

单词 steady
释义 I. steady, n.|ˈstɛdɪ|
[f. steady a. and v.]
1. [absol. use of the adj.]
a. Something which is steady. spec. in Newfoundland, a part of a river which has little or no perceptible current.
1792G. Cartwright Jrnl. Labrador I. Gloss. p. xv, Steady in a River, a part where the bed widens, inclining to a pond, and there is no perceptible stream.1842J. B. Jukes Excursions in & about Newfoundland II. 241, I understood from a salmon-fisher, the only person inhabiting the neighbourhood, that a succession of ‘steadies’, with occasional rapids, may be met with for twelve miles farther.1907J. G. Millais Newfoundland xi. 206 At noon we entered a beautiful ‘steady’.1969H. Horwood Newfoundland i. 4 The canoe..bounced joyously past the white water into the still and foam⁓flecked steady below.
b. A regular boyfriend or girlfriend. colloq. (orig. U.S.).
1897F. Moss Amer. Metropolis III. ix. 172 Her ‘steady’ is Jim Clarke.1927Vanity Fair Nov. 132/3 His steady has quit him for another or he is lonesome for her.1950‘N. Shute’ Town like Alice 313, I suppose he's turning into Rose's steady.1960Auden Homage to Clio 56 You won't find a steady in that museum Unless you prefer Tea with a shapeless angel to bedtime With a lovely monster.1978Daily Mirror 12 Jan. 3/4 Meanwhile Rod was flying off to Rio—with a farewell kiss for his latest ‘steady’, 23-year-old model Bebe Bluell.
2. [From the vb.]
a. Something which steadies.
1899M. Cobbett Bottled Holidays viii. 141 Two officials fulfilled the awkward duties of being rounding posts [in a skating match], the competitors generally catching hold of them for a steady as they made the turns.
b. spec. A device for holding steady an object in process of being fashioned. (Cf. steady-rest, steady a. 9 b.)
1885[Horner] Pattern Making 106 Make a steady, shaped roughly to fit the bed of the lathe and to take the diameter of the pipe.1911Encycl. Brit. XXVII. 26/1 [Lathes.] Of devices for this purpose..some are fixed,..and others are bolted to the carriage of the slide-rest and move along with it—travelling steadies.
II. steady, a. (and adv.)|ˈstɛdɪ|
Forms: 6 stedy(e, 6–7 steddie, steedie, steadie, 6–8 steddy, 7 stydie, -y, study, studdie (Sc.), steedy, 7– steady.
[First in Palsgrave 1530; app. f. stead n. + -y.
Perh. the formation may have been suggested by MLG., MDu. stâdig, stêdig, steady, stable, constant = OHG. stâtîc (MHG. stæ̂tig, mod.G. stetig constant, perpetual):—WGer. *stādigo- f. the synonymous *stādjo- (MLG., MDu. stâde, stêde, OHG. stâti, MHG. stæ̂te, mod.G. stet), f. OTeut. *stǣ- (:sta-) root of stand v.
Closely similar in meaning, and from the same ultimate root, are ON. stǫðug-r steady, stable (Norw. stødug), and OE. stæððiᵹ, ᵹestæððiᵹ, grave, serious.
OE. had stędiᵹ (app. f. stęde stead n.) with the sense ‘barren’, corresponding to G. stätig, in dial. use ‘barren’ (said of animals), in general use ‘restive, stubborn’ (= LG. stedich, Du. stedig, steeg).]
A. adj.
a. Fixed or immovable in position; not liable to give way or become displaced. Also fig. Obs.
1530Palsgr. 325/2 Stedye stedfast, ferme.1540Acolastus i. i. C iv, Wherof I myght promysse to my selfe an euerlastyng and very stedy ioye [L. gaudium perpetuum & bene stabile].1591Sylvester Du Bartas i. vii. 95 The dull Earth's prop-less massie Ball Stands steddy still.1594T. B. La Primand. Fr. Acad. ii. 596 For if we would moue one of our feete, the other must abide steddie and firme.a1677Barrow Serm. Wks. 1716 I. 3 The fool building his choice..not upon the steddy warrant of good reason.1680Moxon Mech. Exerc. x. 175 Any Substance..pitcht steddy upon two points..and moved about on that Axis... And an Edg-Tool set steddy to that part.a1683Sidney Disc. Govt. iii. §30. (1704) 362 This being built upon the steddy Foundation of Law, History, and Reason, is not to be remov'd.
b. Of affairs: Stable. Of a rule, etc.: Settled, established. ? Obs.
