

单词 stir
释义 I. stir, n.1|stɜː(r)|
Forms: see stir v.
[f. the verb. ONorthumbrian had ᵹestir (only once, glossing actio in Rit. Dunelm. 187). The cognate ON. styr-r masc. (see stir v.) may possibly be in part the source of the Sc. and northern uses, which (in the β forms) are recorded from the 14th c.]
The action or an act of stirring, in various senses.
1. Movement, considered in contrast to or as an interruption of rest or stillness; slight or momentary movement; movement of disturbance, agitation. ( In quot. 1589, motion in general.) on the stir (rare): astir, stirring.
α1562J. Heywood Prov. & Epigr. (1867) 100 At stur of euery mouse.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie ii. iii. (Arb.) 81 Some [words] aske longer, some shorter time to be vttered in, and so, by the Philosophers definition, stirre is the true measure of time.1660Sharrock Vegetables 92 Heterogeneous things, upon their meeting, ordinarily cause that stir which is thought..to have great influence upon vegetation.1803Southey Inchcape Rock 1 No stir in the air, no stir in the sea.1805Wordsw. Waggoner i. 22 Hush, there is some one on the stir! 'Tis Benjamin the Waggoner.a1821Keats Hyperion i. 7 No stir of air was there.1845Browning Time's Revenges 58 The stir Of shadow round her mouth.1885Stevenson Child's Gard. Verses 14 Not a stir of child or mouse.1898‘H. S. Merriman’ Roden's Corner iii. 32 Presently there was a stir at the door, and Cornish entered the large room.
βc1470[see 4].c1480Henryson Mor. Fab., Fox, Wolf & Cadger 116, I trow ȝe haif bene tussillit with sum tyke, That garris ȝow ly sa still withouttin steir.
2. Active or energetic movement of a number of persons (or animals); bustle, activity. (In some cases hardly distinguishable from 3.)
c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. i.xxxviii. iii, As one who free from strife, And sturr of mortall life Among the dead at rest doth sitt.1634Milton Comus 5 Above the smoak and stirr of this dim spot, Which men call Earth.1712–13Swift Jrnl. to Stella 21 Mar., Company will come, and a stir, and a clutter.1784Cowper Task iii. 739 The stir of commerce.1836Thirlwall Greece xxv. III. 375 The stir of preparation immediately began.1863Geo. Eliot Romola x, By this time the stir of the Festa was felt even in the narrowest side-streets.
3. Commotion, disturbance, tumult; general excitement; fuss. Now usually with a; the plural, now rare, was formerly common, esp. in the sense ‘publick disturbance, tumultuous disorder’ (J.), riot, insurrection. Phrase, to keep a stir.
α sing.a1547Surrey æneis iv. (1557) G ij, Her sister Anne, spritelesse for dread to heare This fearefull sturre, with nailes gan teare her face.1549in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. i. II. 168 If you forsake to come to this..peaxable agrement,..the inconveniences which may ensue upon stirre must grow of yow.a1557M. Basset tr. More's Treat. Passion M.'s Wks. 1390/1 Sundry matters as in such a sodain styrre very sore perplexed theim.1579J. Field tr. Calvin's 4 Serm. i. 8 But what a blundering and stirre keepe they heere?1629Hobbes Thucyd. ii. 112 Being then at their wits end, they kept a stirre at Pericles.1655Baxter Quaker's Catech. 19 Your Prater also made a stirre with me for calling the sacred Languages the Originall.1671Trenchfield Cap Gray Hairs (1688) 17 There are many things we make no small stir about.1732Berkeley Minute Philos. (1732) I. 56 Glaucus, who used to say, that Statesmen and Lawgivers may keep a stir about right and wrong, just and unjust, but that, in truth [etc.].1782Cowper Mut. Forb. 21 For one slight trespass all this stir?1802Wordsw. To Small Celandine 15 I'm as great as they, I trow, Since the day I found thee out, Little Flower!—I'll make a stir, Like a sage astronomer.1847James Convict xiv, The Chartists are making a great stir about here just now.1885‘Mrs. Alexander’ At Bay viii, He always came to the front when there was any stir in the Lambert affair.
pl.1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 86 The Leauetenaunt asked hym what al these sturres and tumultes ment.1575–85Sandys Serm. v. 85 His Apostles are not breeders of stirs and mutinies, they are messengers sent to make peace.1650S. Clarke Eccl. Hist. i. (1654) 26 They never intended any stirs or rebellions against the Empire.1680Morden Geog. Rect., Modena 209 Great Stirs between the Popes and the old Dukes of Ferrara.1847E. Brontë Wuthering Heights iv, He complained so seldom, indeed, of such stirs as these, that I really thought him not vindictive.1876Freeman Norm. Conq. IV. xx. 531 The stirs [ed. 1871 commotions] which were soon to arise on the side of Maine, Anjou, and Brittany.1896Crockett Grey Man xl. 268 Thrusting myself into all the stirs and quarrels.
β1375,a1568[see 4].c1400Destr. Troy 7398 The stere was full stithe; þere starf mony knightes.1570Sat. Poems Reform. x. 196 Brother, allace, had ȝe bene heir, I had not cum in all this sturt and steir.1728Ramsay Step-daughter 8 My Step-dame..keeps the hale House in a steer.1873C. Gibbon Lack of Gold vi, Annie's grandmother, a bairn then, was in the thick of the steer.1912R. M. Fergusson Ochil Fairy T. 45 A terrible steer got up among the ponies, that began jumping about like mad beasts.
4. on steer (cf. senses 1–3): astir, in motion; in a state of commotion or tumult. Sc. Obs. (see asteer adv.)
1375Barbour Bruce vii. 344 Swa that the host wes all on steir.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xi. (Simon & J.) 343 Nere al þe land of babylone one stere mad þai.c1470Rauf Coilȝear 411 He saw na thing on steir.a1568A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) ii. 112 Syne eftir denner raiss the din, And all the toun on steir.
5. fig. Movement of feeling or thought; emotion; impulse; intellectual activity.
1563J. Man tr. Musculus' Commpl. 438 b, Thys sayeth Lactance. By whyche wordes he dothe not take from God the commotion and sturre of anger, but that onelye whyche is ioyned with fault.1611Shakes. Cymb. i. iii. 12 He did keepe The Decke, with Gloue, or Hat, or Handkerchife, Still wauing, as the fits and stirres of 's mind Could best expresse how slow his Soule sayl'd on.1820Keats Isabella i, They could not in the self-same mansion dwell Without some stir of heart.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. iii. I. 409 In this, as in every great stir of the human mind.1878Spurgeon Treas. Dav. Ps. cxiv. 4 God's power of creating a stir in lethargic minds.1899Bridges New Poems viii. (1912) 339 Fair Thy dreams..Yea, godlike when thou hast the skill To steal a stir of the heavenly thrill.
6. An act of stirring something, e.g. a liquid, etc.; a poke, jog; fig. a rousing.
1818Cobbett Pol. Reg. XXXIII. 71 Public opinion had received a great stir.1857Hughes Tom Brown ii. viii, ‘Eh, Arthur?’ said Tom, giving him a stir with his foot.1904Daily News 2 Dec. 6 Each of the family took a stir... A Christmas pudding required much stirring.
II. stir, n.2 Sc.
Vulgar corruption of sir.
1784Burns ‘There was a birkie born in Kyle’ vi, Guid faith, quo' she, I doubt you, Stir.1816Scott Old Mort. viii, Troth, stir,..neshessity, stir—I'm seeking for service, stir.
III. stir, n.3 slang.|stɜː(r)|
[Origin unknown.]
1. A prison. Also without article, esp. in phr. in stir.
1851Mayhew Lond. Labour I. 421 I was in Brummagem, and was seven days in the new ‘stir’ (prison).1896A. Morrison Child Jago 313 A man has time to think things out, in stir.1907Times 2 July 15/3 The prisoner..said, ‘It is all right. I'll go to stir (prison) over this lot. I did not intend to kill her.’1926[see jolt n. 4 b].1939J. Steinbeck Grapes of Wrath ii. 19 When you been in stir a little while, you can smell a question comin' from hell to breakfast.1970G. F. Newman Sir, You Bastard ii. 79 Tasting stir, Goldby suddenly realized he was the wrong side of thirty for acquiring the habit.1977‘E. Crispin’ Glimpses of Moon xii. 250 You get better conditions than that in stir.
