

单词 accusor
释义 accusor, -our Obs.
[a. Anglo-Fr. (14th c.) a(c)cusour (mod.Fr. accuseur):—OFr. acusor, acuseor:—L. accusātōr-em: see accusator. Subseq. supplanted by or altered to accuser, with native suffix -er: see -or, -our.]
The early form of accuser.
1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 5422 Many accusers þar sal be þan..Fiften maneres of accusours sere.c1385Chaucer L.G.W. Prol. 353 For in your court is many a losengeour, And many a queinte totoler accusour.1413Lydg. Pylgr. Sowle (1483) i. viii. 5 The accusours haue fyrst place and tyme of audyence.1494Fabyan vi. cxciii. 197 [He] shulde forfayte a certayne peny, wherof y⊇ one half shuld fall to the accusour.




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