1571Campion Hist. Irel. i. xi. (1633) 34 From this time forward the amity waxed steddy.1627Drayton Agincourt 2 When presently a Parliament is calld To sett things steddy.1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. xxviii [xxix]. §10. 165 By what has been said, we may observe how much Names, as supposed steady signs of Things..are the occasion of denominating Ideas distinct or confused.1704Hearne Duct. Hist. (1714) I. 13 It was a steady Rule, that the Moon wherein the Vernal Equinox happens should be the Month Nisan.1818Scott Hrt. Midl. ix, It became at length understood..that their union should be deferred no longer than until Butler should obtain some steady means of support.
2. a. Firm in standing or movement; not tottering, rocking, or shaking; that is in stable equilibrium.
1574T. Hill Art Gard., Ord. Bees, Husb. Conject. i. 48 If any washeth the handes with snowe, it doth then make them steddie.1593Shakes. 2 Hen. VI, iv. vii. 101 Cade. Nay, he noddes at vs, as who should say, Ile be euen with you. Ile see if his head will stand steddier on a pole, or no.1621Sanderson Serm., Ad Pop. iv. §3. (1637) 356 Othersome..like a young unbroken thing that hath mettall..would be..guided with a steddy and skilfull hand.1624Ibid. v. §20. 434 The colours..are yet so thin: that a steddy eye, not bleered by prejudice, may discerne the lye through them.1770Luckombe Hist. Printing 319 Justifiers of wood..to wedge it tight and steddy in its place.1785Burns Jolly Beggars Air ii. vi, But whilst with both hands I can hold the glass steady Here's to thee, my hero, my sodger laddie!1851Butler, Wine-dealer, etc. 9 The stands [for casks] should be fixed perfectly steady.1865J. B. Harwood Lady Flavia xiv, The hand that held the candle was as steady as a rock.1892Photogr. Ann. II. 471 The bottom of the lamp being loaded, it is perfectly steady.
b. Said of things held with a firm hand.
1590Spenser F.Q. i. xi. 16 The knight gan fairely couch his steadie speare.1711Shaftesbury Misc. Refl. Charac. III. 37 So this high and noble affection..requires a steddy rein and strict hand over it.
c. Of movements or actions: Free from tremulousness or faltering.
1777Potter æschylus, Agamem. 281 With steddy step I trace foul deeds that smell above the earth.1845J. Coulter Adv. in Pacific xiii. 182, I determined to do justice to the gun, took a steady aim, and broke the pearl shell to pieces.
3. a. Of a person or his mind: Not easily perturbed or discomposed; balanced. Of the head: Free from giddiness. Of the eye: Not diverted from its object; unwavering.
1602Marston Ant. & Mel. i. B 4 b, Giue me a husband..Of steddie iudgement, quicke and nimble sense.1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. iv. v. 264 They need to have steddy heads who can dive into these gulfs of policy.1672–5T. Comber Comp. Temple (1702) 19 No man can pray with a truly devout and steddy mind, without a known form.a1710G. Bull Serm. (1713) I. v. 210 Few Men have such steddy Heads as to be able to stand upon the Spires and Pinnacles of Glory without Giddiness.1819Shelley Mask of Anarchy 344 With folded arms and steady eyes.
b. Of troops, their attributes or actions: Firm, disciplined; not liable to panic or loss of self-control. Also ellipt. = ‘be steady’.
1670Milton Hist. Eng. ii. 37 Whereby at length all the Foot..with a more steddy charge put the Britans to flight.1759Garrick Song, Hearts of Oak refrain, Steady, boys, steady! We'll fight and we'll conquer again and again.1769Robertson Chas. V, vii. III. 32 The steddy and disciplined valour of the Spanish infantry.1821Byron Sardan. iii. i. 115 Our troops were steady.1823Scott Quentin D. xxx, The knaves are numerous and steady—Can they not hold out their town against him?1837Lever H. Lorrequer i, They're coming up: steady, boys; steady now.1878N. Amer. Rev. CXXVI. 252 But they [soldiers] were as steady as clocks and chirpy as crickets.
c. Of a hound: Not easily diverted from the scent. Of a horse: Not nervous, skittish, or excitable; also (cf. 4), that travels at a moderate and even pace.
steady from hare: (of a foxhound) trained to disregard a hare. Cf. quot. 1901 in steady v. 2 c.
