

单词 juise
释义 juise Obs.
Forms: α. 4 iuise, iuwise, -yse, 4–5 iuyse, iewise, -yse, 5 iewesse, iuwesse, iwyse. β. 4 iuis, iuwys, iewis, 5 iewys, iewes.
[a. OF. juise, by suffix-exchange for juice, ad. L. jūdicium judgement; a later and further analogically altered OF. form was juis. (See -ise, and Schwan Gramm. Altfranz. (1893) §72. 1, and Anm. 2.)]
Judgement, doom; a judicial sentence, or its execution; penalty.
α [1292Britton i. xx. §1 Quels del counte cleyment..juyse de pillori ou de tumberel.]1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 7795 Satan comaundede for hys seruyse He shulde be put to hys Iuwyse.c1350Usages Winchester in Eng. Gilds 355 Whanne þe ferþyng-lof is in defawte of wyȝte ouer þre shyllynges, þe bakere shal bere þe juwyse of þe town.1390Gower Conf. I. 38 Every man schal thanne arise To Joie or elles to Juise.c1425St. Christina viii. in Anglia VIII. 122/41 Whelis in þe whiche þeues were wonte to haue her iewesse.c1460Sir R. Ros La Belle Dame sans Merci 622 And be nat deed, ne put to no Iuyse. [1626Cockeram (ed. 2), Iewise,..also reward by reuenge.]
β1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 6777 Noȝt for þy þe leste of þys, Myȝt brynge a man to iuwys.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 6106 Þe day of iugements and of Iuwys.13..E.E. Allit. P. C. 224 Þenne nas..counsel non oþer, Bot Ionas in-to his Iuis Iugge bylyue.1399Langl. Rich. Redeles iii. 341 Þer nas..ne Iuge, ne Iustice þat Iewis durste hem deme.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. cxcviii, Ye shull be honged by reson, but the kyng hath foryeue you that Iewes.
b. transf. The instrument of penalty; the gibbet, the cross.
c1320R. Brunne Medit 577 For cryste bereþ hys owne Iuwyse, Y fynde nat þat þe þeues ded þe same wyse. [1623Cockeram, Iewise, a gallowes or Gibbet.]




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