

单词 disfigure
释义 I. disfigure, v.|dɪsˈfɪgjʊə(r), -gə(r)|
Also 5 dysfyger, -fygure, -fegoure, 5–6 disfygure, dysfigure, 6 disfygour, desfigure.
[ad. OF. desfigurer (mod.F. dé-) = Pr. and Sp. desfigurar, It. disfigurare, med.L. diffigurare in Laws of Lombards (Du Cange), a Common Romanic vb. f. L. dis- + figūra figure, figūrāre to figure. See also defigure.]
1. trans. To mar the figure or appearance of, destroy the beauty of; to deform, deface.
c1374Chaucer Troylus ii. 174 (223) What lyst yow þus your self to disfigure.c1386Pard. Prol. & T. 223 O dronke man, disfigured is thy face.a1450Knt. de la Tour (1868) 25 She had her nose croked, the whiche shent and dysfigured her visage.1526–34Tindale Matt. vi. 16 They desfigure their faces, that they myght be sene of men how they faste.1590Shakes. Com. Err. v. i. 183 To scorch your face, and to disfigure you.1667Milton P.L. xi. 521 Disfiguring not Gods likeness, but thir own.1794Sullivan View Nat. I. 195 The least smoke would disfigure the rich landscape.1889Froude Chiefs of Dunboy v. 55 His face..had been disfigured by a sabre cut.
b. fig. To mar or destroy the beauty or natural form of (something immaterial).
1799S. Turner Anglo-Sax. (1836) I. iii. iii. 168 The authentic actions of Arthur have been so disfigured by the additions of minstrels.1849Macaulay Hist. Engl. II. 111 Their diction was disfigured by foreign idioms.1867Freeman Norm. Conq. (1876) I. vi. 433 Occasional acts of both craft and violence disfigure the whole of his career.
c. To misrepresent injuriously. Obs.
a1643J. Shute Judgem. & Mercy (1645) 145 How ever some detracters dis-figured him to his Prince, he never spake of him without reverence.
2. To alter the figure or appearance of; to disguise. Obs.
c1370K. Robt. Cicyle in Halliw. Nugæ Poet. 55 No man myght hym not knowe, He was so dysfygerde in a throwe.c1385Chaucer L.G.W. 2046 Ariadne, And me so wel disfigure..That..ther shal no man me knowe.c1450Merlin 74 May this be true, that oo man may hym-self thus disfigure?1594Blundevil Exerc. viii. (ed. 7) 757 The crookednesse of the Meridians, which..do so much disfigure..the true shape of the Regions, as they can scant be known.1665Hooke Microgr. 217 The Sun and Moon neer the Horizon, are disfigur'd.1713Addison Cato iv. ii, Disfigur'd in a vile Numidian dress, and for a worthless woman.
3. The technical expression for: To carve (a peacock). Obs.
c1470in Hors, Shepe & G. etc. (Caxton 1479, Roxb. repr.) 33 A crane displayd A pecok disfigured A curlew unioynted.1513Bk. Keruing A j in Babees Bk. 265 Disfigure that pecocke.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Disfigure that Peacock, i.e. Cut it up, a Term us'd in Carving at Table.
4. intr. To lose its figure, become misshapen.
a1618Sylvester Quadrains of Pibrac xxxix, The right Cube's Figure..Whose quadrat flatnesse never doth disfigure.
Hence disˈfiguring vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 271 Without ony great disfyguryng of the body.a1631Donne in Select. (1840) 161 In our fastings, there are disfigurings.1648Boyle Seraph. Love (1660) 3 By indistinct or disfiguring considerations.1775H. More Let. in W. Roberts Mem. (1834) I. 52 Small-pox..cannot be a more disfiguring disease than the present mode of dressing.1895Athenæum 27 Apr. 532/3 The most disfiguring blemish is the way in which names are rendered.
II. disfigure, n. Obs.
[f. prec. vb.]
c1386Chaucer Wife's T. 104 He [Midas] preyde hire that to no creature She sholde tellen of his disfigure.1590Humble Motion with Submission 25 No small disfigure vnto Christs church.1697R. Pierce Bath Mem. i. vii. 181 It was no small Disfigure to him.




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