

单词 steake
释义 I. steak|steɪk|
Forms: 5 steike, steyke, styke, 5–6 steke, 6 steake, 7–8 stake, 7– steak.
[a. ON. steik fem. (Sw. stek, Da. steg), cogn. w. steikja to roast on a spit, stikna to be roasted.]
1. a. A thick slice or strip of meat cut for roasting by grilling or frying, sometimes used in a pie or pudding; esp. a piece cut from the hind quarters of the animal; when used without qualification = beef-steak; also with qualifying word indicating the part from which it is cut, as rump steak, sirloin steak, or specifying how it should be cooked, as stewing steak (meat from a less tender cut: see stewing vbl. n. b).
14..King & Hermit 373 in Hazlitt E.P.P. (1864) I. 27 Fyll this eft, and late us lyke, And between rost us a styke.c1420Two Cookery Bks. 3 To make stekys of venysoun or Beef.1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 12802 Now to ffrye, now steykës make, And many other soteltes.c1450Douce MS. 55 xvij, Take feyre moton of the buttes & kutt it in maner of stekes.1530Palsgr. 275/2 Steke of flesshe, charbonnee.1646Quarles Sheph. Oracles iv. 39 You can convert a dish Of Steakes to Roots.1735Dyche & Pardon Dict., Stake,..a small Slice of Meat to be broiled before or on the Fire, when a Person cannot or will not stay till a regular Joint is boiled or roasted, &c.1747H. Glasse Cookery i. 6 To Broil Steaks... Take fine Rump Steaks about Half an Inch thick [etc.].Ibid., As to Mutton and Pork Steaks, you must keep them turning quick on the Gridiron.Ibid. ii. 16 Cut a Neck of Veal into Steaks.1842Tennyson Will Waterproof 148 How out of place she makes The violet of a legend blow Among the chops and steaks!1848Dickens Dombey iv, Uncle Sol and his nephew were speedily engaged on a fried sole with a prospect of steak to follow.
b. A thick slice (of cod, salmon, halibut, or hake).
1883Standard 30 Nov. 2/2 ‘G. S. C.'s’ Fishmonger charged 10d. per lb. for his best cod steaks.
c. transf. and fig. Now rare or Obs.
1607Middleton Five Gallants iv. v. F 4 b, Bun. You must not thinke to tread ath ground when you come there.—Go. No, how then? Bun. Why vpon paths made of fig-frailes, & white blankets cut out in steakes.1607Phœnix i. v. C 3 b, Is that your Lackey yonder, in the steakes of veluet.a1616Beaum. & Fl. Maid in Mill iv. ii, Bust. Safe? do you hear? take notice what plight you find me in, if there want but a collop or steak o' me, look to't.1641Milton Reform. ii. 44 Their Malvezzi that can cut Tacitus into slivers and steaks.1694Motteux Rabelais v. xvi. 73 With this he lugg'd out his slashing Cutlas..to cut the cousening Varlets into Stakes.
2. Similative uses.
a. sea steak. (See quot.) Obs. [Cf. stick n.]
1798Rep. Herring Fisheries in Rep. Committees Ho. Comm. (1803) X. 215/2 Sea Steaks, which mean Herrings in their first state of being barrelled.
b. two-eyed steak slang: see quot. 1894.
1893Farmer Slang, s.v. Glasgow Magistrate, Two-eye'd steak.1894Daily News 4 Sept. 5/2 Mr. George Augustus Sala writes to say ‘a two-eyed steak’ is a red herring or bloater cut open—otherwise a ‘kippered’ herring.
c. Hamburg steak: a dish composed of flat balls of meat like fillets, made of chopped lean beef, mixed with beaten eggs, chopped onions and seasoning, and fried. Cf. Hamburger 2.
1884Boston Jrnl. 16 Feb. 2/2 We take a chicken and boil it. When it is cold we cut it up as they do meat to make Hamburg steak.1892Encycl. Cookery I. 117/2 Fried Hamburg Steak served with Russian Sauce.1951Good Housek. Home Encycl. 502/2 Hamburg steak, a fried or baked flat cake of freshly minced seasoned steak, very popular in the United States.
3. attrib. and Comb., as steak dinner, steak-meat, steak pie, steak piece, steak pudding, steak sandwich; in names of implements for beating raw steak to make it tender, as steak-beater (Simmonds Dict. Trade 1858), steak-crusher, steak hammer, steak-masher (Knight Dict. Mech. 1875); in names of restaurants or other eating-places serving mainly beefsteak, as steak bar, steak house, steak restaurant; steak and kidney, used attrib. to designate a pie or pudding containing a mixture of beefsteak and kidney; also ellipt.; steak au poivre ( o pwavr), beefsteak flavoured with coarsely crushed peppercorns before cooking; = pepper steak s.v. pepper n. 7; steak broiler (see quot.); steak Diane ( dian), a dish consisting of thin slices of beefsteak fried with seasonings, esp. Worcestershire sauce; steak fish, cod of a size suitable for cutting into steaks; steak knife, (a) a butcher's knife; (b) a serrated table knife; steak tartare, a dish consisting of raw minced beefsteak mixed with egg and seasonings; steak-tongs (see quot. 1858).
