

单词 dissolution
释义 dissolution|dɪsəˈl(j)uːʃən|
[In some senses a. F. dissolution (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), in others ad. L. dissolūtiōn-em, n. of action from dissolvĕre to break up, dissolve.]
The action of dissolving or fact of being dissolved, in various senses of the vb.
1. Separation into parts or constituent elements; reduction of any body or mass to elements or atoms; destruction of the existing condition; disintegration, decomposition.
1398Trevisa Barth. de P.R. xix. xlvii. (1495) 890 Though bytter thynges haue lesse hete than sharpe thynges of sauour yet it makith more dissolucion and departynge in the tonge.1471Ripley Comp. Alch. iii. xiv. in Ashm. (1652) 142 Ells shall no kyndly Dyssolucyon be, Nor Putryfyyng shall thou none see.1597Morley Introd. Mus. 163 A hereditarie lepresie in a mans bodie is vncurable without the dissolution of the whole.1667Milton P.L. xii. 459 When this worlds dissolution shall be ripe.1736Butler Anal. i. i. 21 The dissolution of flesh, skin and bones.1829Scott Anne of G. xxxiii, The vault where the long-descended Counts of Provence awaited dissolution.1862H. Spencer First Princ. ii. xii. §97 Dissolution is the absorption of motion and concomitant disintegration of matter.
b. In a theory of disease, opposed to evolution.
1883Hughlings Jackson cited in Syd. Soc. Lex.1894Factors of Insanities 3, I have often urged that for the scientific study of maladies of the Nervous System, we should investigate them as Dissolutions (reversals of Evolution) of this or that part of the nervous system.Ibid. 8 Studying insanities as Dissolutions—as reversals of evolution—of the highest cerebral centres.
2. The reduction of a substance from the solid to the liquid form; liquefaction. Now only the melting into water or the like; formerly, also, = fusion.
1598Shakes. Merry W. iii. v. 118 A man of my Kidney..that am as subiect to heate as butter..A man of continuall dissolution, and thaw.1626Bacon Sylva §291 Metals give Orient and fine Colours in Dissolution.a1661Fuller Worthies (1840) I. 221 It happened in the year 1657, upon the dissolution of the great snow.1779J. Moore View Soc. Fr. (1789) I. xxvi. 212 The rays of the sun..occasion an unequal dissolution of the ice.1802Acerbi Trav. I. 396 Inundations..caused by the dissolution of the ice and snow.
b. Of the blood: see quots. Obs.
1727–51Chambers Cycl., Dissolution of the blood is an affection of that humour, directly opposite to coagulation.1883Syd. Soc. Lex., Dissolution..formerly applied by the humoral physicians to a diminution of consistence of the blood.
3. The process of dissolving or condition of being dissolved in a liquid; solution. Now rare or Obs.
[1558see b.]1641French Distill. i. (1651) 10 Dissolution, is the turning of bodies into a liquor by the addition of some humidity.1692Ray Dissol. World iv. (1732) 54 The Dissolution of salt or sugar in water.1707Curios. in Husb. & Gard. 166 Aqua Fortis is the best for the Dissolution of Metals.1838Dickens Nich. Nick. vii, Allowing for the dissolution of the sugar.
b. concr. The result of this: the liquid with what is dissolved in it; a solution. Obs.
1558–68Warde tr. Alexis' Secr. 5 a, To make a naturall dissolution of fine gold; and when you will take of it, take two parts of the said licor, and one part of the dissolution of y⊇ gold.1626Bacon Sylva §789 Dissolue the Iron in the Aqua Fortis: And weigh the Dissolution.1707Curios. in Husb. & Gard. 304 Dissolve it in..Spirit of Nitre: set the dissolution to evaporate.
4. Hurtful relaxation, softening, or weakening; enfeeblement. Obs.
c1400Mandeville (1839) xv. 163 For the grete distresse of the hete..for the gret dissolucioun of the Body.1601Holland Pliny II. 288 The decoction..helpeth the feeblenesse and dissolution of the sinewes.1620Venner Via Recta viii. 166 Dolorous Gouts..tortures and dissolutions of the limmes.1651Jer. Taylor Holy Living ii. §1 A longing after sensual pleasures is a dissolution of the spirit of a man, and makes it loose, soft, and wandering.1683Burnet tr. More's Utopia 122 There must follow a Dissolution of Justice, the chief Sinew of Society.
5. The condition of being loose from due restraint; excess, extravagance (obs.); laxity of behaviour or morals; dissolute living, dissoluteness (arch.).
c1400Rom. Rose 4901 It [youthe] ledith man now up now doun In mochel dissolucioun.1482Monk of Evesham (Arb.) 88 Them whiche wastyn the godys of the holy chyrche wherby they were made ryche in dyssolucyon of clothyng, in voluptuous metys and pompys of the world.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 85 b, Flye dissolucyon & wantonnesse.1553Becon Reliques of Rome (1563) 162* They for their vnthankefulnesse & dissolution of lyfe, were depriued of the holy communion.1647Power of Keys Pref. 2 Wickednesse and dissolution of manners was to be lookt on as the only heresy.1651J. Taylor Holy Living ii. §1 These tamed his youthful aptnesses to dissolution.1707Norris Treat. Humility vi. 271 Nothing more betrays..dissolution of thought..than a vain foppish dress.1866Cornh. Mag. Nov. 634 After the general peace of 1814, dissolution began to decrease in high places.
