

单词 therewith
释义 therewith, adv. Now formal or arch.
(ðɛəˈwɪθ, ðɛəwɪð with shifting stress)
[OE. þǽr wiþ, ðærwið, f. þǽr, there 17 + wið, with prep.]
1. Against that (or those); in opposition to that; in return for that. Obs.
c1000ælfric Gen. xlvii. 16 Drifað hider eowre orf,..and ic sylle eow þær wið mete.a1200Moral Ode 300 Warnie [elc man] æc his frend þer wid so ic habbe mine.c1220Bestiary 383 Mikel ned, ðat we ðar wið ne dillen.c1300Cursor M. 28109, I said not ans þar wit nai.
2. With that (or those) as accompaniment, adjunct, etc.; together or in company with that (and in allied senses of with).
c888K. ælfred Boeth. xxxiii. §5 Swaþeah hi sint ðærwið ᵹemengde.a1300Cursor M. 7262 [Samson] slogh his faas, him-self þar with.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 1751 Þai sal fele þar many a ded brayde, Bot þai sal ay lyf þar with.1599Davies Immort. Soul I. xxiii, All things..We seeke to know, and how therewith to do.1885Law Rep. 14 Q.B. Div. 246 At right angles therewith.1886Spurgeon Treas. David Ps. cxxxii. 10 Every person connected therewith.1907Illingworth Doctr. Trin. iii. 44 The..historical accuracy of the Acts has been amply revindicated.., and therewith the value of its evidence.1910Act 10 Edw. VII, c. 38 Sched. B, For Old Age Pensions..and for certain Administration Expenses in connection therewith {pstlg}500,000.
b. In addition to that; besides, withal.
a1300Cursor M. 2204 Nembrot..O babilon king, stijf in stur, And þer wit [v.rr. þar-wid, -wiþ] was he gret werrur.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xii. 50 Þe water of þis see es full bitter and salt þarwith.1886Kipling Departm. Ditties, etc. (1899) 41 Pagett, M.P., was a liar, and a fluent liar therewith.
c. With that (word, act, or occurrence); that being said or done; thereat, thereupon, forthwith.
c1369Chaucer Dethe Blaunche 275 Y fil aslepe, and therewith evene Me mette so ynly swete a swevene.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xix. 479 Þe vyker..toke his leue, And I awakned þere with.a1425Cursor M. 10462 (Trin.) Vtayne þer wiþ [G. wid þis word] gon to tene.1512R. Copland Helyas (1827) 76 Therwith the king and the quene went and kyssed theyr sonne Helias.1517R. Torkington Pilgr. (1884) 33 And ther with they com ner hym.1868Morris Earthly Par., Man born to be King 107 Therewith he rose And led the way unto a close.
3. With that as instrument; by means of that.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 379 Two pilches weren..to Adam and to Eue broȝt, Ðor wið he ben nu boðen srid, And here same sumdel is hid.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 3828 Is suerd he drou þere Vor to asaile him þerwiþ.c1400Brut ccviii. 238 Þai toke stone, and made þerwiþ þe tour.1526Tindale Jas. iii. 9 The tonge..Therwith blesse we God the father and therwith cursse we men which are made vnto the similitude off God.1579Langham Gard. Health (1633) 437 Whether fish or birds be taken therewith.1725Bradley's Fam. Dict. s.v. Mint, If you bathe the affected Part therewith.
b. With that as cause or occasion; on account of or because of that; in consequence of that.
c1440Jacob's Well 300 Whan þe flesch sufferyth penauns or hardnesse, it grucchyth þer with.c1500Melusine 360 Hys bretheren and the baronnye þere were abasshed ther⁓with.1526Tindale 1 Tim. vi. 9 When we have fode and rayment, let vs theirwith be content.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Mar. 94 Therewith affrayd I ranne away.1792Cowper Let. to J. Johnson 5 Nov., I have finished the Sonnet..and sent it to Hayley, who is well pleased therewith.




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