

单词 euphausiacean
释义 euphausiacean|ˌjuːfɔːzɪˈeɪʃən|
[f. mod.L. Euphausiacea, f. Gr. εὐ- eu- + ϕα- root of ϕαίνειν to show + οὐσία substance + -acea.]
A member of the order Euphausiacea of shrimp-like planktonic crustaceans. So euˈphausian, a member of the genus Euphausia of crustaceans; loosely, a euphausiacean; euˈphausid, -idian, -iid, a member of the family Euphausiidæ. Also euphausid a.
1885G. O. Sars in Challenger Reps. (Zool.) XIII. 63 In regard to the capture of Euphausidians..scarcely a single haul failing to yield some of the forms comprised in this group.1893Funk's Stand. Dict., Euphausiid.1893T. R. R. Stebbing Hist. Crustacea xviii. 265 The Euphausid larva.1909W. T. Calman in R. Lankester Treat. Zool. VII. 245 Order Euphausiacea... The phosphorescence of certain Euphausians was first observed by J. V. Thompson.1924W. M. Tattersall in Brit. Antarctic (Terra Nova) Exped. (Zool.) VIII. 1 The Euphausians in this collection were provided entirely by the tow nettings and other plankton gatherings.1928Russell & Yonge Seas v. 117 Euphausiids..are about an inch and a half in length, but are so abundant that they form a large part of the food of many of the northern fishes.1934Geogr. Jrnl. LXXXIV. 126 Thousands of the Euphausid, Thyanoessa inermis.1950J. S. Colman Sea & its Mysteries v. 106 The animals that make up the krill belong to the group of crustacea known as Euphausians.1956A. C. Hardy Open Sea ix. 171 The Euphausiaceans..have..a wonderful set of luminous organs.1959H. Barnes Oceanogr. & Marine Biol. 93 Planktonic organisms, such as the shrimp-like Euphausids, are responsible for this deep scattering layer.1965New Scientist 1 July 41/1 The euphausiaceans..are characterized by possessing well developed light-producing organs.1968Ibid. 24 Oct. 205/1 Whales feed on krill, composed largely of planktonic, relatively large, shrimp-like creatures known as euphausids.




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