2. Comb. (Designating) a person deranged, etc., by long imprisonment, esp. as stir-crazy. Also fig. Criminals' slang (chiefly U.S.).
1908J. M. Sullivan Criminal Slang 24 Stir crazy, prison crazy, a man whose mind has become affected by serving long sentences.1924G. C. Henderson Keys to Crookdom 419 Stir bugs, prison crazy.1925Flynn's 18 Apr. 116/2 Stir-bug, one whose mentality has been broken by confinement in prison.1926Clues Nov. 162/2 Stir-simple, been in so long they are losing their mind.1929M. A. Gill Underworld Slang 10/2 Stir nut, convict effected [sic] by long confinement.Ibid., Stir simple, convict effected by long confinement.1932‘Spindrift’ Yankee Slang 60 Stir crazy, nervous dread of free convicts who have served a long term and fear to return to prison.1935N. Ersine Underworld & Prison Slang 72 Stirnuts, mentally hazy because of long imprisonment.1939J. Steinbeck Grapes of Wrath iv. 36, I wonder what the stir-bug I got for a cell-mate is doin'.Ibid. xvi. 241 Maybe I'm kinda stir-nuts.Ibid. xx. 342 If say a fella's goin' stir-bugs..why, you know it 'fore it happens.1950H. E. Goldin Dict. Amer. Underworld Lingo 212/2, I must be gettin' stir-bugs or blowing my top (going insane) altogether.1950Patterson & Conrad Scottsboro Boy ii. vii. 133 Howard was stir-crazy. He would go around the prison saying to anybody about anybody, ‘I kill the sonofabitch, I sure kill the sonofabitch.’1956P. I. Wellman Death on Prairie xxiv. 225 The latter came back after two years in prison with his mind gone— ‘stir simple’ to use a modern slang phrase.1960Washington Post 29 Jan. a14 A Democratic President would go ‘stir crazy’ without a depression or war to occupy his time.1972J. Wambaugh Blue Knight v. 74 She's..an ex-con and stir crazy as hell... She's got a phobia about jails.
IV. stir, v.|stɜː(r)|
Inflected stirred, stirring. Forms: α. 1 styrian, 2–4 sturie (4 styry), 3–5 sture, 3–8 stire, 4–6 styrre, 4–7 stirre, 5–6 sterre, 4–8 styre, 5–6 styr, 5–7 stur(re, 6–7 stirr, 4– stir. β. 3–7 stere, 4 steore, 4–5 steri(e, Sc. steyr(e, 4–6 ster, (4 inf. stern), 4–7 Sc. steir, 5 stear, steure, 5–6 stier(e, (Sc. steire), 5–9 (chiefly Sc. and north.) steer, 6 steere, 6–7 steare. γ. 3 storie, 5 storre, 5–6 store, 6 stoure, stowre, stoore.
[OE. styrian corresponds to MSw. styra or styria (once; the reading is doubtful), Norw. styrja to make a disturbance (? Da. for-styrre to disturb, influenced by G. verstören):—OTeut. type *sturjan, related to *sturi-z masc., a stir, disturbance (ON. styr-r, Norw. styr); the same Teut. root, according to some scholars, appears in *sturmo-z storm n. An ablaut-variant *staurjan is believed to be represented in OFris. to-stêra, OS. to-stôrian to destroy (MDu., mod.Du. storen to disturb), OHG. stôrren, stôran (MHG. stœren, LG., mod.G. stören to disturb, whence Sw. störa).
For the phonology of the β forms (chiefly northern), cf. speer v., where the northern form is the only one common in literary use, and is therefore adopted as the typical form in the Dictionary.]
I. Transitive senses.
1. To move, set in motion; esp. to give a slight or tremulous movement to; to move to and fro; to shake, agitate.
αa1023Wulfstan Hom. xlix. (1883) 255 Ic mine hearpan ᵹenam and mine strengas styrian ongan.c1220Bestiary 520 Storm stireð al ðe se.a1400King & Hermit 477 The frere gaff hym a bow in hond... He myȝt oneth styre þe streng.c1440Jacob's Well 6 Þe watyr in þe se is styred wyth þe wynde.1536Stories & Proph. Scripture M j, The earthe hath bene styrred and hath quaked.1651Hobbes Leviath. i. ii. 4 When a thing lies still, unlesse somewhat els stirre it, it will lye still for ever.1817Shelley Rev. Islam iii. xxx, The shrill sea-wind, whose breath idly stirred My hair.1847James Convict iv, A brisk gale stirring the air.1887F. Francis Jun. Saddle & Mocassin 123 ‘Get up, or I'll beat the stuffing out of you!’ he says mildly, stirring the reins at the same time.
βc1384Chaucer H. Fame 817 Euerych ayre other stereth More and more and speche vpbereth.c1530Judic. Urines ii. viii. 34 Whan..the humours be moche Agitat and moued and stered in the vessels.1567Golding Ovid's Met. v. 431 Calliope..with hir thumbe gan steare The quiuering strings.1615Chapman Odyss. xxi. 324 He warm'd and suppl'd it, yet could not stere To any draught, the string [of the bow], with all his Art.
b. To move (a limb or member); chiefly, now almost always, in negative or similar expressions: to make any or the slightest movement with.
to stir one's stumps: see stump n. to stir one's tail (Sc. obs.), to bestir oneself, make a disturbance.
αc1205Lay. 17434 He..sturede his tunge alse he bede sunge.a1225Ancr. R. 130 Ase brid hwon hit wule vleon stureð his hwingen.1388Wyclif Ps. xxi[i]. 8 Alle men seynge me scorneden me; thei..stiriden the heed.c1440Alphabet of Tales 96 He garte bynd hym þer so with rapis, þat he myght nowder stur hand nor fute.1567Palfreyman Baldwin's Mor. Philos. i. li. (1600) 31 b, Socrates..vsed sometime through vehemencie of his communication to shake his hand, and stirre his finger.1590Spenser F.Q. iii. vii. 45 Unable to arise, or foote or hand to styre.1676C. Hatton in H. Corr. (Camden) I. 134 They..soe bruised his arme yt he wase never able to stirr it after.1712Addison Spect. No. 369 ⁋9 The Gods..do not stir their Feet, nor proceed Step by Step.1823Scott Quentin D. xx, ‘I will not stir a foot’, said the Countess, obstinately.1825Talism. iii, Thy companion had been slain by thy side,..without thy stirring a finger in his aid.1887J. Payn Holiday Tasks 65 Sometimes he would sign anything in the most obliging manner, and sometimes refuse to stir a finger.
β1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xvii. 54 He myȝte neither steppe ne stonde ne stere fote ne handes.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 116 He þat..with spekyng sterys his hondes, he ys fowl, eloquent, and deceyuant.a1572Knox Hist. Ref. iv. Wks. 1848 II. 331 Hir Uncles war begyning to steir thair taill [v.r. taills], and to truble the hoill Realme of France.a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 412 Auchtorite nor power spreitwall..micht nocht that tyme prevaill quhan Dame Curia began to steir hir taill.1609Skene Reg. Maj., Baron Crts. xv. 104 b, The quhilk partie, sall say, in this maner incontinent, fra the dome be given or he steir his taes, quhere his heill stude.
c. To move about (something held in or grasped by the hand); to wield (a weapon); to brandish, flourish; to actuate, manage, ply (an instrument or mechanical appliance). Obs.
c1205Lay. 2197 Heo stureden heora wepnan.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 331 Now has Arthure his axe, & þe halme grypez, & sturnely sturez hit aboute.1575Gascoigne Glasse of Govt. Wks. 1910 II. 43 To stir an ore, in every forward boate.1603J. Davies (Heref.) Microcosmos 145 He..left a Sonne..Who being yong, could not yet stirre the sterne.1607Earl Stirling Jul. Cæsar ii. i. S 1, Th' insolent..Stirre now their tongues, as we did then our swords.
d. To send forth, utter, cause to be heard (a voice or sound); also, to make (a gesture). Obs.
a1000Boeth. Metr. xiii. 49 Þonne hi ᵹeherað hleoðrum bræᵹdan oðre fuᵹelas, hi heora aᵹne stefne styriað.a1300Cursor M. 24101 Mi steuen þat i was wont to stere, Vn⁓nethes moght i self it here.c1614Sir W. Mure Dido & æneas ii. 529 So still he stands, nor voyce nor gesture steirs.
e. To cause to move along or away; to drive, convey, impel; also fig. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 29546 Cursing..steres his cristendame fro, and liuers him to þe find his foo.c1400Destr. Troy 3709 A shippe, Þat was stird with the storme streght out of warde.c1410Sir Cleges 150 Sche hym comforttyd..Hys sorowe away to stere.1575Churchyard Chippes 93 b, Your dealyngs rash, and wretched reuels rued With sticks did stoer, from hiue the quiet Bees.
f. To move (something) from its place; to shift, displace. Chiefly (now always) with negative or its equivalent (implying ineffectual effort): (to be unable) to move or shift in the slightest degree. ? Now rare or Obs.
