

单词 diaphragm
释义 I. diaphragm, n.|ˈdaɪəfræm|
Also 7– agme.
[ad. L. diaphragma, a. Gr. διάϕραγµα, the midriff, primarily ‘partition-wall, barrier’, f. δια- through, apart + ϕράγµα fence, f. ϕράσσειν to fence in, hedge round. Long used in L. form. Cf. F. diaphragme, in 13–14th c. diaffragme (Hatz.-Darm.).]
1. Anat. The septum or partition, partly muscular, partly tendinous, which in mammals divides the thoracic from the abdominal cavity; the midriff.
Its action is important in respiration, and it is also concerned in laughter, sneezing, and hiccough; hence to move the diaphragm, to excite laughter.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vii. lv. (1495) 269 Diafragma is a skynne that departyth and is sette bitwene the bowels and the spirytuall membres.c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 161 Þis diafragma departiþ þe spirituals from þe guttis.1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. 220 There is a partition called diaphragma by the Græcians, which separateth the instruments of the vital partes, from the nourishing parts.1626Bacon Sylva §697 It is true that they [Insecta] have (some of them) Diaphragm and an Intestine.1629Gaule Holy Madn. 293 It still moues my Diaphragme, what once mou'd the Spleene of Cyrus.1685Boyle Enq. Notion Nat. 326 Divers of the Solid Parts, as the Heart and Lungs, the Diaphragma.1767Gooch Treat. Wounds I. 369 The Diaphragm is a muscle of the greatest importance in respiration.1872Darwin Emotions viii. 202 The sound of laughter is produced by a deep inspiration, followed by short, interrupted spasmodic contractions of the chest, and especially of the diaphragm.1875Blake Zool. 1 Inspiration is performed chiefly by the aid of the diaphragm.
II. Transferred uses.
2. a. generally. Applied to anything natural or artificial which in its nature or function resembles the diaphragm of the animal body, or similarly serves as a partition.
1660Boyle New. Exp. Phys. Mech. xxiv. 192 Certain Diaphragmes, consisting of the coats of the bubbles.1862M. Hopkins Hawaii 27 That this fiery bottom was only a roof or diaphragm, of no great thickness, the upper and solidified portion of the incandescent matter of the volcano.1891Pall Mall G. 21 Aug. 6/2 A real advance in cartography was made when Dicæarch of Messena (390–290 B.C.) introduced the parallel of Rhodes. This ‘diaphragm’ was intersected at right angles by parallel lines representing meridians.
b. A thin rubber or plastic contraceptive cap with a flexible metal rim which fits over the cervix.
1933G. M. Cox Clinical Contraception ix. 120 The patient may be fitted with a diaphragm or vault pessary if she so desires.1948N. Mailer Naked & Dead (1949) iii. ii. 490 They wanted a baby, but now he cannot afford another one, and he is wondering if her diaphragm has been set properly.1968M. Richler Cocksure xvi. 96 He found himself buying tubes of vaginal jelly, diaphragms in all available sizes, prophylactics.1970Contraceptives (Suppl. to Which?) 47 There are basically three types of cap that can be used by women—diaphragm, cervical cap and vault cap. All fit in the vagina, over the cervix.
3. a. Zool. A septum or partition separating the successive chambers of certain shells. Also applied to the operculum of a gastropod.
1665Hooke Microgr. 111 These shells which are thus spirallied and separated with Diaphragmes, were some kind of Nautili.1728Woodward Fossils (J.), Parted into numerous cells by means of diaphragms.1858Geikie Hist. Boulder v. 68 The same thin diaphragms..marked the successive stages of the animal's growth.1880A. R. Wallace Isl. Life v. 76 Some..which close the mouth of the shell with a diaphragm of secreted mucus.
b. Bot. A septum or partition consisting of one or more layers of cells, occurring in the tissues of plants; a transverse partition in a stem or leaf.
1665Hooke Microgr. 115 Not to consist of abundance of long pores separated with Diaphragms, as Cork does.1874Cooke Fungi 35 The mouth being for some time closed by a veil, or diaphragm, which ultimately disappears.1884Bower & Scott De Bary's Phaner. 217 The air⁓passages in the internodes, petioles, and leaves of most Monocotyledons..the internodes and petioles or conical leaves of the Marsiliaceæ, the leaves of the Isoeteæ, etc., are partitioned by diaphragms.Ibid. 219 The one-layered diaphragms..in the leaf of Pistia.
4. Mech. A thin lamina or plate serving as a partition, or for some specific purpose; sometimes transferred to other appliances by which such purpose is effected: e.g.a. A thin plate or disk used as a partition, especially in a tube or pipe; in optical instruments, an opaque plate or disk pierced with a circular hole to cut off marginal beams of light; spec. in Photography.
