

单词 thereup
释义 thereˈup, adv. Obs.
Forms: see there and up; also 3 þruppe.
[Late OE. þǽr uppan (þǽr there, uppan upon, on) would give ME. *þer uppen, þeruppe, and in 14th c. þerup; but these might also be new formations from uppe, up.]
1. Up on that, upon that (place or thing); up in or into that place; up there, up above. In quots. c 1230, above (on the page or in the document).
αc1000ælfric Saints' Lives xxx. 200 Him wæs his myxen forlæten þæt he þær uppan sittan mihte.c1230Hali Meid. 39 Ich habbe ihalden mine beheaste þruppe.Ibid., Forsac þi fader hus as hit is þeruppe iopenet.c1250Gen. & Ex. 1609 Ðe louerd ðor uppe a-buuen Lened ðor on.c1300St. Brandan 123 Bord and cloth i-sprad, And bred and fisch ther uppe.c1315Shoreham i. 41 Howe mey þat be? wo dar þer oppe steiȝe?
β1572Buchanan Detect. Q. Mary U iij, I haue wakit laiter thairvp [Fr. là haut] then I wald haue done, if it had nat bene [etc.].1829A. Clarke in Life xiii. (1840) 478 Collectors..to take silver from all who should go thereup.
2. = thereupon 2, 3.
αa1225Ancr. R. 42 Hwo se wule mei a-stunten þeruppe anon rihtes efter þe uorme ureisun.c1290Beket 447 in S. Eng. Leg. I. 119 Heo wollez þanne mis-don al day and beon þare-oppe wel bolde.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 8084 [Robert] borewede þer uppe [v.r. c 1400 þer vpon] of him an hondred þousend marc.a1325MS. Rawl. B. 520 lf. 32 Þat a non riȝt..be i-mad so uers siute þer oppe fram toune to toune.
β1375Barbour Bruce (MS. 1487) x. 433 Sic melle tharup can he mak.1430W. Paston in P. Lett. I. 30 And there up to graunte your worthy lettres.
3. Over and above that, in addition to that.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 716 Ȝif þou wole ȝut þer vppe more esse [= ask] & wite of me.Ibid. 1085 Þanne aȝt it be inou..Loue & frendssipe to aski us..þei þou ne askedest þer vppe þralhede euere mo.




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