

单词 eschew
释义 I. esˈchew, n. Obs.
[f. eschew v.1; cf. OF. escheu, eschui of similar formation.]
The action of keeping clear; avoidance (of danger).
a1541Wyatt Poet. Wks. (1861) 158 So fareth love..The first eschew is remedy alone.
II. esˈchew, a. Obs.
Also 4 eschiewe, 4–5 eschu(e.
[a. OF. eschieu (nom. eschif), corresp. to Pr. eschiu, Sp. esquivo, It. schivo:—Com. Romanic *skivo, of Teut. origin: cf. OHG. *sciuh (MHG. schiech, mod.Ger. scheu), OE. scéoh shy.]
1. Disinclined, loth, unwilling. Const. of or to with inf.
c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋897 He þat ofte falleth in synne..is the moore eschew [v.r. eschewe, eschue, eschiewe] for to shryuen hym.c1386Merch. T. 568 To eten hem alle he nas no thyng eschu [v.r. eschewe, eschwe].1393Gower Conf. II. 286 She is escheue of bothe two.a1420Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 136 Vertu So excellent, that to feble is my witte To expresse it; wherfore I am eschu To medle, or make a long sermoun of itte.
2. ? Objectionable, to be avoided.
c1420Pallad. on Husb. i. 528 Dounge of foules is ful necessarie To lond tillynge; yit gooses dounge eschew is.Ibid. iv. 586 Her taste is eke eschewe In places weet.
III. eschew, v.1|ɛsˈtʃuː|
Forms: 4–6 escheve (? escheue), eschewe, (4 ech-, esshue, etchewe, isschewe, 4–5 eschef, eschiewe, -uwe, eþchewe, 5 escheu, eshew, 6 escue, estchue, as-, estew(e, -iew), exchew(e, (4 exschew, 6 exchue, -tue), 4–7 eschu(e, 4– eschew.
[a. OF. eschiver, eschever (also in other conjugations, as eschevoir, eschivir, eschivre), corresp. to Pr., Sp., Pg. esquivar, It. schivare (whence prob. mod.F. esquiver to dodge, the retention of the s being otherwise anomalous):—Common Romanic *skivāre, f. *skivo: see prec.; cf. OHG. sciuhen, MHG. schiuhen, schiuwen, mod.Ger. scheuen to dread, avoid, shun; also Eng. shy v.]
1. trans. To avoid, shun.
a. To avoid, keep clear of, escape (a danger or inconvenience). Rarely with clause as obj.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints, Mathias 205 [A sone] þat scho, til eschewe destiny, Ine a cophyne kest ine þe se.c1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. (1714) 105 To eschewe thees two Harmes, hyt may than be advised, etc.1514Barclay Cyt. & Uplondyshm. (Percy Soc.) 1 Pastoures..drawe to cotes for to eschewe the colde.1526Tindale 2 Cor. viii. 20 Thus we eschue thatt eny man shulde rebuke us in this aboundance.c1530Ld. Berners Arth. Lyt. Bryt. (1814) 17 To exchewe therby the displeasure of my lorde.1598Shakes. Merry W. v. v. 251 What cannot be eschew'd, must be embrac'd.1671J. Webster Metallogr. iv. 61 To eschew tediosness, [I] shall transcribe what Dr. Jorden hath written.1721St. German's Doctor & Stud. 60 To eschew that in⁓convenience that Statute was made.
b. To ‘fight shy of’, avoid (a place); to stand aloof from (a person). Obs.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. vi. 55 Suche men eschue.1413Lydg. Pilgr. Sowle iv. iii. (1483) 59 The quene of Saba..eshewed it [that brydge] and took another wey.c1450Castle Hd. Life St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 160 Fra þen forthe sho forhewed Þe kynges presence, and it eschewed.1553T. Wilson Rhet. 2 Beware..of straunge woordes, as thou wouldest take hede and eschewe greate rockes in the sea.1621Burton Anat. Mel. iii. ii. vi. iii. (1651) 564 A woman a man may eschue, but not a wife.
c. To abstain carefully from, avoid, shun (an action, a course of conduct, an indulgence, an article of food or drink, etc.). The current sense: Formerly with obj.-inf. preceded by to.