αa1000Boeth. Metr. vii. 25 Swa bioð anra ᵹehwæs monna modsefan miclum aweᵹede, of hiora stede styrede.c1205Lay. 17403 Ȝif ȝe hine [sc. a stone] maȝen sturien.c1330Arth. & Merl. 2832 King Nanters..No miȝt it [sc. the sword] drawe out of þe ston, Ne no gentil man of priis No miȝt it ones stiren.c1450Mirk's Festial 274 He layde hond to Martyns body,..but he myght not sture hit by no craft þat he cowthe.a1628Preston Breastpl. Faith (1630) 57 If you take other metall than Iron, the Load-stone will not stirre it.1693Moxon Mech. Exerc. (1703) 283 Take away the Centre Rule, but stir not the Wainscot.1719De Foe Crusoe i. (Globe) 123 A great Block of hard Wood..as big as I had Strength to stir.1759Franklin Ess. Wks. 1840 III. 110 Laying heavy burdens on men's shoulders, which they themselves would not stir with a single finger.
βa1300Cursor M. 16568 Þeþen moght þai for na might it stere a fote o strete.1382Wyclif Wisd. iv. 19 He shal..stern hem [Vulg. commovebit; 1388 moue hem] fro the foundemens.c1470Henry Wallace v. 425 The Gask hall standand..With out harme, nocht sterd off it a stane.1557T. Phaer æneid v. (1558) N j b, Your prises certayn ben, shall no man them from order stere.
g. To rouse or disturb with a push.
1590Spenser F.Q. ii. v. 2 His steed..fomed yre, When with the maistring spur he did him roughly stire.a1722Lisle Husb. (1757) 323 The rams would keep moving and stirring the ewes all night in the fold.1891Kipling Light that Failed ix. (1900) 165 Binkie turned over on his back on the hearth-rug, and Dick stirred him with a meditative foot.
2. refl. To move oneself or one's limbs; to move or walk about; to take bodily exercise; to move from one's place. (Rarely of inanimate things.) Now rare or Obs.; replaced by the intransitive use (11, 12).
c888ælfred Boeth. xxxv. §7 Þa stanas hi styredon for þy sweᵹe.c1000Sax. Leechd. I. 316 He sceal gan & hyne styrian.13..Cursor M. 5138 (Gött.) He miht noght stir him of þat sted.1470–85Malory Arthur viii. viii. 284 He myȝt not..vnnethe stere hym of his lymmes.1561Hollybush Hom. Apoth. 44 b, Let him walke and steare himself without ceasynge.1704Fuller Med. Gymn. (1711) 21 The more a Man stirs himself, the more Animal Spirits are made in the Brain.1871B. Taylor Faust (1875) II. ii. iii. 114 Stir yourselves, ye whispering rushes.
3. To agitate with the hand or an implement so as to alter the relative position of the parts of:
a. a liquid, or a soft or semi-liquid mass; esp. to agitate with a more or less circular continuous movement, as with a spoon, so as to mix the particles or promote solution of solid matter; also (rarely) to ‘trouble’, render turbid. Also with adv., as about, round.
αc1000Sax. Leechd. II. 76 Styre mid sticcan.a1300Cursor M. 8937 Ilk dai..Þar lighted dun.. Angels,..For to stir þe stang.c1440Pallad. on Husb. xii. 588 Let stire hit wel and aysel mynge into.1523–34Fitzherb. Husb. §44 Put all in-to the sayde panne, and styrre it aboute.1561tr. Calvin's 4 Serm. Idol. i. C j, But what nede we herin to stirre the truth, as yf we shuld bloundre and trouble a water that is pure and clear.1579Gosson Sch. Abuse (Arb.) 21 Amplyfying that which the more it is stirred, the more it stinkes.1640T. Brugis Marrow of Physicke ii. 151 Set them off the fire, and with the backe of a Spoone, stirre them.1769Mrs. Raffald Engl. Housekpr. (1778) 205 Boil it and keep stirring it all the while.1802Wordsw. Resol. & Indep. xii, He the pond Stirred with his staff, and fixedly did look Upon the muddy water.1905R. Bagot Passport xxi. 212 Idly stirring her little cup of black coffee.1915‘F. Anstey’ Percy 121 To be home in time to stir our Christmas pudding.
β1375in Horstmann Altengl. Leg. (1878) 138/1 God sente eche day an angel..And to þat tre he wente..Þe water þanne sterede ful son.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 85 Lat þe sethinge be steryd and strenyd to it bycome cleer.1535Coverdale Ezek. xxxii. 12 The catell..shal come no⁓more vpon the waters: so that nether mans fote ner beastes clawe, shal stere them eny more.1787Burns Holy Fair xx, Sit round the table,..An' steer about the toddy.1878‘Saxon’ Gallov. Gossip 222 He had yin Micht a served for a spurtel for steerin his brose.
(b) To mix (in, together, etc.) by stirring.
c1420Liber Cocorum (1862) 30 Do wyne þerto and venegur gode, Sture hom wele togeder.1599A. M. Gabelhouer's Bk. Physic 180/1 Take..whyt leade, & stirr it therin.Ibid. 183/1 Then stirr them al together, & let it stand.c1770H. Glasse Compl. Confectioner 17 Stir in the sugar by degrees.1827Faraday Chem. Manip. vi. (1842) 174 More water should then be added, and the whole stirred together.1915‘F. Anstey’ Percy 124 The tokens were bound to turn up, as I had stirred them well into the pudding with my own hand.
(c) absol.
1712Motteux 2nd Pt. Quix. xii. (1749) III. 91 The more ye stir, the more 'twill stink.1806A. Hunter Culina (ed. 3) 24 Taking care to stir, or shake, only one way.1853Lytton My Novel (Hoppe), The more you stir in it the more it stinks.
b. a collection of solid bodies or particles; esp. to poke (burning coals, a fire) so as to promote combustion. to stir coals (fig.): see coal n. 11.
αc1250Gen. & Ex. 3580 He..dede ðat calf melten in fir, And stired it al to dust sir.c1386Chaucer Can. Yeom. Prol. & T. 725 He stired the coles.c1532G. Du Wes Introd. Fr. in Palsgr. 956 To styrre the fire, tiser.1765Museum Rust. IV. 467 The [flax] seed..must be stirred every two or three days.1888‘J. S. Winter’ Bootle's Childr. ii, Seizing the poker and stirring the fire vigorously.
β1557T. Phaer æneid v. (1558) O iij, He steres the sleping brandes, And Troian sacred fyer.a1794Donocht-Head 21 in Burns' Wks. (1809) IV. 176 I'll steer my fire, I'll make it bleeze a bonnie flame.1806R. Jamieson Pop. Ballads I. 348 He steer'd the ingle, and dichtit his beik.
c. soil or earth, as with an agricultural implement; spec. to plough across the furrows made by a former ploughing.
α1483Cath. Angl. 365/1 To Styr lande, barectare.1523–34Fitzherb. Husb. §141 He wolde haue his landes plowed, donged, sturred, or sowen.1686tr. Chardin's Trav. Persia 125 The Earth had been stirr'd.1731–33Tull Horse-Hoeing Husb. xx. 291 This Sort of Land must not be stirred, i.e. plowed the second time in wet Weather.1842Loudon Suburban Hort. 127 There is no mode of stirring the soil, whether by picks, forks, or hoes, which may not be performed with this implement [spade].