1735Somerville Chase iv. 125 With these consort The Stanch, and steddy Sages of thy Pack.1826J. Cook Foxhunting 107 And to do him [the hound] justice, he was a good finder, steady from hare.1835[Sir G. Stephen] Adv. in Search of Horse ix. 129 They [mares] may be temperate and steady for months,..and yet when the season arrives, will kick your chaise to pieces.1852Burn Naval & Mil. Techn. Dict. ii. (1863) s.v., Horse steady to fire, cheval fait, dressé, sage au feu.1886Ruskin Præterita I. vi. 182 As a rule, there were four steady horses and a good driver, rarely drunk.
4. a. Regular in operation or intensity; that is maintained at an even rate of action, output, or the like; uniform, equable.
1548Elyot's Dict. s.v. Pressus, Presso gradu incedere, to go a rounde and stedy pase.1644Milton Educ. 6 In which methodicall course..they must proceed by the steddy pace of learning onward.1766Johnson in Boswell (1791) I. 274 Dryden's horses are either galloping or stumbling: Pope's go at a steady even trot.1817Shelley Rev. Islam ii. xii, My spirit onward past Beneath truth's steady beams upon its tumult cast.1836Marryat Midsh. Easy xxiii, A steady pull, my lads, and not too much exertion.1855Poultry Chron. III. 431 There was a steady trade in all descriptions of barley.1873Maxwell Electr. & Magn. (1881) I. 327 The most convenient method of producing a steady current is by means of the Voltaic Battery.1874Green Short Hist. vi. §5. 320 The steady rise in the price of wool was..giving a fresh impulse to the agrarian changes.
b. spec. steady motion (see quots.).
1877E. J. Routh Stabil. Given State of Motion 2 We may therefore define a steady motion to be such that the same change of motion follows from the same initial disturbance at whatever instant the disturbance is communicated to the system.1882G. M. Minchin Unipl. Kinemat. 140 If..all the particles..pass through it with the same velocities and accelerations (both in magnitude and in direction), the record of the motion at P becomes constant, and there is said to be steady motion at P.
c. Of wind, a gale: That blows equably in force and direction.
1612R. Coverte Vov. 7 From the 22. day..wee could haue no steedy gale of wind to carry vs forward, vntill the 25. day.1726G. Shelvocke Voy. round World (1757) 255 Whilst you are in this road, it is impossible you should have the wind steady in any quarter.1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Steady-Gale, a fresh breeze pretty uniform in force and direction.
d. Of weather, temperature: Free from sudden changes, settled. Of climate: Having little variation of temperature. Hence said of an instrument for recording variations of weather.
a1700Evelyn Diary July 1694, Glorious steady weather.1806G. Pinckard West Indies III. xiv. 176 This climate is perhaps one of the most steady in the world, the range of the thermometer..being only from 11 to 15 degrees.1869Phillips Vesuv. iii. 94 The barometer during all the eruption was steady.
e. Commerce. Of prices: Free from sudden rise or fall; hence of the market, goods, shares, etc.
1857A. Mathews Tea-Table Talk II. 343 Ceylon coffee, heretofore steady and pressing for immediate sale, is now inactive.1889Textile News 29 Mar. 1/2 Subsequently the market became quieter and then declined, prices remaining steady.1896Daily News 9 Dec. 10/7 Corn opened steady and unchanged.1898‘H. S. Merriman’ Roden's Corner vii. 68 The paper markets of the world began to settle down again, and steadier prices ruled.1912Times 19 Dec. 16/5 Rubber shares were comparatively steady.
f. Cricket. Of a batsman or his play: consistent, safe, cautious.
1826S. Maunder in R. Dagley Death's Doings 54 A steady Player, careful of his fame, May have a good long Innings.1833New Sporting Mag. V. (Cricketers' Reg.) 13 This style [of bowling] Pilch met by steady play.1857T. Hughes Tom Brown's School Days II. viii. 398 To the suggestions that Winter is the best bat left, Tom only replies, ‘Arthur is the steadiest, and Johnson will make the runs if the wicket is only kept up.’1890J. Lillywhite Cricketers' Annual 143 W. G. Turnbull: A steady bat, but lacking power; should hit more at loose balls.1924H. De Sélincourt Cricket Match iv. 104 As a matter of sad fact there was no steady and reliable batsman upon the side.Ibid. v. 159 He felt a batsman, pure and simple; and decided that he was..in for a good, steady display of batting.
