

单词 dope
释义 I. dope, n.|dəʊp|
[app. a. Du. doop dipping, sauce, etc., f. doopen to dip.]
1. a. Any thick liquid or semi-fluid used as an article of food, or as a lubricant. U.S.
18..Sci. Amer. Supp. XXII. 9033 (Cent.) ‘Dope’, a preparation of pitch, tallow, and other ingredients, which, being applied to the bottom of the shoes, enables the wearer to lightly glide over the snow softened by the rays of the sun.1876Territorial Enterprise (Virginia City, Nev.) 13 Feb., Nothing was known of the mysteries of ‘dope’—a preparation of pitch which, being applied to the bottom of the shoes, enables the wearer to glide over snow softened by the warmth of the sun.1947R. Peattie Sierra Nevada 218 They treated the running surface of the skis with ‘dope’, corresponding to our modern downhill wax.1954E. Eager Half Magic v. 97 Today he..had a double hot fudge dope.
b. A preparation, mixture, or drug which is not specifically named (see quots.); = stuff n.1 6. slang (orig. U.S.).
1872Chicago Tribune 24 Dec. 4/4 He..bids us beware of the sugar, for it is full of flour and sand;..of the milk, for it is compounded of dope.1900Flynt & Walton Powers that Prey 186 Give me some more o' that dope there—quick—I—I—am—dyin'.1901Ade Forty Mod. Fables 188 Give me some perfumed Dope that will restore a Peaches and Cream Complexion.1912F. A. Talbot Moving Pictures 53 (caption) Two small barrels..made all the film base, or ‘dope’, as it is called, in 1891.1915A. D. Gillespie Let. 4 July (1916) 222 The hay fever is better now, more because the season is passing than by reason of the doctor's ‘dopes’, I think.1915E. Poole Harbor 60 Joe's father vaccinated about a score of children that week. The ‘dope’ he used was mailed to him by a drug firm.1924Webster Add., Dope{ddd}5. Photogr. A varnish used to facilitate retouching, block out portions of a negative, etc.1928Sunday Dispatch 8 July 9/5 ‘Dope finish’ [is a slang expression] for face paint and powder.
c. A varnish applied to the cloth surface of aeroplane parts, in order to increase strength and to keep them taut and air-tight. Also, a liquid preparation applied to air-ship coverings, to increase gas-tightness.
1912Aeroplane 19 Dec. 607 Cellon... The Fabric Dope used by the leading British and Continental Aeroplane and Hydro-aeroplane Builders.1916H. Barber Aeroplane Speaks 142 Strut, Dope, a strut within a surface, so placed as to prevent the tension of the doped fabric from distorting the framework.1917Times 1 June 9/5 The King and Queen..went on through..the seaplane department, and the ‘dope’ room.1918A. Barr in A. J. Swinton Aeroplane Handbk. (1920) 144 The Germans at the beginning of the war used acetate dope and covered it with transparent oil varnish.1930Flight 17 Jan. 134/2 Dope is a solution of cellulose esters in various solvents and diluents.1967B. Robertson Aircraft Markings 14 The French had used a sky blue dope early in the war at the time when French uniforms were of horizon blue.
d. A substance added to petrol or other fuel, etc., to increase its efficiency; an additive.
1930Engineering 11 July 31/1 A lubricant such as oleine..or oleic acid, when added to a fuel containing metallic dope, had the effect of partially inhibiting the detonation-delaying action of the dope.1937Times 13 Apr. p. xix/4 Dopes both for petrol and for lubricating oils are now well known.
2. An absorbent material used to hold a lubricant; the absorbent element in a high explosive.
1880Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng. VIII. 417 Hercules powder..contains a very large proportion of nitrate of soda..the remainder of the dope being incombustible carbonate of magnesia.1881Raymond Mining Gloss. s.v. Explosives, Giant-powder, a mixture of nitroglycerin with a dry pulverized mineral or vegetable absorbent or dope.
3. colloq. (orig. dial.). A stupid person, a simpleton, a fool. Also (U.S. slang), a person under the influence of, or addicted to, some drug (see sense 3 b).
