

单词 exportation
释义 exportation|ɛkspɔəˈteɪʃən|
[a. F. exportation, ad. L. exportātiōn-em, n. of action f. exportāre: see export.]
The action of exporting.
a. gen. Carrying out from a place.
b. The conveying or sending (persons) out of the country.
a1610Healey Theophrastus, Ostentation (1636) 80 He [Antipater], when there was granted a free exportation [from Macedonia], when the courtesie was offered him, refused it.1666J. Smith Old Age 239 The Instruments of the vital Faculty, which serve for..exportation and rejection of the same [bloud and spirits].1725H. Bourne Antiq. Com. People ii. 15 They were wont to sit by it [the corpse], from the Time of its Death till its Exportation to the Grave.1774Pennant Tour Scot. in 1772, 47 The melancholy exportation of..natives of Great Britain.1789Hist. in Ann. Reg. 142 It [Stanhope's bill] also repealed the laws..prohibiting the exportation of women.
2. Comm. The sending out (of commodities) from one country to another.
1641Nicholas Papers (Camden) I. 20 Statutes restrayning the exportacion of y⊇ native commodities of that kingdome.1678Marvell Corr. Wks. I. 362 The Committee against Exportation of Wooll sate yesternight.1797–8Wellington in Owen Disp. 779 The exportation of British manufactures, excepting of military stores, ought to be free.1870Anderson Missions Amer. Bd. II. xxxi. 271 Wheat, and other products for exportation.
transf.1807Med. Jrnl. XVII. 119 An indigenous and local disease..capable of exportation to distant countries.
3. quasi-concr.
a. Something carried out.
b. That which is exported; pl. commodities exported, exports (obs.).
a.1817Coleridge Biog. Lit. 238 Feverishness and want of appetite which..was certainly not decreased by the exportations from the cabin.
b.1664–5Pepys Diary (1879) III. 109 If the exportations exceed the importations.1673Temple Ess. Ireland Wks. 1731 I. 112 The Native Commodities or common easie Manufactures..make up the Exportation of this Kingdom.1691T. H[ale] Acc. New Invent. 131 As much..as they now receive in Exchange for their said Exportations.
4. Logic. The inference that if two propositions together imply a third, then the first of them on its own implies that the second implies the third.
1903B. Russell Princ. Math. ii. 16 If pq implies r, then p implies that q implies r. This is the converse of the preceding principle, and is called exportation.1954I. M. Copi Symbolic Logic iii. 43 Exportation (Exp.): [(p.q) ⊃r][p⊃(qr)].1965Hughes & Londey Elem. of Formal Logic xviii. 125 This is known as the Law of Exportation..since its effect is to ‘export’ one proposition from the antecedent to the consequent.




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