

单词 stramp
释义 I. stramp, n. Sc.
[f. stramp v.]
A stamp of the foot.
a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 222 The strampe of Mr Patrickis was so sade upoun his brotheris footte.1828Moir Mansie Wauch ix. 80 This was a stramp on his corny toe.
II. stramp, v. Sc.|stræmp|
[Perh. suggested by stamp, tramp, stride. Cf. G. strampfen in the same sense.]
1. intr. To set down the foot firmly; to tread heavily on something.
c1423Jas. I Good Counsel 19 (Camb. MS.), Stramp [Bannatyne MS. Graip] or thou slyd, and crep furth one the way.c1480Henryson Orpheus & Euryd. 105 (Bannatyne MS.) Scho strampit [Asloan trampit] on a serpent vennemus.a1508Dunbar Tua Mariit Wemen 493 And him befor, with my fut fast on his I stramp.1529Lyndesay Compl. 288 Now in the court seindell he gois, In dreid men stramp vpon his tois.1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. (1821) II. 86 All wemen that strampis on this sepulture sall be ay barrant.a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 222 To that effect [he] strampit sadlie on his brotheris foott.1616Orkney Witch Trial in C. Rogers Soc. Life Scot. (1886) III. 300 His hors strampit vpon the leg of the said lamb and brak it.1828Moir Mansie Wauch ii. 23 A fat and dumpy man..stramped on a favourite Newfoundland dog's tail.
2. trans. To tread upon; to trample down. lit. and fig. to stramp away, stramp forth: to stamp out.
1535Stewart Cron. Scot. (Rolls) II. 266 Forbad also..in streit, To mak ane cors quhair men ȝeid on thair feit, That it sould not dishonorit be so far, Vnder thair feit to stramp into the glar.1552Lyndesay Monarche 5795 Papis, for thare traditionis..Quhilk Christis Lawis strampit down.1556Rec. Elgin (New Spalding Club 1903) I. 31 That nane..tak vpone hand to eitt distroy or stramp donne ony growand cornes with thair horssis.1563Winȝet tr. Vincent. Lirin. Wks. (S.T.S.) II. 76 The noueltie being strampit doun.a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 85 It had bene goode..that the Earle..had bene rootted out of memorie, cleane strampit away.Ibid. 94 Deservand..his memorie to be abussit and strampit fourtht for ewer.1589R. Bruce Serm. (1843) 52 The wicked are sayd to stramp the blood of Christ under their feet.1866J. Smith Merry Bridal 7 His minnie..Had met his faither's ardent gaze, When at the burnie strampin' claes, Wi' coaties toshly kiltit.




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