

单词 adamantinoma
释义 adamantinoma Path.|ˈædəmæntɪˈnəʊmə|
[mod.L., f. adamantine a. + -oma.]
(See quot. 1926.) Cf. odontome.
1922W. G. Carnathan in Jrnl. Tenn. Med. Assoc. 1921–22 XIV. 408 (title) A study of adamantinoma, with report of a case.1926R. J. E. Scott Gould's Med. Dict. 31/1 Adamantinoma, an epithelial tumor resembling in structure the enamel organ of a developing tooth.1931Nomencl. Dis. (Min. of Health) (ed. 6) 84 Adamantinoma, fibrotic disease of the jaw.1952Lancet 1 Nov. 862/2 (title) The Multilocular Cystic Tumour or Adamantinoma of the Jaw.




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