

单词 ele
释义 I. ele, n. Obs.
Forms: 1 œle, 1–4 ele, 3 eli, ely, eoli.
[OE. œle = OHG. oli (mod.G. öl):—WGer. oli, ad. late L. oli-um (L. oleum). Afterwards replaced by the Fr. form of the same word, now represented by oil, q.v. for the forms oli, eoile.]
= oil.
c950Lindisf. Gosp. Matt. xxv. 4 Hogofæste uutetlice onfengon œle in fetelsum hiora mið leht-fatum.c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 230 Wiþ wambe coþe, seoð rudan on ele.c1200Ormin 13252 Forr þatt teȝȝ..Onnfon þurrh hallȝhedd ele att Crist Hiss Hallȝhe Gastess frofre.a1225Ancr. R. 428 Me schal helden eoli and win beoðe ine wunden.
II. ele, v.1 Obs.
[f. prec. n.]
trans. To anoint.
c1205Lay. 31941 He wes icruned and ieled [c 1275 iheled].c1315Shoreham 41 He schel elye hym wyth ele.Ibid. 42 This children eleth me nauȝt.
Hence ˈeling vbl. n. last eling: extreme unction.
c1315Shoreham 42 For the sygne of thys sacrement the elyyngys boute.c1450Myrc 533 And the laste elynge wyth-owte fayle.
III. ele, v.2 Obs.
[f. OF. ele, eele (mod.F. aile) wing.]
To carve (certain birds).
c1500For serve Lord in Babees Bk. (1868) 375 To tyre or to ele a partorich or a quayle y-whyngged: rere uppe whynge and legge, as of an henne; cowche them aboute the carcas; no sawse save salte, or mustard and sugar.
IV. ele
obs. form of aisle, awl, eel n.




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