

单词 sybarite
释义 sybarite, n. and a.|ˈsɪbəraɪt|
Also 7 Siberite, -arite, -aryte, and with capital initial.
[ad. L. Sybarīta, ad. Gr. συβαρῑ́της, f. σύβαρις Sybaris (see below). Cf. F. Sybarite.]
A. n.
1. (With capital initial.) A native or citizen of Sybaris, an ancient Greek city of southern Italy, traditionally noted for its effeminacy and luxury.
1598Bp. Hall Sat. v. ii. 58 All dumb and silent, like the dead of night, Or dwelling of some sleepy Sybarite.1599Nashe Lenten Stuffe Wks. 1905 III. 189 margin, The Sybarites neuer woulde make any banquet vnder a twelue⁓moneths warning.1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) 64 The pleasure of Tarent and the soile of the Siberites were inchantments sufficient to make men effeminate.1660Stanley Hist. Philos. ix. Pythagoras xi. (1687) 499/2 The Crotonians joyning with the Sybarites and the Metapontines, determined to expel the rest of the Grecians out of Italy.1787Beckford Lett. Italy xxix. (1805) I. 291, I have some noisy tradesmen near me, that the Sybarites would not have permitted in their city.1834K. H. Digby Mores Cath. v. vi. 182 The Sybarites of old would not allow a cock to be in their city, lest it should disturb their matutinal slumbers.
2. A person devoted to luxury or pleasure; an effeminate voluptuary or sensualist.
1623Drummond of Hawthornden Flowres of Sion, Hymne True Happinesse 44 Fraile Beautie to abuse, And (wanton Sybarites) On past or present touch of sense to muse.1628Sir R. Le Grys tr. Barclay's Argenis 41 Not to haue their stables full, (as in an Army of Sibarytes) of capreoling Horses.1809Mrs. Jane West The Mother (1810) 35 Some feeble Sybarite, Pain'd by a crumpled rose-leaf.1820Byron Mar. Fal. iii. ii. 160 The Lords of Lacedæmon were true soldiers, But ours are Sybarites.1863M. E. Braddon J. Marchmont III. i. 7 It was a handsome room, certainly—the very room for an artist and a sybarite.1880Disraeli Endym. xxxvii, The dinner was refined, for Mr. Bertie Tremaine combined the Sybarite with the Utilitarian sage.
transf.1852H. Rogers Ecl. Faith (1853) 30 ‘This,’ said I, ‘is the plea of intellectual Sybarites.’
B. adj. = sybaritic.
1599Nashe Lenten Stuffe Wks. 1905 III. 189 Hydra herring will haue euery thing Sybarite dainty, where he lays knife aboord.1608Topsell Serpents 227 So great is the poyson of the Sibarite Scorpion, that the dung thereof being trode vppon breedeth vlcers.1660Stanley Hist. Philos. ix. Pythagoras xvii. (1687) 504/1 These Sybarite-Ambassadors.1831Youatt Horse iv. 43 The Sybarite horses began to dance.1838Prescott Ferd. & Is. (1846) I. xi. 454 This Sybarite indulgence..does not seem to have impaired the martial spirit of the nobles.1897Gunter Ballyho Bey xv. 178 Irene Vannos, even as she fans her sybarite mistress, falls fainting on the deck.
So ˈsybarism, sybaritism; ˈsybarist, a sybarite; ˈsybarital a., sybaritic; sybaritan [L. Sybarītānus] a. and n. = sybarite; ˈsybaritish a. (also 7 erron. sabar-), sybaritic; ˈsybaritism, sybaritic habits or practices, effeminate voluptuousness.
1889B. Whitby Awakening Mary Fenwick II. vii. 169, I am ashamed of your selfish *sybarism!
1652N. Culverwel Lt. Nature i. xvii. (1661) 153 The soft *Sybarist..complain'd in the morning of his weariness.
1839J. E. Reade Deluge, etc. 149 Soft abandonment to ease, reclining In *Sybarital luxury.
1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts 310 Where⁓upon the *Sibaritan horsses came running & dancing among their aduersaries.1608D. T[uvill] Ess. Pol. & Mor. 118 That speech of the Sibaritans, concerning the Lacedæmonians austerer kind of living.
1631R. H. Arraignm. Whole Creature v. 32 That abound in all Asian luxuries, and more than *Sabaritish delights.a1656Hales Gold. Rem. i. (1673) 67 All this is but out of a Sybaritish ridiculous daintiness.1821Examiner 253/1 Sybaritish enjoyment.1883W. E. Norris No New Thing II. xiii. 4 We sit..hugging ourselves in a sybaritish contentment.
1840G. Darley Wks. Beaum. & Fl. Introd. (Rtldg.) p. xxiii, It is quite a mistake to imagine *Sybaritism did not commence in England till the reign of Charles the Second, when it was rather at its climax.1870Echo 9 Nov., Modern Republics like ancient Carthage swim in gold and sybaritism.




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