

单词 enclosure
释义 enclosure|ɛnˈkləʊʒ(j)ʊə(r), -ə(r)|
Also in-.
[a. OF. enclosure in same sense: see enclose v. and -ure.
The statutes providing for the enclosure of land use the spelling inclosure.]
1. The action of enclosing.
a. spec. The action of surrounding or marking off (land) with a fence or boundary; the action of thus converting pieces of common land into private property. Also attrib. in Enclosure Act, Enclosure Commissioner. Also fig.
An Enclosure Act is a private Act of Parliament authorizing the ‘enclosure’ of common land in some particular locality. In many cases, however, the land dealt with by these Acts was not ‘common’ land in an absolute sense, but was private property encumbered with the right of commoning during a few weeks in autumn; and the usual procedure was to give each of the commoners a piece of land in absolute ownership as compensation for his surrender of this right.
α1574tr. Littleton's Tenures 49 a, Three causes of disseisin of rente service..rescous, replevine, and enclosure.1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. ii. (1586) 50 The first needefull thing for a Garden is water. The nexte to that is enclosure.1611Sclater Key (1629) 303 There is, then, no enclosure of this blessing of righteousnesse to any nation, person, sexe, or condition of men.1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. ii. ix. 86 The gifts and graces of Christians lay in common, till base envy made the first enclosure.1776Adam Smith W.N. I. i. xi. 160 The advantage of enclosure is greater for pasture than for corn.1801Strutt Sports & Past. ii. i. 50 [Stow] attributes the decay of archery among the Londoners to the enclosures made near the metropolis.1863Fawcett Pol. Econ. ii. viii. (1876) 238 In the case of almost all these enclosures the interests of the poor have been systematically neglected.1872E. Peacock Mabel Heron vi. 89 The enclosure commissioner..had set out a wide road.1883Seebohm Eng. Village Community 13 Nearly 4000 Enclosure Acts were passed between 1760 and 1844.
β1538Starkey England 98 Hyt ys no thyng necessary for the nuryschyng of our bestys to haue so grete inclosurys of pasturys, wych ys a grete dekey of the tyllage of thys reame.1614Bp. Hall Recoll. Treat. 1035 Whence are our depopulations, and inclosures?1631–2Star Chamb. Cases (1886) 180 Suffer noe inclosures tending to depopulation.1712Act 12 Anne c. 4 (title) An Act for making Inclosures of some Part of the Common-Grounds in the West-Riding.1780Burke Sp. Econ. Ref. Wks. III. 272, I propose to have those rights of the Crown valued as manorial rights are valued on an inclosure.1801Act 41 Geo. III, c. 109 (title) An Act for consolidating in one Act certain Provisions usually inserted in Acts of Inclosure.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) II. 542 It shall be lawful for the commissioners in inclosure acts.1845Act 8 & 9 Vict. c. 118 §2 The Commissioners..shall be styled ‘The Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales’.1873Act 36 & 37 Vict. c. 19 Preamb., Lands allotted under Local Acts of inclosure for the benefit of the poor.
b. gen. The action of closing in, surrounding, etc. Somewhat rare.
1605Timme Quersitanus iii. C c, Another most excellent lute for the like incloser is made of glasse and vermilion.1658Sir T. Browne Hydriot. i. 35 The ægyptians..by..handsome Inclosure in glasses, contrived the notablest wayes of integral conservation.1878Foster Phys. iii. vii. §1. 531 The complete enclosure of the glottis..is..a part of the act of coughing.
2. The state of being enclosed (in a monastery).
1816Mary Schimmelpenninck Biogr. Jansenius II. 52 She resolved, therefore, to re-establish that enclosure which the rule of St. Bennet so strictly enjoins.1872O. Shipley Gloss. Eccl. Terms 179 The nuns keep strict enclosure, and lead the contemplative life.
3. That wherewith something is enclosed:
a. An encompassing fence or barrier; buildings round a court. Also fig.
1517Domesday Inclos. (1897) I. 248 Landes enclosid by hedgys, dikes, or other Inclousours.1543–4Act 17 Hen. VIII, c. 17 §17 If thinclosure or inclosures of any of the saide Coppies..happen to be broken or pulled downe.1556Chron. Gr. Friars (1852) 59 There was a boke made and send up to the commyns of Cornwalle and Devynshere..be cause of their rysynge and pullynge downe of incloseres.1594Plat Jewell-ho. iii. Chem. Concl. 33 Pales and other enclosures.c1710C. Fiennes Diary (1888) 8 Fruitfull Country's for Corn, graseing, much for inclosures that make the wayes very narrow.1725Pope Odyss. vii. 145 Th' allotted space of ground, Fenc'd with a green enclosure all around.1742Young Nt. Th. iv. 93, I see the circling hunt, of noisy men, Burst law's inclosure.1754Pococke Trav. (1889) II. 72 A court of large buildings..the enclosure of the court seems..very old.1823Scott Quentin D. iii, The second enclosure rising higher than the first.
b. An outer covering or case; an envelope.
1551Bible Exod. xxxix. 13 (R.) A turcas, an onix, & a jaspis closed in ouches of gold in their inclosers.1594Plat Jewell-ho iii. Chem. Concl. 2 All the outwarde couers and enclosures whatsoeuer.1595Markham Sir R. Grinvile cxxii, O why should such..enuie dwell, In the inclosures of eternall mould?1601Cornwallyes Disc. Seneca (1631) 39 He that aspireth to this flight to the starres, must..make apt his grosse inclosure of earth.1633P. Fletcher Pisc. Ecl. i. v, The raw blossome of my youth was yet In my first child-hood's green enclosure bound.
4. That which is enclosed:
a. A space included within or marked off by boundaries. spec. on a racecourse (see quot. 1963).
1552Huloet, Inclusure called a barton to feade fowles in, chors.1580Hollyband Treas. Fr. Tong s.v. Pourprendre, The roote of that tree did occupy in compasse a great inclosure.1636Healey Epictetus' Man. 106 In the greatest enclosure of all, there was a gate.1772Priestley Inst. Relig. (1782) I. 413 The whole inclosure was..converted into a chace.1836–9Dickens Sk. Boz (1850) 131/1 We were seated in the enclosure of St. James's Park.1864Skeat Uhland's Poems 361, I..Sell fortress, town, and hill, With servants, rents, inclosures, woods.1867‘Ouida’ Under Two Flags I. iii. 46 The horses were being led into the enclosure for saddling.1910Encycl. Brit. XIII. 737/2 [France] There are none of the clubs and special enclosures such as at Sandown, Kempton, Hurst, Lingfield, Gatwick, etc., though portions of the stand are set apart for privileged persons.1963Bloodgood & Santini Horseman's Dict. 72 Enclosure, space set apart on the grounds of a racecourse for some specific purpose; the Royal Enclosure, the Jockey Club Enclosure, the Members' Enclosure, etc.1968J. Fleming Kill or Cure ix. 115 She wasn't allowed into the Royal Enclosure at Ascot.
b. A document or letter enclosed within the cover of another.
1776Jrnls. Cont. Congress IV. 107 Two letters from General Schuyler..with an account of his expedition to Tryon county, with 9 enclosures.1776J. Hancock in Sparks Corr. Amer. Rev. (1853) I. 235 Your letter of the 21st instant..with the inclosure, was duly received.Mod. I have received your letter with its enclosures.




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