Johnson 1755 notes the word as ‘almost obsolete’; it is now not uncommon in literary use.
1340–70Alex. & Dind. 1001 But al þat badde is for a burn here abouen erþe, Huo so haþ chaunce to echue & chese the betture.c1375Lay Folks Mass-bk. (MS. B.) 358 Gyue me grace for to etchewe to do þat þing þat me shuld rewe.1388Wyclif 2 Tim. ii. 16 Eschewe thou vnhooli and veyn spechis.c1450Myrc 28 Grete othes thow moste enchewe.1509Hawes Joyful Medit. 20 They may extue For to do wronge.1535Coverdale Ps. xvii. 23, I..will eschue myne owne wickednes.1637Earl Stirling Doomesday 9th Hour (R.), These curious doubts which good men doe eschew Make many atheists.1656Ridgley Pract. Physick 22 Fat things must be eschewed.a1707Beveridge Serm. II. lxxxiii. (R.), They must not only eschew evil but do good in the world.1801Wordsw. Cuckoo & Night. xxiii, For every wight eschews thy song to hear.1848Thackeray Van. Fair xlv, He has already eschewed green coats, red neckcloths, and other worldly ornaments.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. 693 Observers..thought that capitalists would eschew all connection with what must necessarily be a losing concern.1876Blackie Songs Relig. & Life 228 Eschew the cavilling critic's art, The lust of loud reproving.
absol.1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. i. ii. viii. (1651) 25 The power to prosecute or eschue.
2. intr. To get off, escape. Obs.
1375Barbour Bruce xi. 391 Thai sall nocht weill eschew foroutyn fall.c1450Castle Hd. MS. Life St. Cuthb. (Surtees) 2525 And þat he couet to eschew.1560Rolland Crt. Venus iv. 441 Grant him his life..And I promit..That he sall not eschew away, nor fle.
3. trans. To rescue. Obs. rare. [So Fr. eschiver.]
c1500Melusine 170 Þey recouered there six of theire galeyes, & eschiewed þem fro the fyre.
Hence esˈchewal, an eschewing, a keeping clear of (evil). esˈchewance, the action of eschewing; avoidance. esˈchewer, one who eschews, avoids, shuns. esˈchewing vbl. n., the action of the vb. eschew in various senses. esˈchewment, the action of eschewing.
1583Babington Commandm. vii. (1590) 278 Things which keepe chastitie vncorrupted..sobrietie, labour..& *eschewall [ed. 1637 eschewing] of oportunitie.1656Jeanes Mixt. Scho. Div. 22 The bare eschewall of an evill is sufficient for the denomination of feare.1841G. S. Faber Prov. Lett. (1844) I. 182 The convenient negative process of an eschewal of all cross-questioning.
1842James Morley Ernstein xv, With that careful *eschewance of all listening ears..that gentleman remained bowing in silence till the waiter was out of the room.
1578Ch. Prayers in Priv. Prayers (1851) 460 Give them such judges, as are..*eschewers of all partiality.1621Dk. Buckhm. in Life Bacon xxii. (1861) 501 A messenger of good news to you and an eschewer of evil.1825Coleridge Aids Refl. (1848) I. 188 These eschewers of mystery.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. iii. xi. 99 The ferme stablenesse of pedurable dwellynge and ek the *eschuynge of destruccyoun.1563in Vicary's Anat. (1888) App. iii. 164 Theschuynge of the greate Daunger & perill of the..plage.
1864Webster, *Eschewment (rare).
IV. esˈchew, v.2 Obs. rare—1.
[ad. OF. escheu, pa. pple. of eschoir (mod.Fr. échoir): see escheat.]
intr. To fall out, fall to one's lot, befall.
a1400Morte Arth. 2957 This chekke hyme eschewede be chauncez of armes.




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