1851Gloss. Words Cumberland 8 Dope, a simpleton.1866Mrs. E. Lynn Linton L. Lorton II. i. 17 A ‘downo-canno dope’—which meant a spiritless simpleton.Ibid. III. ii. 39 She was..‘a dozened lile dope’.1909Sat. Even. Post 1 May 5/1 He's an old dope, which he don't look like, or he's on.1925Fraser & Gibbons Soldier & Sailor Words 81 Dope,..a fool.1925N. Venner Imperfect Impostor ii. 17, I am just the humble dope; the clay pigeon; the simple-minded confederate.1928E. Wallace Flying Squad xiv. 121 How many times have I told you not to frighten that girl, you poor dope?1938R. E. Sherwood Idiot's Delight i. 17 That wasn't an officer, that was a porter, you dope!1948Chicago Daily News 11 June 16/4 Cold tea sold to night life dopes for brandy at 75 cents a throw.1957J. Braine Room at Top 48 ‘Who's Alice?’ I asked. ‘You've met her, you dope.’1959P. Capon Amongst those Missing 108 Silly dope, he can't go on dodging the Court for ever.
b. ‘Opium, especially the thick treacle-like preparation used in opium-smoking’ (Cent. Dict. Suppl. 1909); hence applied to stupefying drugs and narcotics in general, or to alcoholic drink. slang (orig. U.S.). (See also sense 5.)
1889Kansas Times & Star 8 Oct., The oldest of the trio, an Irishman from County Cork, was very hilarious... The ‘dope’ made him 20 years younger and very pugnacious.1891T. W. Knox in H. Campbell Darkness & Daylight (1892) xxviii. 570 The opium used for smoking—called by the smokers ‘dope’—is an aqueous extract of the ordinary commercial gum.1894J. L. Ford Lit. Shop ix. 130 Opium-joints—those mysterious dens in which..the fumes of the burning ‘dope’ cloy the senses.1896Ade Artie viii. 75, I would advise you to stop smokin that double X brand of dope.1896Chautauquan Oct. 60/1 In San Francisco, large confiscations of ‘dope’ are made nearly every week.1920Outward Bound Oct. 38/1 The death of a fascinating actress from an overdose of ‘dope’.1922Public Opinion 5 May 420/3 The cabarets in Constantinople are a meeting place for all the world's dope purveyors.
fig.1937Ess. & Stud. XXII. 146 Poetry was comparatively popular bcause it was dope, though a mild and fairly harmless dope like cigarette-smoking.
c. A medical preparation administered to a race-horse for the purpose of affecting its performance.
1900Westm. Gaz. 30 Oct. 7/3 It is administered in cap-sules, given in a gelatine of varying thickness according to the required time when the ‘dope’ is desired to take effect.1913Badm. Mag. Jan. 88 A dope proper may be administered [to a horse] as a powder laid on the tongue, as a drink—usually given in old ale—or by the hypodermic syringe.
d. [Perh. arising from the ambiguity of the abbrev. coke = (a) cocaine, (b) Coca-Cola.] Coca-Cola or some other carbonated drink. local U.S. slang.
1915Printer's Ink 23 Sept. 46/2 The propensity of a large portion of those who regularly drink Coca-Cola to call for their favorite drink as ‘dope’ or ‘coke’ or ‘koke’.1940C. McCullers Heart is Lonely Hunter (1943) ii. i. 83 If she had any money she bought a dope or a Milky Way at Mister Brannon's.1947F. G. Patton in 55 Short Stories from New Yorker (1952) 224 Want a dope?.. I tried to call them cokes once.
4. Information, esp. on a particular subject or of a kind not widely disseminated or easily obtained; (a statement of) facts or essential details; also, information, a statement, etc., designed to gloss over or disguise facts; flattering or misleading talk. slang (orig. U.S.).
1901‘H. McHugh’ John Henry 77 I've known Tommy for a long time, so he feels free to read his dope to me.1904W. H. Smith Promoters iii. 72 Unless you cover your dope with a sort of angel-of-light coating that would fool Gabriel himself, you'll never get there.1905R. Beach Pardners (1912) i. 26 He handed me the dope: ‘In re Olive Troop Morrow vs. Justus Morroe’.1910S. E. White Rules of Game (1913) ii. iii. 126 Gosh! I get sick of handing out dope to these yaps.1914Jackson & Hellyer Vocab. Criminal Slang 8 The most popular slang term in use today in the unregenerate world — ‘dope’ .. signifying ‘news’, ‘intelligence’, or ‘meaning’.1915Froest & Dilnot Crime Club xii. 290 Don't pull any of that dope on me.1917A. G. Empey From Fire Step 103, I was to send the dope to Cassell and he would transmit it to the Battery Commander as officially coming through the observation post.1919Detective Story Mag. XXVIII. i. 13, I suggested it to a detective, but he laughed at me and said the article was nothing but ‘dope’.1920Public Opinion 9 July 43/3 Your patent dialectic dope By gulps we take with zest.1920Wodehouse Damsel in Distress xx. 235 I could help you there. I've got the thing down fine. I've got the infallible dope!192119th Cent. May 748 He does not quite believe that the Bolshevik leaders themselves believe in their doctrines. He strongly suspects that on their part it is mainly ‘dope’.1922H. L. Foster Adv. Trop. Tramp x. 140 Run up to Bolivia and get the dope on this affair.1935Auden & Isherwood Dog beneath Skin i. ii. 34 He had all the dope about the Army Contracts trial.1945A. Christie Sparkling Cyanide iii. x. 136, I shouldn't dream of..denying it. You've obviously cabled to America and got all the dope.
