

单词 through-shine
释义 ˈthrough-shine, a. Obs.
[In OE. þurh- *scíne, -scýne, f. scínan to shine.]
Through which light shines; transparent, translucent.
c1000ælfric Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 148/7 Specularis, þurhscyne stan.a1631Donne To C'tess Bedford 27 That wee May in your through-shine face our hart's thoughts see.
So through-ˈshine v. [f. shine v.: cf. OHG. durhskînan, Ger. durchscheinen], intr. to shine through; hence ˈthrough-, ˈthorough-ˌshining ppl. a., shining through, translucent, transparent.
1526Tindale Rev. xxi. 21 The strete of the cite was pure golde, as thorowe shynynge glasse.1578Lyte Dodoens i. xxxiv. 49 Rounde tender, thorough shining, and browne redde stalkes.1603Florio Montaigne i. xxv. (1632) 77 It ought to make her contentment to through-shine in all exteriour parts.1634Peacham Gentl. Exerc. i. xxvii. 95 Then buy the Goldsmiths red Ammell, which in any case let be very transparent and through-shining.




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