

单词 chastiment
释义 ˈchastiment Obs.
Also 3–4 chastiement, 4 castiment, chastyment.
[a. OF. chastiement (mod.F. châtiment), on L. type *castīgāment-um, f. castīgāre: see castigate and -ment.]
1. Chastisement, correction, punishment.
a1225Ancr. R. 198 Hwose..uorhoweð chastiement.a1300Cursor M. 26004 (Cott.) Lauerd..ic am redi for to thol þi castiment [Fairf. chastiment].138.Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. I. 115 Þis is chastyment of þe felle fend and nevere chastyment of Crist.
2. Reproof, rebuke.
a1225Ancr. R. 72 Þurh swuch chastiement haueð sum ancre arered..a valsinde luue, oðer a much weorre.1393Gower Conf. III. 169. a 1500 Ratis Raving iii. 419 Bettir is opine chastiment, Na luf that is hid in thin entent.




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