5. attrib. and Comb., as (sense 3 b) dope-addict, dope-dream, dope-merchant, dope-seller, dope-smuggler, dope-smuggling, dope-traffic, dope-trafficking; dope-book U.S. slang, a book of information on any subject; also fig.; dope-fiend slang (orig. U.S.), a drug-addict; dope-pedlar (also -peddler), -runner, a seller of illicit drugs; hence dope-peddling, dope-running vbl. ns.; dope-ring, a group of people engaged in obtaining, selling, and using narcotics; dope-sheet U.S. slang, a sheet of paper bearing information or instructions, esp. written or printed information about race-horses; dope-shop, a place where dope (sense 1 c) is applied to aeroplanes, etc.; dope-stick slang (see quot. 1918: examples are N.Z.).
1933D. L. Sayers Murder must Advertise xi. 188 A *dope-addict's dream.
1909Cent. Dict. Suppl., *Dope-book, a miscellaneous collection of racing information.1918Amer. Mag. Aug. 38/2 The one that invents the dope book on the female race, and the bird that holds a patent on the complete understanding of human nature.
1908U. Sinclair Metropolis 137 What will people think..seeing you sitting there like a man in a *dope dream?1934H. G. Wells Exper. Autobiogr. II. ix. 821, I had expected to find a new Russia stirring in its sleep..and I found it sinking deeper into the dope-dream of Sovietic self-sufficiency.
1896Sun (N.Y.) Dec., ‘A *dope fiend’... A victim of the opium habit.1914R. H. Davis With Allies (1915) 158 With the desperation of a dope fiend clutching his last pill of cocaine.1963Punch 20 Mar. 425/2 Mr. Trocchi's dopefiends.
1921Outward Bound Apr. 44/2 The policy of the ‘*dope merchant’..would issue in sleep, death and fossilisation.
1923Jrnl. Amer. Inst. Crim. Law & Criminol. Aug. 292 No other group comes closer to the bootlegger or the *dope peddler.1933D. L. Sayers Murder must Advertise xii. 217 You must be the dead spit of some habitual dope-peddler.1937A. J. Cronin Citadel 388 He's nothing but a sleek dope peddler.1959News Chron. 19 Aug. 6/3 The bookies, the dope pedlars and bootleggers.
1959P. Townsend Died o' Wednesday x. 177 Malosti's current livelihood, the *dope-peddling organisation.1959F. Usher Death in Error ix. 143 Nothing worse than a little mild dope peddling goes on.
1929D. Hammett Dain Curse (1930) iii. 24 What do you think he is?.. Head of a *dope ring?1930Daily Express 6 Nov. 19/4 Gangsters, dope rings, tough guys.1957P. Moore Science & Fiction 100 Veterans whose sole mission in life was to uncover dope-rings led by unscrupulous Martians.
1933D. L. Sayers Murder must Advertise xiv. 238 He said you were a *dope-runner.
1941A. Christie Evil under Sun xi. 206 The result of her getting mixed up..with the *dope-running stunt.1953K. Tennant Joyful Condemned xxxi. 303 You used to know all about his dope-running.
1930New Statesman 27 Dec. 356/2 He was using the money to finance a gang of *dope-sellers.
1903Ade People you Know 111 When he arrived at the Track he gave up for a Badge and a *Dope-Sheet and a couple of Perfectos.1959Halas & Manvell Technique Film Animation xix. 189 His work book..must next be elaborated on a different set of printed sheets, generally known as camera-exposure charts or, in the U.S.A., as dope sheets.
1933Aeroplane 26 Apr. 732/1 When the machine reaches the end of the line it is ready to go straight to the *dope shop.
1937D. & H. Teilhet Feather Cloak Murders ii. 43 Wonder if your friends..know you're so companionable with a *dope smuggler, eh?
1941A. Christie Evil under Sun xi. 215 The whole case hinges on *dope smuggling.1969M. G. Eberhart Message from Hong Kong xii. 104 If it's dope smuggling it's too big for me.
1918N.Z. at Front 1918 132 Cigarettes! smokes, fags, weeds, *dope-sticks—they are known by many strange names.1930W. Smyth Wooden Rails xi. 168 Pass me those dope-sticks, there's a dear.