b. with pl. An instance of this; a dissolute act or practice; an extravagance or excess. Obs.
c1430Lydg. Bochas (1558) ii. xv. 1 Fleshly lustes and dissolutions.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 150 b/1 Lerne to be stylle & teschewe all dissolucions.1490Eneydos vi. 23 He sheweth the dyssolucyons and peruerse condycyons that ben in the sexe femynyne.1579Tomson Calvin's Serm. Tim. 130/2 That..all dissolutions, vile and wicked actes be suppressed.1651–3Jer. Taylor Serm. for Year, Of Godly Fear iii. (1678) 61 Restraint of gaieties and dissolutions.
6. The relaxation or undoing of any tie, bond, or binding power; the dissolving of a connexion, union, etc. (Cf. dissolve 10, 11.)
c1534tr. Pol. Verg. Hist. (Camden, No. 29) 5 Upon dissolution of that treatie.1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV (an. 4) 195 b, The cause of dissolucion of their amitie and league.1651J. Taylor Holy Living ii. §2 The loosing the bands of the tongue, and the very first dissolution of its duty is one degree of intemperance.1840Penny Cycl. XVII. 294/2 A marriage of a feme-sole trader is also a dissolution of a partnership at will.1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) I. ii. 120 Even if the marriage..had never been questioned, he might justly have desired the dissolution of it.
7. The breaking up, dismissal, or dispersion of an assembly or association; the termination of the existence of a constituted body of persons (e.g. of the monasteries, and now esp. of Parliament).
1535Act 27 Hen. VIII, c. 26. §26 Immediately vpon the prorogacion or dissolucion of this present parliament.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xxii. 116 The Assembly may be punished..by dissolution, or forfeiture of their Letters.1659B. Harris Parival's Iron Age 289 Some moneths before the dissolution of the Parliament.1730Magna Brit. V. 762/1 Herdwick Priors..continued in the Monks Hands till the Dissolution.1765Blackstone Comm. i. ii. 180 A dissolution is the civil death of the parliament.1831Sir J. Sinclair Corr. II. 373 Since the dissolution of the Board of Agriculture.1862Ld. Brougham Brit. Const. xiii. 184 The dissolution of the monasteries in Henry VIII's reign.1874Green Short Hist. viii. §2. 462 The conversion of the King was followed by a quiet dissolution of the Huguenot party.
8. Termination of life; death, decease.
Variously understood as ‘departure or release from life’, ‘separation of the soul from the body’, and ‘disintegration of the body’. See dissolve 6.
1522More De quat. Noviss. Wks. 77 The disolucion and seueraunce of the soule fro the body.1568Bible (Bishops') 2 Tim. iv. 6 The time of my dissolution [Gr. ἀναλύσεως, L. resolutionis; earlier Eng. vv., from Wycl. 1388 departing] is at hande.1596–7S. Finche in Ducarel Hist. Croydon App. (1783) 152 Thanks to Almightie God for Mr. Comptroller's dissolucion from the bondage of his corrupte bodie.1641Hinde J. Bruen lx. 201 Death is but a passage unto life, a dissolution of soule and body for a season.1658Sir T. Browne Hydriot. i. 2 Men have been most phantastical in the singular contrivances of their corporall dissolution.1712Steele Spect. No. 263 ⁋1 He waits the Day of his Dissolution with a Resignation mixed with Delight.1750Johnson Rambler No. 29 ⁋12 It is absurd to be afraid of the natural dissolution of the body.1827J. W. Croker 6 Aug. in Croker Papers (1884), His breathing is difficult, and..there are all the symptoms of approaching dissolution.1856Sir B. Brodie Psychol. Inq. I. iv. 131 Some die retaining all their faculties, and quite aware that their dissolution is at hand.
9. The action of bringing or condition of being brought to an end; undoing, termination, destruction, ruin; breaking up, disintegration, disorganization (of a connected system, etc.).
1528Gardiner in Pocock Rec. Ref. I. l. 102 That realm were like to come to dissolution.a1625Fletcher Nice Valour iii. ii, I doubt not..To see a dissolution of all bloodshed.1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. ii. x. 230 Down to the last Dissolution of their City under Titus.1728Young Love Fame vi. (1757) 154 Such dissolution through the whole I find, 'Tis not a world, but chaos of mankind.1855Milman Lat. Chr. ix. iii. (1864) V. 241 He had but to wait the dissolution of Otho's power; it crumbled away of itself.1883S. F. Smith How Ch. Eng. washed her face 21 The same dissolution of morals and irreligious spirit had existed.
b. Mus. (See quot.) Obs.
1764Croker, etc. Dict. Arts & Sc., Dissolution, in music, is when a sound in the enharmonic genus is lowered three dieses; for thereby that genus is dissolved, and the music..is chromatic.
10. Solution, resolution (of a question, etc.). Obs. rare.
1549Latimer's 5th Serm. bef Edw. VI, (Arb.) 132 margin, M. Latimer returneth to hys former question and to the dissolucion of the same.




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