

单词 defiance
释义 defiance|dɪˈfaɪəns|
Forms: 4 defye-, 5 defy-, diffi-, diffye-, dyffy-, 5–6 defi-, deffyaunce, 6 diffyans, diffi-, defyance, 5– defiance.
[a. OF. defiance, deff-, desf-, the action of defying = Pr. desfiansa, OSp. desfianza, It. disfidanza:—Romanic *disfidāntia, f. disfidāre, med.L. diffidāre: see defy v.1 and -ance. Mod.F. défiance in sense of ‘distrust’ appears to be influenced by L. diffidentia distrust: see diffidence.]
1. Renunciation of faith, allegiance, or amity; declaration of hostilities. Obs.
c1300K. Alis. 5545 Alisaunder the wryt behelde, And saugh therinne thretyng belde, And defyeaunce, the thrid day.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems 92 (Mätz.) Arbachus..sent to hym, for his mysgovernaunce, Of highe disdayne a ful playne defyaunce.c1500Melusine 350 They lete make a lettre of deffyaunce of whiche the tenour foloweth.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. xxxiv. 48 That who soeuer wolde any hurte to other, shuld make his defyance thre dayes before his dede.1622R. Hawkins Voy. S. Sea (1847) 231 Spaine broke the peace with England..and that by ymbargo, which of all kindes of defiances is most reproved, and of least reputation..the most honourable is with trumpet and herald to proclaime and denounce the warre by publicke defiance.1649Milton Tenure Kings Wks. 238/2 The whole protestant league raised open war against Charles the Fifth..sent him a defiance, renounced all faith and allegiance toward him.
b. at defiance: at enmity or hostility. Obs.
1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1684) III. 574 Cleave unto God, and be at defiance with his enemies the Papists.1598R. Grenewey Tacitus' Ann. iii. vii. (1622) 74 The Prouinces at defiance with vs.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1638) 28 The two kings..live at defiance, and oft times the poore Savages pay deerely for eithers ambition.1705J. Logan in Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem. X. 58, I have been ever since the sending of that letter..at defiance with him.
2. The act of defying or challenging to fight; a challenge or summons to a combat or contest; a challenge to make good or maintain a cause, assertion, etc. cartel of defiance: see cartel and quots.
c1430Lydg. Bochas ii. Prol. (1554) 40 a, Vertue on fortune maketh a defiaunce.1587Mirr. Mag., Brennus xxv, To sound defiaunce, fyre, and sword and fight.1593Shakes. Rich. II, iii. iii. 130 Shall we..send Defiance to the Traytor?1639tr. Camus' Moral Relat. 303 Saluted by a letter of defiance, which marked out the houre and the place where he should come with a second.1755Johnson, Defiance..a challenge to make any impeachment good.1831Brewster Newton (1855) II. xv. 64 He could not dispense with answering..Sir Isaac Newton..who had given him a defiance in express terms.1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) II. ix. 372 To the king, the pope's conduct appeared a defiance; and as a defiance he accepted it.
3. The act of setting at nought; open or daring resistance offered to authority or any opposing force.
1710Steele Tatler No. 98 ⁋3 Remarkable for that Piece of good Breeding peculiar to natural Britons, to wit Defiance.a1714Sharp Wks. VI. Dis. viii. (R.), This open and scandalous violation and defiance of his most sacred fundamental laws.1883Froude Short Stud. IV. i. ix. 105 The open disobedience of the order..could be construed only as defiance.
4. Phr.
a. to bid defiance to: to defy, declare hostility to; to brave, set at nought; so to set at defiance.
1621Burton Anat. Mel. ii. iii. iii. (1676) 210 He set her [Fortune] at defiance ever after.1667Decay Chr. Piety (J.), The Novatian heresy..bade such express defiance to apostacy.1757Centinel No. 34 The fire of youth..when agitated by any violent passion..sets everything at defiance.1794Sullivan View Nat. II, The Alps. See how scornfully they look down upon you, and bid defiance to the elements.1842Miss Mitford in L'Estrange Life III. ix. 144 They might have set the Tories at defiance.
b. in defiance of: with daring disregard of; setting at nought.
1750Johnson Rambler No. 75 ⁋15 He carries me the first dish, in defiance of the frowns and whispers of the table.1816Keatinge Trav. (1817) I. 15 Clung to..in defiance of reason and sensation.1874Green Short Hist. iv. §5. 202 Gaveston..was beheaded in defiance of the terms of his capitulation.
5. Declaration of aversion or contempt; rejection. Obs. rare—1.
1603Shakes. Meas. for M. iii. i. 143 Such a warped slip of wildernesse Nere issu'd from his blood. Take my defiance, Die, perish.
6. Distrust. Obs. rare—1. [= mod.F. défiance.]
1662Pepys Diary 6 Jan., Major Holmes..I perceive, would fain get to be free and friends with my wife; but I shall prevent it, and she herself hath a defyance against him.




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