5. Naut. Of a ship: That moves without deviation (in her course); hence, applied to the helm and the steersman.
1626Capt. Smith Accid. Yng. Seamen 18 He stands right a-head; out with all your sayles, a stydy man to the helme, sit close to keep her stydie.1815Shelley Alastor 333 The Poet sate Holding the steady helm.
6. a. Persistent, unwavering in resolution, attachment, or in a course of action; persistently devoted to a cause, resolution, etc.
1602Marston Antonio's Rev. iv. v. I 1 b. We must be stiffe and steddie in resolue.1697Dryden æneid Postscr. 621 Yet steady to my Principles, and not dispirited with my Afflictions, I have..overcome all difficulties.1749Smollett Regicide iii. viii, A trusty counsellor and steady friend.1797Ht. Lee Canterb. T., Frenchm. T. (1799) I. 274 Steady to honour and to feeling, there was yet one point on which his reason obstinately wandered.1819Scott Leg. Montrose Introd., He was a steady jacobite.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. ii. I. 182 It was only in retirement that any person could long keep the character either of a steady royalist or of a steady republican.Ibid. vii. II. 226 The influence of the Hampdens..kept him steady to the cause of the constitution.1871R. Ellis Catullus cii. 2 A friend whose soul steady to honour abides.
b. of attributes, actions, etc.
1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. vi. §407 His person was not less acceptable to those of steady and uncorrupted principles than to those of depraved inclinations.1667Milton P.L. xii. 377 Now clear I understand What oft my steddiest thoughts have searcht in vain.1698Norris Pract. Disc. IV. 51 The steddy View, or rather Possession they have of the other World gives them..a daily Triumph over this.1710Shaftesbury Soliloquy ii. ii. 81 The mean genius..endeavours by the best outward Gloss and dazling Shew, to turn the Eye from a direct and steddy Survey of his Piece.1754Sherlock Disc. (1759) I. vii. 225 A constant and steddy Belief..in the Resurrection of the Dead.1818Hallam Mid. Ages viii. iii. (1819) III. 235 Their own serious and steady attachment to the laws.1891Law Times XCII. 96/1 A convict who gains by steady industry the maximum number of marks.
c. Of a boyfriend or girlfriend: regular or constant. colloq. (orig. U.S.).
1887Lantern (New Orleans) 23 July 2/2, I expect my steady company at the house this evening.1922S. Benson Poor Man v. 127 She had just mislaid her last steady beau, so she was at the moment a little susceptible.1932J. Dos Passos 1919 43 Della let Joe kiss her when they said good night and he began kinder planning that she'd be his steady girl.1975D. Lodge Changing Places iii. 126 She's become Charles Boon's steady girl friend.1977Rolling Stone 5 May 47/4 He has no steady girl.
7. Not given to frivolity; staid.
1759Franklin Ess. Wks. 1840 III. 236 They were too wise and too steady to be amused.1818T. Moore Diary 26 Oct. Mem. (1853) II. 175 Which disconcerted the latter (who, strange to say, is a very grave, steady person) considerably.
8. Regular in habits; not given to dissipation or looseness in conduct.
1832H. Martineau Life in Wilds vi. 79, I wondered..what made Robertson steal away into the wood so often, so steady a workman as he is.1857Smiles Stephenson iv. 24 At Callerton, Stephenson—habitually sober and steady—was a standing example of character to the other workmen.1889‘R. Boldrewood’ Robbery under Arms xlvii, He'd always been as steady as a rock.
9. Comb., as steady-looking adj.; parasynthetic, as steady-eyed, steady-footed, steady-handed, steady-headed, steady-minded, steady nerved adjs.
1901F. Campbell Love 307 *Steady-eyed, muscular men.
1611Cotgr. s.v. Ferré, Ferré à glace,..*Steadie⁓footed, sure of foot.
Ibid. s.v. Main, Avoir la main seure, to be *steadie handed.
1897‘Sarah Tytler’ Lady Jean's Son xv. 258 *Steady-headed as the young man was.
1826A. Grant Mem. & Corr. (1844) III. 105 A plain, *steady-looking man who..is sober and regular.
1818Scott Hrt. Midl. xliii, Whatever David felt, he was too proud and too *steady-minded to show any unpleasant surprise.