1665Hooke Microgr. Pref., The Ray..passes also perpendicularly through the Glass diaphragme.1669Boyle Contn. New Exp. ii. (1682) 19 A Diaphragma or Midriff of Tin whose edges are so polished on both sides that [etc.].1682Weekly Mem. Ingen. 250 Two tin pipes, with a diaphragm pierced in the middle, and stopped with a sucker.1773Phil. Trans. LXIII. 203 Several diaphragms of paste⁓board..to be applied to the object-glass externally.1800Ibid. XC. 557 A diaphragm, whose aperture was ½ an inch, was then put over the object-glass of the transit telescope.1850Chubb Locks & Keys 35 In a line with the plane of the plate, or diaphragm of the lock.1872Huxley Phys. ix. 229 To have what is termed a diaphragm (that is an opaque plate with a hole in the centre) in the path of the rays.1878W. Abney Treat. Photogr. xxix. 205 In the doublet lens the position of the diaphragm is important.1892Photogr. Ann. II. 38 The diaphragm case.Ibid. 39 A flare spot is..really the reflection of the diaphragm aperture.1918Photo-Miniature Mar., Diaphragm shutter, one working approximately in the position of the diaphragm in the doublet lens. Constructed of leaves or blades which open and then close the aperture in the exposure shutter.
transf.1860Tyndall Glac. i. xxvii. 207 The clouds..had, during the night, thrown vast diaphragms across the sky.1867A. J. Ellis E.E. Pronunc. i. iii. 161 The lips which form a variable diaphragm.1878Foster Phys. iii. ii. 397 The iris serving as a diaphragm.
b. The porous cup of a voltaic cell.
1870R. M. Ferguson Electr. 136 Taking 1d. for diaphragm or porous cell.1885Watson & Burbury Math. Th. Electr. & Magn. I. 234 The hydrogen H2 does not as in that case remain free. It passes through the diaphragm and displaces an equivalent of copper in the sulphate of copper.
c. A membrane stretched in or on a frame; a vibrating membrane or disk in an acoustic instrument; the vibrating disk of a telephone.
1853Kane Grinnell Exp. l. (1856) 483 The kayack itself is a mere diaphragm of skin, stretched on a wooden frame.1866Reader 15 Sept. 796 An ear-trumpet, across the mouth of which was stretched a diaphragm of Indian rubber.1879G. B. Prescott Sp. Telephone p. iii, In 1861 Reiss discovered that a vibrating diaphragm could be actuated by the human voice.1879Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 155/1 When the sound vibrations impinge upon the mica diaphragm the needle-point will indent the tinfoil.
d. The assemblage of lines of reference in the focus of a telescope, whether ruled upon glass, or formed of spider webs stretched in a frame.
1829W. Pearson Pract. Astron. II. 133 The first reticulated diaphragm that was used in making astronomical observations was by the Parisian astronomer Cassini.1844Smyth Cycle Celest. Objects (1860) 215 Reticulated diaphragms..useful in mapping stars, and differentiating them.1879Newcomb & Holden Astron. 76 Fine spider lines tightly stretched across a metal plate or diaphragm.
5. attrib., as diaphragm current, diaphragm eyepiece, diaphragm nerve, diaphragm plate, etc.
1667R. Lower in Phil. Trans. II. 546 A dog, whose Diaphragme-nerves are cut.1859F. A. Griffiths Artill. Man. (1862) 89 One inch in length for diaphragm shells.1883Syd. Soc. Lex., Diaphragm currents, electric currents caused by forcing a liquid through a porous diaphragm.
Hence diaphragˈmalgia, diaphragmaˈtalgia [Gr. ἄλγος, -αλγια pain], pain in the diaphragm; diaphragmaˈtitis, -ˈmitis, inflammation of the diaphragm; diaˈphragmatocele, hernia of the diaphragm (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1883).
1835–6Todd Cycl. Anat. II. 6/2 The diaphragm is subject to attacks of inflammation..termed diaphragmitis.1854–67C. A. Harris Dict. Med. Terminol., Diaphragmalgia, Diaphragmatocele.1857Dunglison Med. Lex. 293 Diaphragmatalgia, Diaphragmalgia.Ibid., The essential symptoms of diaphragmitis.
II. ˈdiaphragm, v.
[f. prec.]
trans. To fit or act upon with a diaphragm. to diaphragm down, in Optics: to reduce the field of vision of (a lens, etc.) by means of an opaque diaphragm with a central aperture (see prec. n. 4 a).
1879H. Grubb in Proc. R. Dubl. Soc. 181 Even after shutting one eye and diaphragming the other down.1894Brit. Jrnl. Photogr. XLI. 1 If both [lenses] are diaphragmed down to the same aperture.




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