

单词 engrosser
释义 engrosser|ɛnˈgrəʊsə(r)|
[f. engross v. + -er.]
One who engrosses.
1. One who buys in large quantities, esp. with the view of being able to secure a monopoly. Also, one who buys up large quantities of land, or obtains possession of many tenements, to the detriment of his neighbours. Obs. exc. Hist.
c1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. (1875) 135 The said brogers and engrossers of offices.1549Latimer 1st Serm. bef. Edw. VI (Arb.) 33 Ingrossers of tenamentes and landes, throughe whose couetousnes, villages decaye and fall downe.1636Healey Life Epictetus', That is, to the unlearned engrosser of books.1692Tryon Good Housew. xix. 171 The first Ingrossers and Buyers thereof [Canary] were Apothecaries.1778R. H. Lee in Sparks Corr. Amer. Rev. (1853) II. 216 An artificial scarcity, created in the midst of plenty, by an infamous set of engrossers.1783Burke Report Affairs India Wks. XI. 144 The engrossers of opium.
b. One who ‘monopolizes’ or obtains exclusive possession of (anything).
1630Naunton Fragm. Reg. (Arb.) 52 My Lord of Essex..was noted for too bold an ingrosser both of fame and favour.1729Gay Polly iii. Wks. (1772) 198, I am too no engrosser of power.1782V. Knox Ess. 119 (R.) The engrossers of that part of the creation which God and nature have constituted free.1816Scott Bl. Dwarf v, You should, in compassion, cease to be such an engrosser.
2. One who copies (a document) in large fair character, or in legal style; an engrossing clerk.
1607Dekker Knts. Conjur. (1842) 20 Euery market day you may take him in Cheap-side, poorely attyrde like an ingrosser.




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