1865E. Burritt Walk to Land's End 4 Even men called brave and *steady-nerved waited for company to make the journey.
b. Special combinations and collocations: steady-fast (see quot.); steady pin, a pin or each of several pins used to secure the relative positions of two adjoining surfaces or to prevent them from sliding upon each other; steady quaker, a kind of moth (see quot.); steady-rest Turning, = back rest, back- IV B.
1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., *Steady-Fast, a hawser carried out to some fixed object to keep a vessel steady in a tide-way, or in preparation for making sail from a fast.
1791Smeaton Edystone L. §229 The Lewis Holes, each being filled with an extuberance of mortar, which, when hard, would in effect become a *steady pin.1825J. Nicholson Oper. Mech. 513 The piece..is screwed to the side of the plate..and made firm by small pins..; these pins are called steady-pins.1875Knight Dict. Mech., Steady-pin i. (Founding.) One of the pins—generally three or four, in one flask—which, by fitting into holes in the lugs of another, enable the two parts to be restored to their original position after the pattern is drawn.1884F. J. Britten Watch & Clockm. 247 Steady Pin,..a pin used to secure the relative positions of two pieces of metal.
1832J. Rennie Consp. Butterfl. & Moths 58 The *Steady Quaker (Orthosia stabilis, Ochsenheimer).
1882Ogilvie, *Steady-rest. Same as Back-rest.1884Knight Dict. Mech. Suppl.
B. adv.
a. In a steady manner, steadily. Chiefly Naut.: see A 5. Also to go steady colloq. (orig. U.S.), to keep regular company (with someone) as a boyfriend or girlfriend.
a1605Montgomerie Misc. Poems xlviii. 151 Steir studdie, mate.1626Capt. Smith Accid. Yng. Seamen 27 Steare study before the wind.1639Fuller Holy War ii. vii. (1647) 52 Learning doth accomplish a Prince, and maketh him sway his sceptre the steadier.1653T. Brugis Vade Mecum (ed. 2) 157 With..your little finger leaning upon the arme, to rest your whole hand the more steddier, gently thrust in your Lancet.1815Scott Guy M. xxxiii, Ay, but I have a notion that I could make you go steady about, and try the old course again.1822Cobbett's Weekly Reg. 9 Mar. 634 The Yankee Captain..stood upon the deck, calling out..‘Steady she goes, my boys!’1905E. Wharton House of Mirth ii. xiii. 493, I thought we were to be married: he'd gone steady with me six months and given me his mother's wedding ring.1923Saucy Stories 1 Mar. 78/1 Puzzled, she asked him, Well, wasn't we... Didn't you go with me steady?1946Coast to Coast 1945 136 Are you going steady with anyone, Billy?1962M. Urquhart Frail on North Circular xii. 70 Noticing a huge, cheap ring on Joan's finger. ‘Where'd you get that?’ ‘It's a going steady ring.’1978F. Weldon Praxis xx. 163 I'm going steady with one of the young doctors.
b. ellipt. Orig. Naut. = ‘steer steady’: cf. steady v. 3. Also in sporting contexts, or gen., or transf. Freq. in colloq. phrases expressing caution, as steady as she goes, steady on (with something), steady there, etc.; steady the Buffs (buff n.2 6), hold on! keep calm! be careful!