β1523–34Fitzherb. Husb. §16 The rayne shall beate the lande so flat, and bake it so hard to-gyther, that if a drye Maye come, it wyll be to harde to stere in the moneth of June.1843Hardy in Proc. Berw. Nat. Club II. No. 11. 63 The ground for the barley crop..required to be twice..ploughed; once in the back end, and again in spring,—the latter process being termed ‘steering the barley seed.’
4. fig. To move from a fixed or quiet condition; to disturb, trouble, molest; to put into tumult or confusion, to upset. Obs. exc. dial., or as merged in other senses.
αc950Lindisf. Gosp. Mark v. 35 Huætd lengc styres ðu [Vulg. vexas] ðone laruu?1154O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1140, Þa was al Engle land styred mar þan ær wæs.a1225Ancr. R. 268 Þu nouhst nout sturien ne trublen þine heorte.a1340Hampole Psalter xii. 5 If þai stire vs fra stabilnes of thoght.c1400Laud Troy Bk. 4868 That the Gregeis vs not sterre, To take oure toun with arte and scleght.1599B. Jonson Ev. Man out of Hum. Prol. 83, I will not stirre your patience.1602Chettle Hoffman i. (1631) B 2, Sweare..to ayd assist me, not to stirre Or contradict me in any enterprise.c1620Hist. Feuds & Confl. Clans (1818) 31 Angus Macconald,..did not stir the pledges [hostages], who were innocent of what was done unto his lands in his absence.1634Milton Comus 371, I do not think my sister..so unprincipl'd..As that the single want of light and noise..Could stir the constant mood of her calm thoughts.
βc1374Chaucer Troylus i. 228 (Harl. 1239) He..wende nothyng had hade suche myght A-ȝen his wille that schulde his hert stere.c1394P. Pl. Crede 829 Studye þou nouȝt þeron ne stere þi wittes.1456Sir G. Haye Gov. Princis (S.T.S.) II. 82 He that all steris and misgovernis.c1480Henryson Mor. Fab., Trial Fox 922 My micht is merciabill, And steiris nane that ar to me prostrait.c1550Bale K. Johan (Camden) 33, I pray the,..my pacyens no more stere.1786Burns Twa Dogs 187 Nae cauld nor hunger e'er can steer them.1816Scott Old Mort. xlii, Nane durst steer me when he was in power.
5. To rouse from rest or inaction; to excite to movement or activity.
c1200Ormin 5845 Þurrh þatt te faderr gaþ þærto & stireþþ itt & waccneþþ.c1550Battle of Otterburn iii. in Child Ballads III. 295/1 Vpon Grene Lynton they lyghted dowyn, Styrande many a stage.1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. i. i. 182 Nay, then tis time to stirre him fro his trance.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts 585 The Leopard when he was stirred ranne too and fro distracted.1816Scott Antiq. xxxvi, He's steered the town to get awa an express to fetch his carriage.1829Anne of G. xxvi, Follow forth your own..objects, without stirring a nest of hornets.
b. To excite to activity, to stimulate (a bodily function, ‘humour’, etc.): also with the person as obj. Obs.
c1000[see stirring ppl. a. 3 a].c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 73 Somer tyme ys hoot and drye, and þanne þe rede colere ys steryd.c1491Chast. Goddes Chyld. 20 The wycked humours ben styred and make the stomocke replete.1609[see stirring ppl. a. 3 a].1686tr. Chardin's Trav. Persia 235 The Remedy..that kills in one Country, does but only stir a Man in another.
c. to stir one's time: to make vigorous use of one's opportunity. Sc. Obs.
a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) II. 30 Seing this devissioun amangis the nobilietie of Scotland, they steirit thair tyme and wssit thair weiris the mair scharpelie.1591R. Bruce Serm. Edin. S 7 b, His enemies were aloft, sturring their time, rageing in murther, oppression and bloode.
6. refl. To bestir oneself; to be active; to act briskly or energetically; in early use often, to fight valiantly. Obs. (replaced by bestir; see also 14).
αc1205Lay. 10195 Heo ferde forð rihtes..& stureden heom seoluen.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 3663 Þe king adde er among þe scottes ystured him uol wel.a1320Sir Tristr. 1082 He stird him as a kniȝt.1573Tusser Husb. (1878) 139 Good husbandrie lusteth himselfe for to stur.
βa1300Cursor M. 23757 If we stitli all wil vs ster, crist help sal be us ner.c1400Gamelyn 515 Stere the, good Adam, and lat ther noon flee.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 64 [He] sa stoutly sterit him amang thame..that thare durst nane cum on him allane.1470–85Malory Arthur xviii. xvii. 755 When he was vpon his hors he stered hym fyersly.
γa1225St. Marher. 14 Hwen..he letten me nawt, ne ne storið hamseolf,..ich leade ham..iþe ladliche lake of þe suti sunne.c1275Lay. 15254 Hahtliche ȝou storieþ.
b. To begin to act; to busy oneself to do something: = 14 b. rare.
a1225Ancr. R. 306 He ne der, uor fearlac, sturien him touward sunne.c1425Engl. Conq. Irel. (1896) 86 None Iresshe-man ne durst hym styrre, wer to begynne.1870Burton Hist. Scot. lv. V. 341 The..French ambassador..stirred himself not only to keep this project alive, but to bring it to a practical conclusion.
7. To move to action, urge, incite, instigate, stimulate. Also formerly in weaker or more general sense: To prompt, induce, persuade.
αc897ælfred Gregory's Past. C. 175 S[u]a sceal æᵹhwelc lareow to anre lufan..mid mislicum manungum his hieremonna mod styriᵹean.a1225Ancr. R. 130 Þe hwingen þet bereð ham upward, þet beoð gode þeauwes þet heo moten sturien into gode werkes.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. Prol. 154 Som thyng..Þat myght styrre þam to gude lyfyng.Ibid. 157 To knaw þat, myght þam stir and lede Til mekenes.1388Wyclif Deut. xxxii. 11 As an egle stirynge his briddis to fle [Vulg. provocans ad volandum pullos suos].1474Caxton Chesse iii. v. (1883) 122 To take away all the thynges that miht styre or meue his men to lecherye.1553T. Wilson Rhet. 8 b, The onely namyng of theim, will stirre honest hartes, to speake well of them.1595Shakes. John ii. i. 63 An Ate, stirring him to bloud and strife.1781Cowper Charity 118 He..Imports what others have invented well, And stirs his own to match them, or excel.1821Scott Kenilw. xii, Can ye not stir his mind to any pastimes?1858Froude Hist. Eng. III. xiii. 163 The untruth of the stories by which they had been stirred to rebellion.1893Traill Soc. Eng. Introd. p. xxxii, The Revival of Letters stirred the human mind into more vigorous activity.
β1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 5186 Hyt steryþ a man hym self to slo.138.Wyclif Sel. Wks. I. 149 Who ever stere men to yvel lyfe.c1440J. Capgrave Life St. Kath. v. 1679 Men wil wene that thou be ny wood To sle th[is] puple..And lete me scape whiche stered hem alle.c1470in Som. & Dorset N. & Q. (1905) Sept. 303 [He] provokid and stered his saide Dogge to renne uppon youre saide Bysecher.1513Douglas æneis vi. i. 102 To ask ansueris Now is the tyme; lo, lo, the God me steris!1549Coverdale etc. Erasm. Par. 1 Pet. i. 3–9 Being prouoked by no merites of ours but stiered frely of his owne mercye.1657in Burton's Diary (1828) I. 415, I hope, that neither the humour of..unwise people, nor yet..[etc.] shall steer me to give other than such an answer as may be ingenuous and thankful.
b. To urge with a view to persuasion, try to persuade, exhort, entreat. Obs.
αc1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 41, I conseile, amoneste, and stire my freris.c1449Pecock Repr. ii. vi. 17 Peter stireth tho same men for to haue pacience.1534Ld. Berners Golden Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) P viii, This younge manne,..was importunately stirred by his naturall friendes.1560Ingelend Disob. Child H j, You hearde that by Sentences auncient and olde He styred his Sonne as he best thought.
