you'd stop screwing around we could get this job done.
   b.  Vulgar.   to engage in promiscuous sex.
  32. screw off, Slang.
   a. to do nothing; loaf.
   b. to leave; go away.
  33. screw up, Slang.
   a. to ruin through bungling or stupidity: Somehow the engineers screwed up the entire construction project.
   b. to make a botch of something; blunder.
   c. to make confused, anxious, or neurotic.
 [1375-1425; late ME scrwe, screw(e) (n.); cf. MF escro(ue) nut, MD schrûve, MHG schrûbe screw]
 Syn. 22. wring, wrest, force, exact, squeeze.




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