1933J. B. Priestley Wonder Hero iii. 95 He wondered which of the queer fellows..hanging about street corners were in the *dope traffic.
1933D. L. Sayers Murder must Advertise xv. 249 The crookedness of *dope-trafficking.1954J. Symons Narrowing Circle xii. 47 Dimmock had begun as an agent of the Barcini brothers, who got a seven-year stretch for dope trafficking.
II. dope, a. orig. in African-American usage.
Brit. |dəʊp|, U.S. |doʊp|
[Origin uncertain. Probably ‹dope n.]
Chiefly among rap musicians and enthusiasts: excellent, great, impressive.
1981J. Spicer Money (song) in L. Stanley Rap: the Lyrics (1992) 301 Yo, man, them boys is dope... This record is dope.1990Interview Mar. 148/4 So who's perfect already? Fly maybe, dope maybe, def maybe, and down by law, but perfect—oy gevalt!1993B. Cross It's not about Salary 223 Check this out—dope cover, huh? James Brown's first record, I have like two hundred different singles of his.2000W. Shaw Westsiders 35 Premier is dope. Him and RZA are the best producers right now.
III. dope, v. orig. U.S.
[f. dope n.]
1. trans. To administer dope to (a person, a horse); to stupefy with a drug; to drug.
1889[implied in doping vbl. n. below].1891Farmer Slang II. 309/2 Dope v. (American), to drug with tobacco. Also Doping = the practice.1900Westm. Gaz. 23 Oct. 8/2 They urge a liberal investment on the American horse, and confidentially impart the information that the animal is ‘doped’.1902H. L. Wilson Spenders xxxv. 429 That guy that doped me, he wa'n't satisfied with my good thirty-dollar wad.1915C. S. Jones Hohenzollern 169 The King (who, if we are to believe his fair companion, used to be liberally doped) would awake from a trance at a séance to find his inamorata in his arms.1919H. L. Wilson Ma Pettengill ii. 62 To say nothing of doping him with asperin and quinine and camphor and menthol and hot tea and soothing words.1919G. Page Veldt Trail xix. 200 ‘They must have kept him [sc. a horse] pretty short of food.’..‘Or doped him,’ suggested Birkdale.1922Blackw. Mag. May 632/2 He ladled into his nose sufficient snuff to have doped an ordinary man.1955Times 8 June 4/5 He had heard of greyhounds being doped, but not to make them run faster.
fig.1908G. H. Lorimer J. Spurlock iii. 41, I was so doped with my siren song that I steered straight for the rocks.1928G. B. Shaw Intell. Woman's Guide Socialism I. 218 Boycotting the Churches as mere contrivances for doping the workers into submission to Capitalism.
b. intr. To take or be addicted to drugs.
1909in Cent. Dict. Suppl.1926N. Lucas London & its Criminals xviii. 253 Doping is so prevalent in the East that the traffic in drugs appeals naturally to the Eastern crook.1933D. L. Sayers Murder must Advertise v. 85 Did he dope?
2. To treat with an adulterant, etc.; to ‘doctor’.
1898Let. in Congress. Rec. App. 223/1 They will run their flutter mills and mixers, and dope the flour to suit themselves.1906in Asher & Heal Send no Money (1942) 95 You would like to know just where you are at before you ‘dope’ that kind of stock with a strange mixture.1913Sunday Times (Trenton, N.J.) 2 Mar. 1 Alternative offered to the water drinkers of Trenton: Typhoid if the water isn't ‘doped’ with hypochlorite of lime; an itch if it is.
b. Electr. To add an impurity to (a semiconductor) to produce a desired electrical characteristic.
1955F. E. Terman Electronic & Radio Engin. (ed. 4) xxi. 753 The degree of doping is commonly expressed in terms of the conductivity (or resistivity) of the resulting material.1956L. P. Hunter Handbk. Semiconductor Electronics vii. 7 The melt is doped with a donor (arsenic) so as to produce a low-resistivity N-type emitter.Ibid. vi. 26 A uniformly doped crystal will be grown.1962Simpson & Richards Junction Transistors iii. 43 The distance that the barrier extends into the semiconductor is also smaller in the case of a heavily doped semiconductor.1970Sci. Amer. Feb. 22/3 By suitable masking and ‘doping’ techniques, which selectively altered the electrical behavior of small regions, several score transistors could be created on each wafer.
