

单词 exemplary
释义 I. exemplary, a. and adv.|ɛgˈzɛmplərɪ, ˈɛgzɛmplərɪ|
Also 6–7 exemplarie, 6–9 examplary, 7 exempleary.
[f. late L. exemplār-is (see exemplar a. and -ary2), f. exemplum.]
A. adj.
1. Of or pertaining to an example; furnishing examples. Obs.
1623Cockeram, Exemplarie, of or belonging to an example.1640J. Mabbe (title) Cervantes' Exemplarie Novells.a1649R. Holdsworth in Spurgeon Treas. Dav. Ps. cxxiii. 2 It is an exemplary particle, to stir them [men] up to do the like.1692–1732in Coles.1822(title) The Exemplary Novels of M. de Cervantes Saavedra.
2. That may serve as a specimen or type; in a typical form; typical.
1614Selden Titles Hon. 5, I allow, that a Family..was as an exemplary Monarchie.1670Milton Hist. Eng. iii. (1851) 94 This third Book having to tell of accidents various and exemplary.1683tr. Erasmus' Moriæ Enc. 31 The two Cato's are exemplary instances.1878Ruskin Notes on Turner 72 Four exemplary drawings he..[Turner] made for specimens.
b. Serving for an illustration; illustrative.
1639Fuller Holy War v. xxiv. (1647) 271 Exemplary is the Coat of George Villiers Duke of Buckingham; five Scallop-shells on a plain Crosse, speaking his predecessours valour in the Holy warre.1817W. Taylor in Monthly Rev. LXXXII. 82 Collecting exemplary passages which can only assist a reader to infer the meaning of a word by induction.
3. Of a penalty, damages, etc.: Such as may serve for a warning, or act as a deterrent.
1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1638) 196 The Christians sent by Lazarus..suffered many of them exemplary punishment.a1661Fuller Worthies (1840) III. 99 His justice was exemplary on thieves and robbers.1734tr. Rollin's Anc. Hist. (1827) III. vii. 298 He took an exemplary vengeance.1809Observer 7 May, From the frequency of this offence, it became necessary to punish it with exemplary severity.1888Bryce Amer. Commw. II. App. 672 The plaintiff, in addition to the actual damage, may..recover exemplary damages.
b. Phrases: to be exemplary: to become a warning. to make (a person, also a thing) exemplary: to make an example of. Obs.
1591Lambarde Archeion (1635) 181 These offences might be made exemplary and forewarning to other men.1658–9Burton's Diary (1828) III. 251 Let him be exemplary in his punishment. Send him to the Tower, and fine him 1000l.1669Lond. Gaz. No. 411/4 The Ring-leaders in the late Tumult, whom he intends to make exemplary.1692R. L'Estrange Josephus' Antiq. iv. ii. (1733) 79 That dark Way of Proceeding ought to be made exemplary in time.
4. Of a kind to become an example, liable to be turned into a precedent. Hence in weaker sense: Such as to attract notice; remarkable, extraordinary, signal. arch.
1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie i. xx. (Arb.) 58 The good and bad of Princes is more exemplarie..then the priuate persons.1629Chapman Juvenal 185 A lamprey of an exemplary size, That for dimension bears the prize from all.1649Selden Laws Eng. ii. iii. (1739) 18 Such crimes as are contrary to..the publick profit or peace, in a more exemplary way than ordinary.1718Prior Solomon ii. 986 From this abyss of exemplary vice Resolv'd..to rise.1829Gen. P. Thompson Exerc. (1842) I. 137 There was nobody that made a more exemplary bawling for the constable.
5. Of things: Serving as a model or pattern, after which something may be made; archetypal.
1594Hooker Eccl. Pol. i. iii. 8 We are not of opinion..that nature in working hath before her certaine exemplary draughts or patternes.1659H. L'Estrange Alliance Div. Off. 40 So that what Osmund intended peculiarly for his own use became exemplary to others.1702Lond. Gaz. No. 3809/8 An exemplary Invoice, proper for those at Sea and Land.1816W. Taylor in Monthly Rev. LXXXI. 525 Manuscript books..sufficiently popular to be exemplary.1854Trench Synon. N.T. Ser. i. (1860) 83 The first edition of 1611..should have been considered authoritative and exemplary for all that followed.
6. Of persons and personal attributes: Fit to serve as an example or pattern for imitation.
1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie i. xix. (Arb.) 55 The good and exemplarie things and actions of the former ages.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus ii. 7 In..good doctrine, and good life..exemplarie to his [a minister's] people in publike and priuate.1640T. Heywood (title), The exemplary Lives and memorable Acts of nine the most worthy Women of the World.1663Gerbier Counsel A j a, Your Lordship hath been exemplary to better Building.1709Steele Tatler No. 104 ⁋3 This Lady lived several Years an Exemplary Pattern of Conjugal Love.1848Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. 92 He was a man of learning and fervent piety..and an exemplary parish priest.1883W. R. S. Ralston in 19th Cent. XIII. 88 Popular tales are, as a general rule, provided with exemplary morals.
b. Hence, Excellent, perfect. Obs.
1644Bulwer Chirol. 11 The most faithfull guide to the exemplary knowledge of any matter of Fact.
B. adv. In an exemplary manner; to an exemplary degree; so as to be exemplary. Obs.
1626G. Sandys Ovid's Met., Life 3 Continuing to the end exemplarie faithfull.1658A. Fox tr. Wurtz' Surg. i. iii. 8 Such Surgeons..deserve to be punished severely and exemplary.1729Morgan Algiers I. iv. 74 That good Pastor [S. Augustine] persuaded him to live exemplary in his Station.1772Wilkes Corr. (1805) IV. 139 Our captain..had been exemplary humane and good.
II. exemplary, n. Obs.
[ad. late L. exemplārium (whence Fr. exemplaire: see exempler), f. exemplum example.]
1. a. A type or figure. b. A typical instance, an example. c. An example, pattern of conduct.
c1430Lydg. Bochas I. viii. 118 (1558) 15 a/1 Let Zisara be your examplary.Ibid. II. xxii. 7. 56 b/1 An examplary of porte & maner.1579Fulke Heskins' Parl. 374 Basill calleth breade & wine ἀντίτυπα, or exemplaria, exemplaries of the bodie and bloud of Christ.1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. B vj, The pride of apparel remaining in sight, as an exemplary of evill.
2. a. A ‘copy’ of a book; = exemplar n. 5. b. A copy or transcript (of a writing).
1538Leland Itin. I. p. xix, Parte of the examplaries..hath beene imprinted yn Germany.1548Udall Erasm. Par., Luke Pref. 5 b, The Latine exemplaries..do vary and not well agree.1633J. Done Hist. Septuagint 29 The exemplary of Demetrius his request to the King was this: Great sir, Since [etc.].1706A. Bedford Temple Mus. vii. 143 Moses had ordered the Kings a Copy of the Law. The Exemplary of the Temple was taken away.




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