

单词 despaired
释义 despaired, ppl. a.|dɪˈspɛəd|
[f. despair v., corresp. in use to OF. desperé, desesperé, L. dēspērātus: see desperate.]
1. In despair, despairing, desperate. to be despaired, to be desperate or in despair, to be without hope, to despair. (Frequent 14–16th c.). Obs.
c1325E.E. Allit. P. C. 169 Þenne bi-speke þe spakest dispayred wel nere.c1386Chaucer Frankl. T. 215 He was despeyred, no thyng dorste he seye.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 92/1 The gloryouse vyrgyne Marye whyche is confoorte to dysconforted and hope to dispayred.Ibid. 425 b/2 To thende that for their synnes..they shold not be despeyred.1494Fabyan Chron. i. xvi. 16 She beynge dyspayred of the recouery of her astate.1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. cxliii. [cxxxix.] 397 They shulde haue been so sore dyspayred and dyscoraged.a1572Knox Hist. Ref. Wks. 1846 I. 19 He dyed..in a phrenesye, and as one dispared.1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech. 27 O in hou many things haw I offended..but ȝit I am nocht despered.
2. Of conditions, circumstances, etc.: Characterized by absence of hope; hopeless, desperate.
1382Wyclif Micah i. 9 For plage, or wounde, therof is dispeirid.1393Gower Conf. III. 376 All though the weder be despeired.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 104 b/1 He toke it as all dyspayred and wold haue slayn hym self.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. i. 9 Men in despaired states are restored to good hope.1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 488 Relieving the dispeired cause of his distressed Church.
b. Of persons: Desperate, reckless. Obs. rare.
1571Satir. Poems Reform. xxv. 29 These despaired [v.r. dispard] birdis of Beliall.
3. Despaired of; no longer hoped for; cf. despair v. 3. Obs.
1597J. King On Jonas (1618) 284 Two singular and almost despaired deliuerances.1647Crashaw Sosp. d'Hero liv, Of th' Hebrew's royal stem, That old dry stock—a despair'd branch is sprung.1654R. Codrington tr. Iustine 293 Sometimes..more certain is a dispaired then a presumed Victory.
4. despaired of: see despair v. 1.
1635A. Stafford Fem. Glory (1860) 129 The fruit whereof she reaped in her dispair'd of Fertility.1884J. H. Stirling in Mind Oct. 531 Heretofore despaired-of philosophy.




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