3. To smear, daub; spec. to apply ‘dope’ to (the outer fabric of an aeroplane or the like).
1868Putnam's Mag. II. 363 With their snow-shoes thoroughly ‘doped’, the crowd resort to some suitable place for the contest, which begins with a grand dash.1902Dialect Notes II. 233 Dope, v. tr. 1. To smear, or lubricate. 2. To put salve on a wound.1916Sphere 25 Mar. 321/1 The wings are finished,..and the whole ‘doped’, and ready.1917Times 1 June 9/5 Some hundreds of girls were engaged in‘doping’ the fabric which covers the planes, rudders and ailerons.1922Encycl. Brit. XXX. 59/1 [Airship.] Cotton..appears to have some advantages owing to its great uniformity of contraction when doped.1928C. F. S. Gamble N. Sea Air Station 10 The envelope was ‘doped’ with aluminium paint on its top side and with yellow pigment on the lower portions.1935H. L. Davis Honey in Horn 12 There was a salad of lettuce whittled into shoestrings..and doped with vinegar and bacon grease.1941Illustr. London News CXCIX. 198 (caption) A rigger dopes fresh patches of fabric over the muzzles of the guns to assist in streamlining and speed until the aircraft opens fire.
4. to dope out.
a. To make out; to find out, discover; to get the truth about.
1906‘O. Henry’ Four Million (1916) 161 All the same, I believe it was the hand of Fate that doped out the way for me to find her.1913E. D. Biggers 7 Keys to Baldpate ii. 31 Ther's something I haven't quite doped out. That is— who's trespassing, me or you?1914R. H. Davis With the Allies (1915) 10 We would study the morning papers and..from them try to dope out the winners.1918C. Wells Vicky Van xv. 180, I dope out all this has to be so.1919Wodehouse Damsel in Distress ii. 30 Nature had it all doped out for me to be the Belle of Hicks Corners.1922Short Stories Feb. 102/2 ‘How'd you dope it out, Kid?’ asked one. ‘Tell us how you could do such good detective work.’1926J. Black You can't Win xxiii. 367, I had all the criminal lawyers in San Francisco doped out like race horses by this time.1943N. Marsh Colour Scheme v. 94 Uncle James dopes it out that it's been Questing's idea to get this place on his own.
b. To work out; to get hold of.
1906‘O. Henry’ Four Million (1916) 191 He's doped out a fifty-dollar bill, anyway.1919Detective Story Mag. XXVIII. i. 6 He might have doped out a corking yarn about how the Phantom..made everybody believe that the explosion killed him.1922Short Stories Feb. 175/2, I didn't have time to dope out any plot till I got back to Denver.
Hence doped ppl. a.; ˈdoping vbl. n. and ppl. a. Also ˈdoper, one who dopes; one who administers or takes drugs.
1889Barrère & Leland Dict. Slang s.v., Doping is the stupifying men with tobacco prepared in a peculiar way... Nine out of ten saloons in the slums employ doping as a means to increase their illicit revenue. —American Newspaper.1900Daily News 14 Nov. 8/4 ‘Doping’ meant the administration to a horse of certain medical preparations, with the object of either stimulating or retarding the animal's progress in a race.1903Westm. Gaz. 15 Sept. 5/2 The Jockey Club propose to pass a rule forbidding doping in any shape or form.1903Sun (N.Y.) 23 Nov. 12 A ‘doped’ cigar was given to him in a pool and billiard room, and it had pretty near the same effect on him as knockout drops.1913Daily Mail 11 Mar. 7/5 ‘Doped’ Athletes... It is well known..that the Russian skaters take such stimulants [as strychnine].1913Badm. Mag. Jan. 89 A doped animal will run till it is done, mad drunk with the drug.Ibid., A regular doper always tries his horses at home.1913Aeroplane 13 Mar. 303/1 The shiny surface of well ‘doped’ wings.1914Racing Calendar 23 July, I was unable to obtain evidence of the presence of a doping agent.1921Blackw. Mag. Apr. 535/2 She rejoined the remainder of the passengers.., having in her hands a doped handkerchief.1922Ibid. Jan. 124/1 He might publish in his doped and venal press the felicitations that were showered upon him.1923Wodehouse Inimitable Jeeves xiv, To tell me we ought to cook Harold's food ourselves to prevent doping.1926Chambers's Jrnl. 17 July 515/1 So the old reprobate's dopings had told at long last.1926[see dope v. 1 b].1935Discovery July 208/2 The ‘doping’ of the sample water with ‘O.T.’ is carried out automatically and with perfect precision.Ibid., The colour of the doped solution is intermediate between those of the two permanent solutions.1955Times 7 June 3/3 A Harley Street specialist was one of three men who were alleged at the Central Criminal Court yesterday to have been concerned in a conspiracy concerning the doping of greyhounds.1956,1970[see dope v. 2 b].




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