β1387–8T. Usk Test. Love i. viii. (Skeat) 1 Eft gan Love to sterne [read steren] me with these wordes.c1440Gesta Rom. xlii. 127 (Add. MS.) A man..sterid his sone to gete hym frendes.1544S. Fish Supplic. Hen. VIII, 24 The Holy Ghoste, which moueth & steareth vs euer to mortefye the fleshe.
8. To excite to feeling, emotion, or passion; to ‘move’, affect.
αa1225Ancr. R. 296 O sihð þet tu isihst, oðer on elpi word þet tu mis-iherest ȝif hit out stureð þe, cwench hit mid teares of watere.c1380Sir Ferumb. 2795 Alas! loue, wo dost þou me, þov sturest al my blod.1382Wyclif Matt. xxi. 10 Whan he had entrid in to Jerusalem, al the cite was stirid, seyinge, who is this?1382Luke xv. 20 Whanne he was ȝit fer, his fader syȝ him, and he was stirid [1388 stirrid] by mercy.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xiii. 58 A wikked man..kest a brynnand fyrebrand at oure Lord for to stirre him til ire.1553T. Wilson Rhet. 92 b, Anye one that myndeth by hys vtteraunce to stirre the hartes of menne.1630R. N. Camden's Eliz. i. 21 The Bishop of Rome..being now more stirred, commanded Sir Edward Carne..to lay down his Office of Embassadour.1799Wordsw. Fountain 30 My eyes are dim with childish tears, My heart is idly stirred.1865Trollope Belton Est. ix. 99 Words..that really stir the soul, and bring true comfort to the listener.1889Jessopp Coming of Friars iii. 113 The story of a great man's life still stirs the heart.
βc1375Sc. Leg. Saints xvii. (Martha) 321 To compuncione þu [? read þe] suld steyre, þe instance of myn prayer sere.a1400–50Wars Alex. 4256 Leue ȝe noȝt we be to heȝe ne hauten of will..or sterid to enuy.1481Caxton Godfrey clx. 235 By thyse wordes were the barons gretely stered and meuyd.1530Palsgr. 735/1 Beware thou stere him nat to anger.1581A. Hall Iliad iv. 66 Then Agamemn appeard No whit to yeelde,..or ought with feare was steard.
γc1440Gesta Rom. xlvi. 181 (Harl. MS.) Whenne Ionathas sawe hir, he was I-storid to an vnlawfull maner of love.
b. To affect with strong emotion; to move strongly (a person, his spirit, ‘blood’, etc.).
c1489Caxton Blanchardyn ii. 15 That sore mouyd and styryd his noble and hyghe corage.c1610Beaum. & Fl. Maid's Trag. i. i, The musicke must be shrill and all confus'd That stirs my blood.1822Byron Juan viii. lv, So was his blood stirr'd while he found resistance.1905R. Bagot Passport xxvi. 279 The news of Sor Beppe's dismissal from the office of fattore had stirred public opinion in and around Montefiano to its depths.
9. To excite, occasion.
a. To excite or provoke (passion); to prompt, evoke or occasion (anger, hatred, affection, suspicion, also laughter, fear, etc.); formerly in wider use, to occasion (an event, mental or bodily condition).
αc1000ælfric Hom. II. 298 Ne dranc he wines drenc, ne nan ðæra wætena þe druncennysse styriað.a1225Ancr. R. 198 Þeo..þet beoð of muchel speche ȝelpeð,..gabbeð,..sturieð leihtres.c1430in Pol. Rel. & L. Poems 197 To stire mi wraþþe þou wolt a-saye.c1450Mirk's Festial 158 Forto styre your deuocyon.1538Elyot Dict., Conflare inuidiam, inimicitias, odium, to stire or procure enuy, hostilitie, hate.1580E. Knight Trial Truth 15 b, This part of Scripture may iustly stirre a feare in vs.1667Milton P.L. viii. 308 Each Tree Load'n with fairest Fruit,..stirr'd in me sudden appetite To pluck and eate.1760Lloyd Actor 195 A fault which stirs the critic's rage.1823Scott Quentin D. xxvi, If nothing occurs to stir the rage of this vindictive madman, I am sure of victory.1847Tennyson Princess iv. 11 Blissful palpitations in the blood, Stirring a sudden transport rose and fell.1871Morley Voltaire (1886) 5 Antipathy against Voltaire to a degree that..must now and then have even stirred a kind of reacting sympathy.
β1430–40Lydg. Bochas v. i. (1554) 114 Husbandes..had in maner a suspeccion Stiered by the serpent of false gelousye Toward Spurina.c1450St. Cuthbert 6627 Þat sight sterid his deuocioun.1513Douglas æneis i. x. 7 Within hir banis grene The hote fyir of luif to kendle and steir.a1586Sidney Astr. & Stella xxv, Vertue..with vertuous care to ster Loue of herselfe, tooke Stella's shape.
γ1558W. Forrest Grysilde Seconde (Roxb.) 72 Synne, sore of Kyngis, stoorthe Goddys malediction.
b. To instigate, set going, set on foot (strife, commotion, etc.). Obs.: cf. stir up 16 e.
αa1023Wulfstan Hom. xviii. (1883) 106 Saca and wraca he styrede ᵹelome.c1175Lamb. Hom. 113 He ne flit mid cheste ne he sake ne sturað.1521Fisher Serm. agst. Luther i. Wks. (1876) 312 In lyke maner..hathe rysen many a tyme some blacke clowde of heresy, & stered suche a tempest..that [etc.].1563–83Foxe A. & M. 248/2 The French king.. stirred warre in Normandy.c1610Women Saints 150 So that they stirre a greater tumult than euer the people had donne before.1669Dryden Tyr. Love iii. i. (1670) 23 The Souldiers love her Brother's memory; And for her sake some Mutiny will stir.
β1390Gower Conf. I. 284 So that thou miht the betre lere What mischief that this vice stereth.1426Audelay Poems 18 That steren stryf and wrath.
c. To provoke or ‘needle’ (someone); to tease. See 14 d. Austral. colloq.
1972L. Irish Time of Dolphins iii. 33 She's damned well stirring you.1974in Buckley & Hamilton Festival 187 Stirring teachers was our favourite sport.1978B. St. A. Smith Spirit beyond Psyche 180 She..had often ‘stirred’ him about his pretty hair, but secretly she had been proud of him.
10. To bring into notice or debate; to move, raise, moot (a subject or question). Now rare.
α Beowulf 873 Secᵹ eft onᵹan sið Beowulfes snyttrum styrian.1390Gower Conf. I. 174 Many envious tale is stered, Wher that it mai noght ben ansuered.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 55 To stirre doutablys questions, honestly to aske hem, and discretly answore hem.1444Rolls of Parlt. V. 122/1 Yef ther be eny mater or maters stirred, desired or moeved bi the Baillifs.1580Spenser Three Proper Lett. A iij, Little newes is here stirred.1607–12Bacon Ess., Of Great Place (Arb.) 286 Preserve the rightes of thie place, but stirre not questions of Iurisdiccion.a1676Hale Hist. Common Law iii. (1713) 49 Many Cases..wherein the Question was not stirred.1785Paley Mor. Philos. vi. viii. (1818) II. 246 That..a doubt once decided may be stirred no more.1831Scott Cast. Dang. iv, ‘I shall not stir the question,’ said the minstrel.1890C. Martyn W. Phillips, Agitator 202 To the petition he stirred,..the Committee returned a brutal denial.
βc1374Chaucer Boeth. iii. pr. xii. (1868) 106 But na-þeles yif I stered resouns þat ne ben nat taken fro wiþ oute þe compas of þe þinge of whiche we treten.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI, 145 Who that..moued or stered the matter firste vnto your Lordeship, counsailed you neither for your worship nor profite.
b. To bring forward as an example, to instance.
1340Ayenb. 226 To loki þet stat of wodewehod one ssel sterie þe uorbisne of þe turle.
II. Intransitive senses. (See also 3 a (c).)
11. To move (continuously, or in general sense); to be in motion; spec. to move as a living being. (Cf. the reflexive sense 2.) Obs.
