

单词 malease
释义 malease
Forms: 3 malees, malisce, 3–4 maless, 3–5 males, 4 malis, male-ese, Sc. mail eiss, mail ess, 4–5 mal ese, 5 male eese, mayll easse, male ease, 6 Sc. maill eys.
[a. OF. malaise: see malaise.]
1. Absence of ease; uneasiness, discomfort; inconvenience, annoyance; disquiet; distress, trouble.
a1300Cursor M. 6300 Wit þair danger, sir moyses, Oft þai did him haue malees.Ibid. 6788 Widues ne barns faderles Do yee na wrang, ne na males.c1300K. Alis. 7366 Beter is, lyte to have in ese, Then muche to have in malese.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xiii. 76 What myschief and malese Cryst for man tholed.a1400Relig. Pieces fr. Thornton MS. 18 Euer mare when þou erte at male-eese þan he comforthes þe.1470–85Malory Arth. viii. xli. 338 A syr yet shalle I shewe you faueour in your male ease.
1923S.P.E. Tract xiii. 35 All French loan-words that are sufficiently naturalized to be considered as English should be treated as English... We should be glad if London editors would..print as follows:..malease for malaise.1929R. Bridges Testament of Beauty i. 231 [St.] Francis climbed—rather his gentle soul had learn'd From taste of vanity and by malease of the flesh.1930Times Lit. Suppl. 4 Dec. 1022/2 Yet her achievement was muted by excess of ardour and by a subtle, fundamental malease.1938L. P. Smith Unforgotten Yrs. vi. 165 My tutor gave it unusual praise, in which praise I was conscious of the mingling of a curious malease.
2. Disease, sickness. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 23161 Oft i was wit malisce [other texts malese] mette, Bot for you was me neuer bett.1375Barbour Bruce xx. 73, 75 Ane male ess tuk hym so sare,..His mail eiss of ane fundyng Begouth.1388Wyclif Matt. iv. 24 Thei brouȝten to hym alle that weren at male ese.1500–20Dunbar Poems xxix. 34 This malice, That with sic panis prickillis me.1513Douglas æneis xii. i. 114 Quha wald wyth cuyr of medycyne hym meys, The moir encressys and growis his maill eys.




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