

单词 Rear-Admiral
释义 Rear-ˈAdmiral
[f. rear-.]
1. A flag-officer in the navy, the next in rank below a vice-admiral. (See admiral 3.)
In the U.S. navy formerly the highest rank granted except in special circumstances.
1589[T. Cates] Sir F. Drake's W. Ind. Voy. 2 Captaine Francis Knolles, Rieradmirall in the Gallion Leicester.a1642Sir W. Monson Naval Tracts iii. (1704) 332/1 The use of a Rear-Admiral is but a late invention, and is allow'd but the ordinary Pay of a Captain.1702Lond. Gaz. No. 3829/3 Sir John Munden, Rear-Admiral of the Red, hoisted his Flag this day on the Mizen-top-mast of her Majesty's Ship the Victory.1769Falconer Dict. Marine s.v. Admiral, There are at present in England..four rear admirals of the red, four of the white, and five of the blue squadron.1802James Milit. Dict. s.v. Rank, Admirals..rank with generals of horse and foot; rear-admirals, as major-generals.1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Rear-Admiral, the officer in command of the third division of a fleet, whose flag is at the mizen.
b. Formerly used in the designation Rear Admiral of England or Great Britain. Now Obs.
1684Lond. Gaz. No. 1901/3 His Majesty has been graciously pleased to constitute Arthur Herbert Esq. Rear Admiral of England.1705Ibid. No. 4086/3 The Lord High Admiral has been pleased to appoint Sir Cloudesly Shovell..to be Rear-Admiral of England.1707Ibid. No. 4397/3 He was at the Time of his Death Rear-Admiral of Great Britain.1799Naval Chron. I. 368 note, In August 1771 [Sir George Rodney] was made Rear Admiral of Great Britain.
2. A ship carrying a rear-admiral's flag. Obs.
1587R. Leng True Descr. Voy. Sir F. Drake (Camden) 14 We all put out to sea..: videlicet..the Golden Lyon, vize-admirall; the Dreadnaughte, reare admirall [etc.].1628Digby Voy. Medit. (1868) 28 The newes of my Rere⁓admirall fighting the day before with the Venetian shippe.1690Lond. Gaz. No. 2541/3 Their Majesties Ship the Coronation, being a second Rate, and Rear-Admiral of the Red.




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