αa1000ælfric Gen. i. 26 Ealle þa creopende, þe stirað on eorðan.a1225Leg. Kath. 361 Cleopest þeo þinges godes, þt nowðer sturien ne mahen ne steoren ham seoluen.a1225Ancr. R. 422 Water þet ne stureð nout readliche stinkeð.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 403 By forty dayez wern faren, on folde no flesch styryed.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 98 Fyssh of þe water, þat gooþ on foure feet, & þat stirrys vpon wombe.1583B. Melbancke Philotimus E j, He..that hath an ore stirringe in other mens boates.1633G. Herbert Temple, Assurance vi, While rocks stand, And rivers stirre.
βc1384Chaucer H. Fame 567 And here with alle I gan to stere And he me in his fete to bere.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 75 Thingis that ar corporale in this erde steris nocht..with the moving of it.1538Bale God's Promises ii. (facs.) B j b, I wyll destroye..all that on earthe do stere.1587Turberv. Trag. T. vi. 87 b, The winde so slender was To cause the ship to steare.
b. To move or pass from one place to another; to come or go. Obs.
Some of the quots., esp. in β, may belong to steer v.1 4.
αa1225Leg. Kath. 796 Ȝe alles to strif beoð isturet hidere.a1300Cursor M. 3252 Qua him sagh moght vnderstand He stird was of a riche land.c1400Destr. Troy 959 Iason..Busket to the bank and the bote tok, Stird ouer the streame streght to þe lond.1581W. S. Compend. or Briefe Exam. 8 Wee might sturre from on place to an other.
βa1300Cursor M. 4959 Nour-quider mai we stere.c1450Mirk's Festial 145 Þis man steryd ynto anoþyr howse.c1470Rauf Coilȝear 12 Mony stout man steiris Of town with the King.1513Douglas æneis xii. viii. 12 Turnus..Persauyt thame thus sterand throw the plane.
γ1513Douglas æneis i. i. 65 Thair stewinnis stowrand fast throw the salt fame.a1568Wyf Auchtermuchty ix. in Bannatyne MS. (Hunter. Club) 344 Than to the kyrn that he did stoure.
12. To pass from rest to motion, to begin to move; to make a slight movement, to move lightly (esp. to and fro); to make any movement, to move at all or in the least (chiefly with negative); to leave one's place, to budge; not to remain still; occas. to show signs of life or consciousness (after sleep or a faint).
αc950Lindisf. Gosp. Matt. xi. 7 Ᵹerd vel puulsper from uinde styrende vel sceæcende.a1000ælfric Josh. x. 12 Ne stira þu sunne of þam stede.c1200Ormin 2810 Min child tatt i min wambe liþ..bigann..To stirenn & to buttenn.c1205Lay. 17421 Beoð alle stille Þæt na man þer ne sturie.c1220Bestiary 18 Stille lið ðe leun, ne stireð he nout of slepe Til [etc.].1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xx. 102 Lered ne lewed he let no man stonde, That he hitte euene þat euere stired after.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) iv. 12 Men may see þare þe erthe of þe toumbe..stirre and moue, as þer ware a qwikke thing under.1470–85Malory Arthur i. xiv. 53, I wold that..they stere not tyll ye and your knyghtes haue foughte with hem longe.1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. iii. 115 b, The eares must bee shorte, standing vpright, and stirring.1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) 120 Diuers..gentlemen..who neuer stirre from the side of the captaine Generall.1602Chettle Hoffman iv. (1631) H 2, Art sure she is a sleepe!.. She stirs not, shee is fast.Ibid. H 2 b, She stirs, and when she wakes obserue me well.1604Shakes. Ham. i. i. 10 Barn. Haue you had quiet Guard? Fran. Not a Mouse stirring.1660F. Brooke tr. Le Blanc's Trav. 38 Whether they snore, or stir much in their sleepe.1667Dryden & Dk. Newcastle Sir M. Mar-all iii. i, [Lady has fainted away] Rose. Open her Mouth with a Dagger. 2 Wom. She stirs, she revives, merciful to us all.1704Cibber Careless Husb. iii. 35 Nay, you shan't stir a step.1711Addison Spect. No. 112 ⁋5 Nobody presumes to stir till Sir Roger is gone out of the Church.1717Prior Alma iii. 116 From every leaf that stirs, she flies.1765Blackstone Comm. I. i. 125 Life..begins in contemplation of law as soon as an infant is able to stir in the mother's womb.1829Southey All for Love vii. xlviii, He stirr'd not from his station.1855Tennyson Maud i. xxii. iii, All night has the casement jessamine stirr'd To the dancers dancing in tune.1863Mrs. H. Wood Verner's Pride xlv, I was so took aback..that I could neither stir nor speak.1885‘Mrs. Alexander’ At Bay x, She..stood for an instant..in silent, prayerful thought. Glynn waited till she stirred.
βc1220Bestiary 404 Ne stereð ȝe noȝt of ðe stede.a1400Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. 604 Þer water is most deope, Þe lesse þer þen steres he.c1430Chev. Assigne 147 They stoden alle stylle for stere þey ne durste.1567Golding Ovid's Met. v. 116 Downe he fell and could not after steare.1616J. Lane Contn. Sqr.'s T. vii. 480 While tonges well much maie talke, but no hand steare.1786Har'st Rig xiv, They vow they'll never steer Sae lang's he has a cut to shear, But bide wi' him till fields are clear.
γ14..Guy Warw. 3869 Loke, ye store not of þat stedde.c1420Chron. Vilod. 3108 Þe clothe þat honged vpone hurre tombe þere þo Meue ofte & store wondere fast.c1450Erle of Tolous 755 He durst not store, nor make no mone, To make the lady afryght.
b. To go out (from a house or place of abode); usually with abroad, forth, out: almost always with negative. Rarely of inanimate things.
α1567J. Maplet Gr. Forest 86 b, The Frog saith Aristotle liueth quietly all the time of cold weather, and neuer stirreth abrode.1601Shakes. Jul. C. ii. ii. 38 Cæs. What say the Augurers? Ser. They would not haue you to stirre forth to day.1644Milton Areop. (Arb.) 59 Unoffensive books must not stirre forth without a visible jaylor in thir title.1713Swift Jrnl. to Stella 4 Apr., I came home at seven, and have never stirred out.1743Bulkeley & Cummins Voy. S. Seas 217 [We] were told by the Captain, we must not stir out of the Ship.1823Scott Quentin D. xii, He dare not stir far from his own Forest of Ardennes.1827Pusey in Liddon Life (1893) I. vi. 118 These [MSS.] never stir out of the walls of the Bodleian.1832H. Martineau Life in Wilds iii. 33 They could not stir till they had provision for their journey.
γa1500Chester Pl., Purif. 91 Yet storred I not out of this place.
c. Of a voice: To sound. (Cf. 1 d.) Obs.
c1205Lay. 28161 Þa umbe stunde stefne þer sturede.
d. Of a colour: To move, be affected.
1792Trans. Soc. Arts X. 199 This manufacture improves every time it is washed; and the colours never stir by washing.
e. To show signs of growth; to bud. rare—1.
1843Penny Cycl. XXVII. 457/1 A northern aspect is thought best, as the vines do not stir so soon in spring.
f. fig. To begin to show signs of ‘life’ or activity (as an intellectual movement or the like).
18731909 [implied in stirring vbl. n. 2 d].
13. To move about in a place, to ‘be about’; chiefly in pres. pple. (often spec. = out of bed, up and about).
αc1205Lay. 23756 Þat hit dæi wes amarȝen duȝeðe gunne sturien [c 1275 gan to storie].c1374Chaucer Troylus iii. 692 But boden go to bedde with myschaunce, If ony wight was sterynge ony where.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lxi. 213 They coude se no man sterynge within the castell.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. i. ii. 52 Cre. Hector was gone but Hellen was not vp. Pan. E'ene so; Hector was stirring early.1619in Foster Eng. Factories India (1906) 99 If any stronge drinke be stirringe.1702Steele Funeral ii. 17 How often must I tell you my Lord is not stirring: His Lordship has not Slept well.1748Anson's Voy. ii. v. 176 Had any ships been stirring in these seas..we must have met with them.1825Scott Betrothed xiii, Notwithstanding there are now no Welsh knaves stirring, yet the marches are never free from robbers.1848Dickens Dombey xviii, When no one in the house was stirring, and the lights were all extinguished.1884Henley & Stevenson Adm. Guinea iv. i. (1892) 244 Arethusa (listening). St! my father stirring in his room!
