

单词 effuse
释义 I. eˈffuse, n. Obs. rare.
[f. the vb.]
A pouring out, effusion.
1593Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, ii. vi. 28 Much effuse of blood doth make me faint.1631Heywood Maid of W. ii. ii. Wks. 1874 II. 369 Such a small effuse of blood.
II. effuse, a.|ɛˈfjuːs|
[ad. L. effūs-us, pa. pple. of effundĕre to pour: see effund.]
1. Poured out freely; chiefly transf. and fig. wide-spreading, overflowing, unrestrained, extravagant. Obs. or arch.
c1530H. Rhodes Bk. Nurture in Babees Bk. (1868) 105 If lyke a chylde, it [laughing] is effuse and wanton.1650Bulwer Anthropomet. viii. (1653) 141 A Nation..whose Eares are dilated to so effuse a magnitude, that they cover the rest of their bodies with them.1655Bp. Richardson On O. Test. 321 (T.) Wherever the body is, yet the heart of fools is in effuse mirth.1742Young Nt. Th. ix. 1086 No wanton waste amidst effuse expence.
2. a. Bot. Of an inflorescence: Spreading loosely, especially on one side. b. Conch. Having the lips separated by a groove.
1842Johnston in Proc. Berw. Nat. Club II. 31 Bulla Pectinata, aperture ampullaceous, effuse above.1870Hooker Stud. Flora 388 Iuncus glaucus..cymes effuse.
III. effuse, v.|ɛˈfjuːz|
[f. L. effūs- ppl. stem of effundĕre: see effund.]
1. trans. To pour forth or out (a liquid); to shed (blood); in pass. to be extravasated. Also refl.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 253 That moost precyous blode effused & shedde.1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, v. iv. 52 Maiden-blood thus rigorously effus'd Will cry for Vengeance.1682Disc. Addr. or Presentm. agst. Association 7 The Cup out of which they were to effuse Wine..in Honour of the Gods..broke into pieces.1725Pope Odyss. xix. 633 My pitying eye..effus'd a plenteous stream.1759Da Costa in Phil. Trans. LI. 33 The marble finely powdered, and aqua fortis effused over it, the marble particles were nigh destroyed.1804Abernethy Surg. Observ. 174 A little blood was supposed to be effused upon the dura mater.1835–6Todd Cycl. Anat. I. 229/1 Lymph is effused from the wound in the vessel.1859Hawthorne Fr. & It. Jrnls. II. 287 The same gentle shower..had been effusing itself all the morning.
2. transf.
a. To pour out, shed, send forth (air, heat, light, odours, etc.).
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vi. xx. (1495) 208 In somer kynde heete drawyth oute..and is effusyd..and departed and is lesse in the body wythin.1758Johnson Idler No. 3 ⁋4 The sun, by shining too long, will effuse all its light.1821New Monthly Mag. I. 291 The scented pulvilio, which the untwisted hairs reproachfully effused.1847J. Wilson Chr. North (1857) I. 259 From his disc..is effused now a gentle crimson light.
b. poet. nonce-uses of pa. pple. By Thomson, of the horse: Rushing unchecked (cf. L. effusis habenis and effused ppl. a.). By Cowper, of a crowd: Poured forth.
1727Thomson Summer 509 The horse..o'er the field effus'd Darts on the gloomy flood.1791Cowper Odyss. viii. 632 From the horse effused the Greeks Left their capacious ambush.
3. fig. Also absol.
1633T. Adams Exp. 2 Peter ii. 1, God must infuse, before we effuse.1652Benlowes Theoph. i. xcv, Good words effus'd Thou dost me give.c1750Shenstone Elegy i. 22 'Twas his fond heart effus'd the melting theme.1813H. & J. Smith Rej. Addr. 58 Professions lavishly effused and parsimoniously verified.1830Galt Laurie T. iii. viii. (1849) 110 A palpable tranquillity had been effused abroad.
4. Phys. To throw off (a branch).
1578Banister Hist. Man vii. 96 After that these Arteries haue effused forth these braunches to the palate..they rise vp into the Scull.




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