

单词 sword-player
释义 ˈsword-ˌplayer
Now rare or Obs. One skilled in sword-play; chiefly, a gladiator; also, a fencer.
14..Nom. in Wr.-Wülcker 696/37 Hic gladiator, a swerd⁓plaer.1538Elyot Addit., Bustuarij, sworde players, whiche went before the ded corpsis whan they were borne to be burned.1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 115 Settinge them in order of battell after his swoordeplayers fasshion.1586J. Hooker Hist. Irel. in Holinshed II. 27/1 The plaie or game of swordplaiers or maisters of defense.1608Willet Hexapla Exod. 640 A Romane Emperour is said to haue seene in his smaragd the sword players as they did fight.1627[see sword-fight s.v. sword n. 6 a].1671Milton Samson 1323 Have they not Sword-players, and ev'ry sort Of Gymnic Artists?1693Dryden Juvenal iv. (1697) 71 In a Prize of Sword-Players, when one of the Fencers had the other at his Mercy, the Vanquish'd Party implor'd the Clemency of the Spectators.1823Scott Quentin D. xxxv, ‘Nay!’ said the Countess,..‘Would you hold me out as a prize to the best sword-player?’
So sword-playing = sword-play 1 b.
14..Lat.-Eng. Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 586/35 Gladiatura, a swerdpleyynge, or bokeler pleyynge.1587Golding De Mornay xx. (1592) 315 Justs,..Swordplayings, Wrestlings, buffetings.




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