

单词 dissertation
释义 dissertation|dɪsəˈteɪʃən|
[ad. L. dissertātiōn-em discourse, disquisition, n. of action f. dissertāre to dissertate.]
1. Discussion, debate. Obs.
1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. xxii. (R.) As in a certaine dissertation had once with Master Cheeke it appeared.1623Cockeram, Dissertation, a disputing on things.1677Gale Crt. Gentiles iii. 27 Paul mentions some who had turned aside..to unprofitable dissertation or disputation.1709Strype Ann. Ref. I. xi. 137 [They] altogether refused..to engage in further dissertation with them.
2. A spoken or written discourse upon or treatment of a subject, in which it is discussed at length; a treatise, sermon, or the like; = discourse n. 5.
1651Hobbes Govt. & Soc. Title-p., A Dissertation concerning Man in his severall habitudes and respects.1683Dryden Life Plutarch 60 Observing this, I made a pause in my dissertation.1728Pope Dunc. iii. Notes, He compos'd three dissertations a week on all subjects.1762–71H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. (1786) I. 238 Vermander dedicated to Ketel a dissertation on the statues of the ancients.1841D'Israeli Amen. Lit. (1867) 476 Warton has expressly written a dissertation on that subject.1879Gladstone Glean. V. i. 77 The sermon is a dissertation, and does violence to nature in the effort to be like a speech.
Hence disserˈtational a., belonging to or of the nature of a dissertation; disserˈtationist, one who makes a dissertation.
1844De Quincey Logic of Political Economy 36 This remark was levelled by the dissertationist..(I believe) at Ricardo.1846Worcester cites Ch. Observ. for Dissertational.1865Reader No. 113. 234/2 Dissertational, poetic, and rhetorical plays.1866Spectator 20 Oct. 1162/2 The dissertational language of so dry a piece of theoretic definition as the creed called the Athanasian.

Add:[2.] b. spec. An extended scholarly essay, usu. based upon original research, submitted for a degree or other academic qualification.
1873Catal. Officers & Students 1873–74 (Columbia College, N.Y.) 114 Graduates of the School who pursue for one year a course of study prescribed by the Faculty, and present an acceptable dissertation embodying their results, receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.1930J. C. Almack Research & Thesis Writing i. 11 Like thesis, dissertation has come to connote research, but it is a more pedantic term, and usually is reserved strictly for the thesis for the doctorate.1964Cal. Univ. Newcastle upon Tyne 1964–65 327 The Final Honours Examination shall consist of nine papers, or eight papers and a dissertation.1972A. J. Ayer Russell i. 14 Russell obtained his Fellowship at Trinity with a dissertation on the Foundations of Geometry.1984D. Cupitt Sea of Faith v. 142 Marx duly obtained his doctorate, moved to Bonn to work with Bauer, and began to write a qualifying dissertation.




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