1910*Steak and kidney [see say v.1 B. 1 a].1930H. Burke Cookery Bk. 103 Steak and kidney pudding... Put in the beef and kidney (see Steak and Kidney Pie recipe).1960I. Jefferies Dignity & Purity iv. 59 Cobb..spirited us off to a nearby pub for steak and kidney pud.1965L. Sands Something to Hide ix. 154 The sight of the steak-and-kidney glistening succulently between them.1977C. McCullough Thorn Birds ix. 206 The seven of them sat in the small dining room eating steak-and-kidney pie.
1953Beard & Watt Paris Cuisine 132 *Steak au poivre.1976‘F. Clifford’ Drummer in Dark iv. 17 Avocado vinaigrette and steak au poivre... Choosing didn't take long.
1971Guardian 10 June 7/8 Fire damaged a kitchen, restaurant, and *steak bar in..Hull yesterday.
1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, *Steak-broiler, a gridiron which catches the gravy from the steak.
1957Gourmet Cookbk. II. 270 (heading) *Steak Diane.1974W. Garner Big Enough Wreath viii. 103 The waiter [was] serving his steak Diane.
a1964C. Whitney in D. Macarthur Reminiscences viii. 271 We were seated and served a *steak dinner.1979Tuscon (Arizona) Citizen 20 Sept. 8 c/1 About 2,000 steak dinners will be served.
1894Outing (U.S.) XXIII. 404/1 *Steak fish are cod measuring twenty-two inches or more in length.
1934Webster, *Steak hammer.1974Habitat Catal. 8 1/3 Wooden steak hammer with a square toothed head knocks coarser cuts of steak into succulent shape.
1762J. Boswell Jrnl. 15 Dec. (1950) 86, I went into the City to Dolly's *Steak-house in Paternoster Row and swallowed my dinner by myself.1954I. Levin Kiss before Dying iii. v. 178 They went to a steak house on Fifty-second street.1977B. Roueché Fago (1978) ii. iii. 101 There was a steakhouse restaurant across the street.
1895Montgomery Ward Catal. Spring & Summer 447/2 *Steak knives,..12 inch blade... No butcher shop would be without them after a trial.1951Catal. of Exhibits, South Bank Exhib., Festival of Britain 59/2 Steak knife, hollow-ground blade.1959L. Smith One Hour xxv. 321 Even now, I see those steak knives cutting through the meat.1979N. Hynd False Flags v. 43 The barman gave Mason a steak knife. The sandwich arrived.
1901Westm. Gaz. 27 Dec. 2/3 We bought..a pound of beef (it must be *steak meat) for our black eyes.
1723J. Nott Cook's & Confectioner's Dict. sig. Kk2, To make a *Stake-Pye.1791J. Woodforde Diary 8 Aug. (1927) III. 291 We did our best and gave them some Beans and Bacon..Stake Pye and a Codlin Pudding.1930H. Burke Cookery Bk. 103 Steak Pie. Follow the Steak and Kidney Pie recipe, omitting the kidney.1981‘M. Yorke’ Hand of Death xiv. 121 He went home to the steak pie Nancy had prepared.
1844H. Stephens Bk. Farm II. 171 The plan of cutting the line between..the rump and aitch-bone in the hind quarter, lays open the *steak-pieces to better advantage.
1747H. Glasse Cookery vi. 69 A *Stake-Pudding.
1970J. Updike Bech: a Book 199 We..made all those *steak restaurants in the East Fifties light up like seraglios under bombardment.
1941B. Schulberg What makes Sammy Run? v. 85 Sammy had his mouth full of..*steak sandwich?1979J. van de Wetering Maine Massacre ix. 123 Would you like a sandwich? A steak sandwich?
1911A. Filippini Internat. Cook Bk. 676 (heading) *Steaks, Tartare.1958Observer 26 Jan. 5/6 A steak tartare.1969‘M. Underwood’ Shadow Game ii. 22 Peacock was having Steak Tartare{ddd}rather appropriate food for one who dwelt in a ruthless world of sophisticated gangsterism. Raw meat!
1845E. Acton Mod. Cookery (ed. 3) vii. 161 If..it should be necessary, for want of *steak-tongs, to use a fork, it should be passed through the outer skin..of the steak.1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, Steak-tongs, small tongs for turning chops or steaks when broiling on a gridiron.

steak fry n. N. Amer. (a) an outdoor social event at which steaks are cooked (usually on a barbecue) and eaten (cf. fry n.2 Additions); (b) a thickly cut chip (French fry).
1907Boston (Mass.) Daily Globe 29 Sept. 32/4 An open-air *steak fry at noon.1949E. A. Schuler & C. C. Taylor in Rural Life U.S. xi.199 Church and school entertainments, picnics, steak fries, barbecues, local rodeos.1971Manitowoc (Wisconsin) Herald Times 17 May 6 t/2 (advt.) Frozen Big Daddy Steak Fries.1995J. Shreeve Neandertal Enigma (1996) iii. 72, I..waited, pencil in left hand and steak fry in right, for him to proceed.2006Inland Valley (Ontario) (Nexis) 17 June The Mt. Baldy Benefit Steak Fry is a tradition with community members.
II. steak(e
see steek v.1 and v.2




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