1620J. Taylor (Water P.) Praise Hemp-seed (1623) 12 Cleere, cleere the boighrope, stedy, well steer'd, so.1669Sturmy Mariner's Mag. i. ii. 17 The Ship wears bravely, study, she is before it.a1699Temple Mem. 1672–9 Wks. 1770 II. 462 The prince..said..Will the King never learn a word that I shall never forget since my last passage, when..the captain was all night crying out to the man at the helm, Steady, Steady, Steady?’1769Falconer Dict. Marine (1780), Steddy, the command given by the pilot, &c. to the helmsman..to steer the ship according to the line on which she advances at that instant.1825H. Wilson Mem. II. 162 Here the men, forgetful of the caution..began to draw [their swords]. Steady there!! Never a finger or a high to move.1836Marryat Midsh. Easy xix, Steady—port it is—port.—Steer small, for your life, Easy. Steady now.1853C. Brontë Villette I. ix. 168 She was going to bestow on me a kiss..but I said, ‘Steady! Let us be steady, and know what we are about.’1888Kipling Story of Gadsbys 6 I'd like to see Mr Khan being rude to that girl! Hullo! Steady the Buffs!1893Illustr. London News 18 Feb. 222/2 (Advt.), Steady there, Spencer with the milk, Rosebery here has not had a drop yet.1895Manson Sporting Dict., Steady, the order to dogs at work to be cautious.1900G. Swift Somerley 87 Women are jolly ready to stop men when they're going too far,..but, if a man says ‘steady’ to a girl, she thinks she's been insulted.1903G. B. Shaw Man & Superman ii. 70 Here! mister! arf a mo! steady on!1936A. Ransome Pigeon Post xiii. 140 ‘Sorry,’ sobbed Titty. ‘Awfully sorry. I didn't mean to.’.. ‘All right, Titty... All right... Steady on.’1953N. Jacob Morning will Come xiii. 241 He was growing nervous, and kept saying, ‘Steady, Charles, steady the Buffs!’1959J. Verney Friday's Tunnel i. 12 Here, steady on with the sugar, greedy guts.1971Time 30 Aug. 4/2 No changes were contemplated in the Administration's approach. ‘Steady as she goes was the watchword,’ said Shultz.1972J. Wainwright Night is Time to Die 155 Steady the Buffs! (thought Ripley). He's goading you.1976in R. Crossman Diaries II. 307 The ‘steady as she goes’ budget was welcomed by foreign bankers.1976Shooting Times & Country Mag. 18 Nov. 28/2 Opening gates, and holding them open without a hound rushing into the field, at the words ‘steady there!’1979A. Williamson Funeral March for Siegfried xxxiii. 167 ‘She had last year been Andersson's mistress—’ ‘Here, steady on!’ cried Von Wolstenholm..purple with indignation.
c. Comb. as steady-goer; steady-going adj.
1837Dickens Pickw. xviii, Always the vay vith these here old 'uns hows'ever, as is such *steady goers to look at.
1825T. Hook Sayings Ser. ii. Sutherl. I. 4 The *steady-going devotion which he paid to Miss Grace Lazenby.1889‘J. S. Winter’ Mrs. Bob i, Those who do stay are the steady⁓going unambitious ones of the flock.
III. steady, v.|ˈstɛdɪ|
[f. steady a.
OE. had ᵹestędeᵹian (once) to bring to a standstill.]
1. a. trans. To keep from rocking, shaking, tottering, or similar movement.
1530Palsgr. 734/1, I stedye, I sattell, or set faste a thing, je me arreste.1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. L j, And vnder them is the bone of the hele, of the whiche all the fote is stedyed.1745P. Thomas Jrnl. Anson's Voy. 156 They..carried out a Cable and Anchor to steddy the Ship.1791Smeaton Edystone L. §226 These stones being fixed..by a pair of wedges on each side.., and still further steadied by joint wedges at the head of the dovetails.1828–32Webster s.v., Steddy my hand.1850New Monthly Mag. Aug. 420 He..brought him again to the surface, turning him on his back..and steadying the floating body with one hand.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VIII. 26 The chronic drunkard, who takes a glass of spirits to ‘steady the hand’.1901T. J. Alldridge Sherbro xx. 202 So strained do one's muscles become that one's legs shake violently, and it is impossible to steady them.
b. To support upon the feet, to keep from falling.
1848New Monthly Mag. Oct. 159 Steadying her between us,..we handed her along as well as we could to the platform.1851Mrs. Browning Casa Guidi Wind. i. 12 A little child, too, who not long had been By mother's finger steadied on his feet.
refl.1853Mrs. Gaskell Ruth xxiv, They walked apart, he back to the inn,..she to steady herself along till she reached the little path.1914W. W. Jacobs Night Watches 113 Then, steadying herself by the wall, she tottered into the front room.
c. intr. for refl.
1849Froude Nemesis of Faith 163 If he could only have been permitted some few months or years of further silent communing with himself, the reeling rocking body might have steadied into a more constant motion.1876G. M. Hopkins Wreck of Deutschland iv, in Poems (1967) 52, I steady as a water in a well, to a poise, to a pane.1910Encycl. Brit. III. 271/1 The shot may be unsteady for some distance after leaving the muzzle, afterwards steadying down, like a spinning-top.
2. a. trans. To settle (one's mind, thoughts, etc.).
