

单词 unwemmed
释义 unˈwemmed, ppl. a.
[OE. unwemmed (un-1 8). Cf. OE. unᵹewemmed, OHG. ungawemmit.]
1. Spotless, pure, immaculate. Now arch.
a. Of persons. Also const. in, of.
c950Rituale Dunelm. (Surtees) 104 Ðerh ðone vnwoemmedo drihten..crist.a1175Cott. Hom. 237 Ure halende wes accenned of þam unwemmede mede sante Marie.c1200Ormin 2877 Jesu Cristess hird Iss clene, & all unnwemmedd Inn hire trowwþe towarrd Godd.c1225Ancr. R. 10 To ancren..þe witeð ou from þe worlde, ouer alle oðre religiuse, clene & unwemmed.a1300E.E. Psalter xviii. 14 Þan vnwemmed be I sal, And I sal be clensed clene Of gilte.1382Wyclif Col. i. 22 For to haue ȝou hooly, and vnwemmid, and with oute reprof bifore hym.c1400Prymer in Maskell Mon. Rit. (1847) II. 40 Thou toke sum tyme the shap of oure bodi, in childynge of the unwemmed vyrgyn.c1500Lancelot 2097 This flour wnwemmyt of hir wirginitee.1513Douglas æneid x. Prol. 106 Thou tuke mankynd of ane onwemmyt mayd.1570Levins Manip. 51 Vnwembed, immaculatus.a1643Cartwright Ordinary ii. ii, Moth [an antiquary]. 'Tis hard to find a Damosel unwenned [sic], They being all Coltish and full of Ragery.
absol.a1300E.E. Psalter xxxvi. 19 Lauerd daies of vn⁓wemmid knawes he.a1325Prose Psalter xxxvi. 19 Our Lord knew þe dedes of þe vnwemmed.1382Wyclif Song Sol. v. 2 Opene thou to me,..my culuer, myn vnwemed.
b. Of the body, etc.
c1000ælfric Saints' Lives xxiii. b. 437 Þu wære symle fæmne oncnawen, and þinne lichaman hæbbende clæne and unwemmed.c1200Ormin 2816 Allmahhtiȝ Drihhtin..Þatt nu liþ..I þin unnwemmedd wambe.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints iii. (Andrew) 442 [The] firste man, þat wes mad of vnwemmyterd.1382Wyclif Heb. xiii. 4 Honorable wedding in alle thingis, and bed vnwembid [v.r. vnwemyd bed].
c. Of qualities, etc.
c1000Lambeth Psalter c. 2 And ic anᵹyte weᵹe on unwemmed.a1300E.E. Psalter xviii. 8 Lagh of lauerd vnwemmed esse, Tornand saules in to blisse.c1366Chaucer A.B.C. 91 Signe of þin vnwemmed maidenhede.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxxvi. (John Baptist) 466 Þe firste is of virginite, Þat ay vnuemmyt kepit he.c1449Pecock Repr. v. i. 477 A clene and an vnwemmed religioun.c1872J. Addis Eliz. Echoes (1879) 68 A love unwemmed, guiltless of attaint.
2. Not hurt, injured, or scarred. Obs.
c1200Ormin 14735 All swa summ Ysaac attbrasst Unn⁓wundedd & unnwemmedd.a1300Cursor M. 21046 Bot noþer him harmd, hefd ne fott. For als he was o lust vn⁓lame Als was vnwemmed his licam.1375Barbour Bruce xx. 376 He had gret ferly That sic a knycht..Micht in the face vnwemmyt be.
3. Not physically spotted or stained. Now dial.
a1300Cursor M. 19504 Godd him geit, þat euer es god, Vn-wemmed his hend in sacles blod.1876Whitby Gloss. 208/1 Unwemm'd, without wrinkle or stain; unblemished.
4. Unblemished; flawless. Obs. rare.
c1475Partenay 6569 And so haue I done after my simplesse, Preseruing, I trust, mater and sentence Vnwemmed, vnhurt.1501Douglas Pal. Hon. ii. xxx, Vnwemmit wit deliuerit of all dangeir.
Hence unˈwemmedness. rare.
c1200Ormin 2388 Þatt ȝho mihhte A libbenn i clene maȝȝþhad, & inn unnwemmeddnesse.Ibid. 2875, 8220, 10098.




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