

单词 digestible
释义 digestible|dɪˈdʒɛstɪb(ə)l, daɪ-|
Also 5–9 -able.
[a. F. digestible (14th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. L. dīgestibilis, f. dīgest- ppl. stem of dīgerĕre to digest.]
1. Capable of being digested or assimilated.
c1386Chaucer Prol. 437 His diete..was of no super⁓fluitee But of greet norissyng and digestible.1599H. Buttes Dyets drie Dinner I, Of a lash and yet grosse substance, not very digestible.1614W. B. Philosopher's Banquet (ed. 2) 30 It is found more..digestable.1826Blackw. Mag. XIX. 660 They can digest anything digestable.1842A. Combe Physiol. Digestion (ed. 4) 300 Albuminous aliments..easily digestible and very nourishing.
fig.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xix. 101 The Romans..to make their Government digestible, were wont [etc.].
b. Able to be concocted or matured by heat.
c1470Henry Wallace iii. 2 In joyows Julii, quhen the flouris suete, Degesteable, engenered throu the heet, Baith erbe and froyte.
2. That causes or promotes digestion (of food).
1651Biggs New Disp. ⁋295 By the vigour of the digestible, esurine, and depascent ferment.
3. To be digested or prepared by the action of heat. Obs.
1477Norton Ord. Alch. v. in Ashm. (1652) 62 Nethles heate of the digestible thinge, Helpeth digestion and her working.
Hence diˈgestibleness, quality of being digestible; diˈgestibly, adv., in a digestible form.
1662H. Stubbe Ind. Nectar iii. 30 Its dissolving by the least fire..argues its facile digestibleness.1879G. Meredith Egoist I. Prel. 3 To give us those interminable milepost piles of matter in essence, in chosen samples, digestibly.




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