1530Palsgr. 734/1, I love nat this waverynge mynde of yours, I wolde have you stedye your mynde upon somwhat.1866R. W. Dale Disc. Spec. Occas. i. 3 It is hard to steady our thoughts.
b. To bring (troops) to a steady condition.
1901‘Linesman’ Words by Eyewitness viii. 169 The Wakkerstroom commando..stayed the demoralised..men,..and a formidable force was soon steadied on the already prepared position.
c. To make (hounds) steady from hare, etc. (Cf. steady a. 3 c.)
1901Westm. Gaz. 4 Jan. 4/3 The eighteenth century was well advanced before hounds were finally steadied from deer or hare and trained to hunt fox.
3. Naut.
a. To keep (a vessel) to the direct line of her course. Also absol. (From the word of command Steady! See steady adv. b.)
1627Capt. Smith Sea Gram. ix. 37 Steady, that is, to keepe her right vpon that point you steare by.1858Merc. Mar. Mag. V. 82 The Corsair..put her helm to port, and then steadied.1875F. T. Buckland Log-Book 348 The bow of the boat well steadied towards the advancing wave.
b. intr. for refl.
1798Coleridge Anc. Mariner iii. v, She doth not tack from side to side..Withouten wind, withouten tide She steddies with upright keel.
c. to steady the helm: to keep it in the position in which it has been put.
1875Bedford Sailor's Pocket Bk. x. (ed. 2) 354 Steady the helm.
4. To cause to go at a less impetuous pace; to bring to a more regular rate of progress. Also intr. for refl.
1812Sporting Mag. XXXIX. 267 All horses in their career require to be steadied by a pull.1849Cupples Green Hand xvi. (1856) 157 As the tide steadied, this said creek proved to be a smaller river.1861Trollope Orley F. II. x. 75 He turned his horse, and without giving the beast time to steady himself he rammed him at the fence.1892Rider Haggard Nada 210 See! he steadies his pace, he gathers himself together, and now he leaps!
5. To keep (a person) from irregularity of conduct; to make sober in habit. Also intr. for refl., and with down or up.
1848Q. Rev. Sept. 360 He breaks off..from folly;..he steadies down..and lives in usefulness and repute.1861Pycroft Agony Point xviii. I. 283 He was being steadied by increasing responsibilities.1877Chamb. Jrnl. 21 Apr. 241/1 But though his wife was a quiet and respectable young woman, his marriage does not appear to have steadied him.1878Susan Phillips On Seaboard 34 But she steadied when she married Bill.1932E. Waugh Black Mischief iii. 104 When you're convinced he's steadied up a bit, let him have chambers of his own in one of the Inns of Court.1963Times 2 Feb. 5/1 The port's Trawler Officers' Guild asked the owners to co-operate in steadying up the men who go on board from the public houses and take bottles with them on late⁓night sailing.
6. Comm. intr. To become more free from fluctuation; also with up.
1913Times 9 Aug. 19/5 Wheat..after fluctuating narrowly, but with a downward tendency, steadied up slightly near the end.
Hence ˈsteadying vbl. n. (also concr. and attrib.); ˈsteadying, ˈsteadied ppl. adjs.
1736N. Hawksmoor Lond. Bridge 12 For placing the Grand Pier in the Middle of London-Bridge;..I am of Opinion, he did it..To be a Steadying for the whole Machine.1827Faraday Chem. Manip. xix. (1842) 525 Placing a block..at such a distance..that the back of the blow-pipe may bear slightly against it. If these steadying-blocks be formed [etc.].1860H. Stuart Seaman's Catech. 7 See the..steadying lines fast.1862Catal. Internat. Exhib. II. xi. 25 The sling is attached to the scroll or steadying-piece placed behind the guard.1876Hardy Ethelberta xvii. I. 176 My dear mother, you will be necessary as a steadying power— a flywheel, in short, to the concern.1883Manch. Guardian 22 Oct. 5/3 It has worked..with a steadying influence on the balance of political power.1884St. James's Gaz. 10 May 6/2 Look for instance at the gulls..: how those that are going into the picture, battle against the breeze, while those that come out sweep on with steadied wings.1890Gladstone in Morley Life x. iv. (1903) III. 422, I derived from him what I thought very valuable and steadying knowledge.1905Daily News 10 Oct. 2/4 Gold shares displayed some irregularity..but showed finally a more favourable disposition, which produced a steadying effect on markets generally.
IV. steady
see stithy anvil.




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