γc1275[see α].1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 114 When he had contynued a whyle in the haven, and sawe noo man stourynge.
b. transf. To be in circulation, be current; chiefly in pres. pple. Now somewhat rare: chiefly of news (cf. c).
1423Rolls of Parlt. IV. 257/2 Be ther never so muche white moneye forged, that shall be but litell the more sturryngge among the poeple.1608Bp. Hall Charact. ii. 79 No newes can stir but by his doore.1634W. Tirwhyt tr. Balzac's Lett. (vol. I) 187 To let you know what newes is stirring.1691Wood Life (O.H.S.) III. 370 [The] University very empty and dead: and money but little stirring.1711Addison Spect. No. 10 ⁋5 Asking..whether there was any News stirring?c1850Arab. Nts. (Rtldg.) 646 He asked the host if there were any news stirring.
c. To go on, happen, take place; chiefly in pres. pple. = going on, ‘on foot’.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 35 Euery thyng that stereth by hym, or that he seeth or hereth, he iudgeth to be a reuelacyon.1596Shakes. Merch. V. iii. i. 99 No ill luck stirring but what lights a my shoulders.1684Otway Atheist i. i, What Sins are stirring in this noble metropolis.1722De Foe Plague 141 There's no Trade stirs now.1882C. Pebody Engl. Journalism xx. 152 Telegrams from every part of the world where there is anything stirring that is of the slightest interest to Englishmen.
14. To move briskly or energetically; to be on the move, be active, ‘look alive’, bestir oneself. Cf. the refl. use 6.
αc1205Lay. 9334 He..sturede i þon compe al se hit þe king weore.a1225Ancr. R. 152 Vor þui mine leoue sustren, bi nihte, ase þe niht fuel þet ancre is to iefned, beoð ᵹeorne sturiinde.1573Tusser Husb. (1878) 169 Make maide to be clenly,..and teach hir to stirre, when hir mistresse doth speake.1602Middleton Blurt, Master-Constable ii. ii. 3 Trivia, Simperina, stir, stir, stir: one of you open the casements.1608Shakes. Per. ii. i. 16 Looke how thou stirr'st now!1830Gen. P. Thompson Exerc. (1842) I. 301 Every free man in the civilized world is put on his defence, and called upon to be stirring for the preservation of all that he may wish to keep.1841Thackeray Gt. Hoggarty Diam. xii, Her husband stirred and bustled about until the requisite leave was obtained.1849W. S. Mayo Kaloolah vi. (1850) 57 Let's stir round and do something.1884W. C. Smith Kildrostan 34 Ina, your heart is low, as one will be Who sits down in a mist instead of stirring To keep the blood warm.
βc1400Gamelyn 519 (Corpus MS.) Stere [v.rr. Bi-, Bystere] good adam and late þer none flee.c1400Beryn 548 So she sterith aboute this house in a wood rese.c1400Ragman Roll 134 in Hazl. E.E.P. (1864) I. 75 Joly and lyght is your complexicion, That steryn ay, and kunne nat stonde still.c1470Henry Wallace v. 838 The hardy Scottis so steryt in that sted.c1470Gol. & Gaw. 559 Wondir sternly thai steir on thair stent stedis.1538Starkey England (1878) 82 So in our commynalty, certayn partys ther be wych euer be mouyng and sterryng.
γc1275Lay. 9334 He..storede in þan fihte.
b. fig. To be active or occupied about something; to move or bestir oneself in a matter, to begin to act.
αc1205Lay. 18845 On hir he scal streonen þat scal wide sturien.c1400Destr. Troy 4047 Now wete yche..þat stares vpon stories, & stirs in bokys, Þat [etc.].1618in Foster Eng. Factories India (1906) 19 If it bee prooved Mogolls goods, and that the King stirr in yt, I know this people.1620[G. Brydges] Horæ Subs. 304 A mans nature is to stirre more for the recouery of a good, which they once enioyed, then for the acquisition of what they are ignorant of.1622Callis Stat. Sewers (1647) 152 Surely this point hath heretofore been much stirred in, and not without some cause.1653W. Ramesey Astrol. Restored 183 Neither is it safe for those Rebels to stirr when she [i.e. the Moon] is weak.1709Hearne Collect. (O.H.S.) II. 175 The writer..was..advis'd..to stir for it.c1721Mrq. Tullibardine in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. i. 126, I pray the capacity of those who are most able to stir about your Majesty's concerns, be well employed in [etc.].1818Scott Br. Lamm. xv, The improbability of the young Master of Ravenswood's finding friends in parliament, capable of stirring in so weighty an affair.1871Freeman Norm. Conq. (1876) IV. xviii. 144 While Exeter was in arms, York did not stir, and when York did stir, Exeter had no longer the power of stirring.
βc1480Henryson Test. Cress. 469 Fortoun is fikkill, quhen scho beginnis & steiris.a1560T. Phaer æneid ix. (1562) Dd ij b, Gods, gods, o countrey gods, in whose protection Troy still steeres.1647Ded. Epist. to Earl Pembroke in Beaum. & Fletcher's Wks., But directed by the example of some, who once steered in our qualitie..we have presumed to offer to your Selfe, what before was never printed of these Authours.1891‘H. Haliburton’ Ochil Idylls 40 At fifty, wi' a conscience clear, The man that sits, as I do here, Haund-haill, an' neither slow to steer Nor quick to tire.
c. To make a disturbance, commotion, or tumult; to rise in revolt or insurrection. Now rare and merely contextual.
c1205Lay. 10717 In Lundene stureden þa leoden.1399Langl. Rich. Redeles iii. 269 To strie strouters þat sterede aȝeine rithis.c1425Wyntoun Cron. iii. i. (S.T.S.) II. 273 Þe kynge of Moab than, Eglon, Had vndyr hym in subieccion Þe folk of Israel fourteyn ȝhere, Qwhil Ayot begouthe to steyr.1502Ord. Crysten Men (W. de W.) iv. iv. (1506) 173 Good werkes that ben done for the loue of god stere put and knocke at the gate of mercy dyuyne.a1550Lynn Chron. in Six Town Chron. (1911) 185 In this yere the Skots begane to store and the deweke of glossytr was sent to them but he retorned wth out battell.1570Levins Manip. 190/25 To sturre, neutre, tumultuare.1648Gage West Ind. 71 The King..was quiet and peaceable, and stirred not against him.1891Farrar Darkn. & Dawn li, ‘Is not your nation seditious and turbulent?’ ‘It is not,’ answered Ishmael. ‘We never stir unless we are wronged.’
d. To cause trouble, to provoke authority; to make a nuisance of oneself. See 9 c and stirrer 1 d. colloq. (chiefly Austral.).
1972J. de Hoog Skid Row Dossier 110 Several youths went ‘stirring’ one day—riding up and down the lifts of large office blocks.1980E. R. Hall Can you hear Me? 128 There were radio members who would ‘stir’ mainly in an effort to get the ‘System’ to work for the individual.1984‘K. Royce’ Crypto Man x. 153 ‘It will get straight back to Clarke.’ ‘Maybe that won't be a bad thing. All we can do is stir.’
15. To be roused or excited, as feeling, passion, etc.
a1000Boeth. Metr. xxii. 64 Mid þæm bisᵹum þe on breostum styreð.a1300Cursor M. 5052 Joseph beheild þan beniamin, Him stird al his blod wit-in.1558T. Phaer æneid ii. D iv b, Sometime when tyryd ben their harts their manful stomacks steres [L. victis redit in præcordia virtus] And down their conquerours they quell.1575Churchyard Chippes 2 b, Our rage was great,..Our stomackes storde, as we did this beholde.1577–82Breton Toyes of an Idle Head (Grosart) 39/1 And then doo what I can, alas, my Heart beginnes to sturre.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, i. iii. 190 The blood more stirres To rowze a Lyon, then to start a Hare.1704Cibber Careless Husb. i. i. 10 My Blood stirs at the very thought on't.1841Dickens Barn. Rudge lxxxi, His wrath so stirred within him, that he could have struck him dead.1847Tennyson Princess v. 258, I..felt the blind wildbeast of force..Stir in me as to strike.
