

单词 pluralist
释义 pluralist, n. (and a.)|ˈplʊərəlɪst|
[f. plural + -ist.]
1. a. Eccl. One who holds two or more benefices at the same time. Also attrib.
1626in Crt. & Times Chas. I (1848) I. 82 A bill is also talked of for pluralists to allow their curate, of the benefice they reside upon, {pstlg}50 per annum.1692Washington tr. Milton's Def. Pop. M.'s Wks. 1738 I. 456 Branded with the odious Names of Pluralists and Non-residents.1760Jortin Erasm. II. 188 He seems to have had in view..Cardinal Wolsey, who had been a scandalous pluralist.1804Ann. Rev. II. 217/1 The Rev. James Hook..had..taken up the gauntlet in favour of his pluralist and non-resident brethren.1859Geo. Eliot A. Bede v, A pluralist at whom the severest Church-reformer would have found it difficult to look sour.
b. In extended use, One who combines two or more offices, professions, or conditions. Also attrib.
1818T. Brown Brighton ii. 181 This long pole is but a walking stick to the magical wand of old Hurlothrumbo, the pluralist, who can fill so many places.1842R. Burns Mem. Rev. Dr. MacGill i. 14 The idea of a pluralist, he could not..endure; and in his instant declinature of the tempting proposal [of the Chair of History at St. Andrews, when he already had a small country parish] we discover the germ of [his] opposition..to the pluralising system.1851Ruskin Stones Ven. I. App. v. 354 Patriots rather than pluralists.1865Pall Mall G. 24 Oct. 13 M. Doré is, in fact, a pluralist in point of styles, and he has given us at least three or four distinct and separate ones in this work.1869Ibid. 11 Oct. 2 Mr. White is a pluralist in treasurerships.1891Daily News 30 Dec. 5/1 The whole land will soon be too hot to hold the pluralists of matrimony [practisers of ‘plural marriage’].1901Daily Chron. 18 May 7/4 Mr. Bowles..never heard of a private secretary who received {pstlg}300 a year under one vote, and {pstlg}800 a year under another... He objected strongly to these pluralist appointments.
2. Philos. One who holds the theory of pluralism. Also attrib.
1885W. James Lit. Remains H. James 116 Their most serious enemy will be the philosophic pluralist.1895in Funk's Stand. Dict.1919C. A. Richardson Spiritual Pluralism i. 12 The above is but a broad outline of the pluralist argument as applied to the inorganic world.1919Mind XXVIII. 58 The pluralist..recognizes that the fundamental fact from which the start must be made, is not a dualism of matter and mind, but the unity of the individual experience, which comprises a duality of subject and object.1966F. Copleston Hist. Philos. VIII. x. 250 The idea of God has the benefit of increasing the pluralist's confidence in the significance of finite existence.
3. Pol. and Sociol. One who upholds pluralism and is opposed to monolithic state power or to policies of cultural or ethnic assimilation. Also attrib. or as adj., designating a system based on pluralism.
1920Amer. Pol. Sci. Rev. XIV. 407 The all important fact, so consistently overlooked by the pluralist, that the truly federal state is a unitary state.Ibid., The pluralist doctrine is timely in that it calls attention to the present bewildering development of groups within the body politic.1957M. P. Fogarty Christian Democracy i. iii. 29 A certain ‘solidarist’ conception of the individual's responsibility to and for the society around him, and, following from this, a ‘federalist’ or ‘pluralist’ ideal of the structure of society and the processes which go on within it.1964Gould & Kolb Dict. Social Sci. 244/2 Today attention is frequently paid to the difficulties of maintaining a pluralist society under the impact of mass society and culture.Ibid. 563/2 Pluralists define public opinion in terms of controversy.1972Times Lit. Suppl. 4 Feb. 115/2 The cheerful belief that the Negro was entering mainstream pluralist politics became incredible after Watts, Newark and Detroit.1975N.Y. Times 9 Oct. 3/3 The Market withheld similar aid in July for the Gonçalves Government on the ground that it did not represent a ‘pluralist democracy’.1977M. Walker National Front i. 16 The great strength of the British pluralist system of channelling political allegiance into one of two wide coalitions is that many citizens who sympathize with totalitarian objectives are encouraged to stay within the political mainstream.




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