III. 16. stir up. a. trans. To set in motion, agitate; to push or poke so as to displace, disturb, or mix the parts of: cf. 1, 3.
to stir up with a long pole (humorous, with allusion to a wild-beast showman ‘stirring up’ his beasts): to rouse from rest or inaction, to provoke to activity: cf. d, also 5, 7.
1340–70Alex. & Dind. 487 Stiue stormus of þe wind stiren vp þe wawus.1535Coverdale Deut. xxxii. 11 As an Aegle stereth vp hir nest, and flotereth ouer hir yonge.1679Trials of Green etc. for Murder of Sir E. Godfrey 39, I was in the Parlor and stirred up the fire.1823‘Jon Bee’ Dict. Turf 166 ‘Stir 'em up with a long pole, as the fellow does with the beestes,’ alludes to the bellowings of these latter.1816J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art II. 684 Stir up and dress the soil of flowers and shrubs in pots.1827Faraday Chem. Manip. xviii. (1842) 481 It is best..to effect the mixture..by stirring up the mass lightly with a pointed stick or a fork.1857Hughes Tom Brown ii. ii, Stir him up with a long pole, Jack, and hear him swear like a drunken sailor!1912C. Johnston Why World laughs 2 Whenever the dance showed signs of flagging, the policeman stirred them up with a long pole.
b. To rouse from sleep or rest, to wake up. (Cf. 5.) Obs.
1526Tindale Acts xii. 7 He smote Peter on the syde and steryd him uppe.1533More Answ. Poysoned Bk. Wks. 1092/2 He that eateth my fleshe and drynketh my bloude, hath life euerlasting, and I shall stere hym vp in the last day.1611Bible Song Sol. viii. 4, I charge you..that ye stirre not vp, nor awake my loue vntill he please.1683Salmon Doron i. 146 [It] gently awakes, or stirrs them up.
c. To ‘raise up’, call into being. Obs.
1526Tindale Rom. ix. 17 Even for thys same purpose haue I stered the uppe [Gr. ἐξήγειρά σε], to shewe my power on the.1532More Confut. Tindale 284 We saye also that god hath dayly stered vp & dayly doth sterre vp new prophetes in sundry partes of hys catholyke chyrche.1535Coverdale Deut. xxv. 7 My kynsman refuseth to stere vp [Vulg. suscitare: Luther erwecken] a name vnto his brother in Israel and wyl not marye me.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII, 198 b, The dispensacion by the lawe of Deuteronomi of styrryng vp the brothers sede.1561Winȝet 83 Quest. Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 52 An wngodly and wickit peple sterit vp to be Godis scurge.1564tr. P. Martyr's Comm. Judges 200 b, When God decreed to sende any notable and excellent man, he verye often tymes styrred hym vp out of a barren woman.
d. To rouse to action, activity, or emotion; to rouse from indifference or sloth; to incite, instigate, stimulate: cf. 7.
α1545Brinklow Compl. iii. (1874) 16 God shal sturre vp the hartys euen of his own fryndes agaynst him.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. iv. 42 His am I Atin, his in wrong and right, That..stirre him up to strife and cruell fight.a1591H. Smith Serm. (1594) 529 That all the world may take heede how they stirre vp the Lyon of Iudah.a1644Quarles Sol. Recant. xii. 11 The wise mans words are like to Goads, that doe Stir up the drowzy, and spur up the slow.1665Manley Grotius' Low C. Wars 403 At which time..they stirred him up to recover the Right and Title of Oneal.1671Milton Samson 1251 He will..with malitious counsel stir them up..yet further to afflict thee.a1720Sewel Hist. Quakers (1795) I. ii. 129 The constable stirred up the rude people, and cried, Kill him [Cf. Acts vi. 12 etc.].1838J. L. Stephens Trav. Russia 107/1 The French..were always suspected of being political emissaries to stir up the Poles to revolution.1885‘Mrs. Alexander’ At Bay v, I shall write to my lawyers to stir up our detectives.1890Boston (Mass.) Jrnl. 4 Aug. 1/8 The Pennsylvania Road has stirred up a hornet's nest.1894Bridges Feast of Bacchus i. 44 Stirring up your servants.
βa1500Prophecy 34 in Bernard. de cura rei fam. 33 Þe stepsonys of þe lyonne steryt vp at ones, Þe leoperde sall þame stryke doune.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 10 We ought the more to..stere vp our hertes to deuocyon.1549Bk. Com. Prayer 97 b, Collect 25th Sunday after Trinity, Stiere vp we beseche thee, O Lord, the wylles of thy faythfull people.1570Buchanan Admonitioun Wks. (1892) 22 Nowther honour nor commoun weill sterit ȝow up than.1641Sc. Acts Chas. I (1817) V. 579/2 To give ordour to the seuerall ministeris..to steir vp the peopill of thair particular parosches..to extend þr liberalitie þrto.
γ1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 113 Vaschus Nunnez..stoured vp certeyne lyght felowes ageynst Ancisus.
e. To excite, provoke, induce; to raise, set on foot (strife, disturbance, etc.); to arouse (feeling or emotion): cf. 9.
α1538Elyot Dict., Irrito, to prouoke, to kendyl wrathe, to styrre vppe.1544Betham Precepts War i. iii. B iv, It is a lyght thyng to styre vp battayl, but to leaue of with glorye..is an harde thyng.1546Bp. Gardiner Detect. Devil's Sophistrie 16 Y⊇ deuyll..sturreth vp this abhominable heresy.1622L. Digges tr. Cespedes' Gerardo 2 The sad spectacle stirred vp the poore mens compassion.1634Milton Comus 174 Merriment, Such as the jocond Flute..Stirs up among the loose unleter'd Hinds.1683W. Lloyd in Lett. Lit. Men (Camden) 187 Such songs as are most apt to stir up devotion.1711Addison Spect. No. 163 ⁋6 Authors who are apt to stir up Mirth in the Mind of the Readers.1820Scott Monast. vi, Whet the temporal sword if it be necessary, and stir up the courage and zeal of your loyal vassals.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xiv. III. 464 He did not conceive that he was bound to be always stirring up sedition against them.1891Farrar Darkn. & Dawn vii, Unless they stir up a riot at Rome I shall not trouble the Emperor by mentioning them.
βc1530Spirituall Counsayle G j, That I myghte stere up in me a fresche remembraunce of thy moste blyssed deathe.1549Coverdale Erasm. Par. Rom. xvi. 25–27 The misterie, whiche..nowe is opened..to stere vp obedience to the fayth published among all nacions.1567Drant Horace, Ep. ii. i. G vij, That poet on a stretched rope maye walke and neuer fall, That can stere vp my passions or quicke my sprytes at all.
γa1555Philpot Exam. etc. (Parker Soc.) 380 The Jews..for the ceremonies of their country and rites eftsoons stored up great controversies.
17. Comb. with n. in obj. relation: stir-passion, something that stirs or excites passion; stir-strife a., that stirs or excites strife. nonce-wds. See also stirabout, stir-up.
1586Warner Alb. Eng. v. xxiii. (1589) 104 That heard the Pope, canonizing the stir-strife Priest a Saint.1604T. Wright Passions v. 185 It were requisite for an excellent stir-passion to have in a readinesse all those places.

coarse slang (chiefly Brit., Austral. and N.Z.). Compare French foutre la merde (1978 or earlier) to make a mess, to mess things up.to stir (up) shit and variants: to cause trouble for its own sake. Cf. sense 16e.
[1546J. Heywood Prov. ii. vi. sig. I2, The more we stur a tourde, the wours it will stynke.]1971New Lit. Hist. 3 45 It consists of setting fire to the powder, of activating the flames... The reading-writing process consists of stirring up shit.1978New Mus. Express 25 Nov. 11/3, I keep being told I mustn't criticise anyone or stir up any shit.1981Avondale (Auckland) Slang Words (Goldie Brown Coll.) Feb. To stir shit, to make trouble.1988Sydney Morning Herald (Nexis) 22 Apr. 1 All the..crew who have been stirring shit, he has dropped them right in it.1998Y.-M. Ooi Flame Tree (1999) xxix. 402 You had the chance to bow out gracefully. To go back to London with your sweet arse and career intact. But you had to stir the shit.




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