

单词 faussebraie
释义 faussebraie, -braye Fortif.|fosbrɛ|
Forms: α. 5 fawce-, fawese-, (6 faws-) braye, 9 fausse-braie, 7– fausse-braye. β. 7–8 false-bray, (7 falsbray).
[a. F. fausse-braie, f. fausse, fem. of faux false + braie: see braye.]
An artificial mound or wall thrown up in front of the main rampart. In early use, a covered way.
αc1489Caxton Sonnes of Aymon iii. 77 A fawcebraye vpon a roche, thrughe y⊇ whiche reynawde..wente oute vnder couerte.Ibid. vi. 149 Also he made y⊇ portcolisse, fawesebrayes, & barbacanes well defensable.1523St. Papers Henry VIII, IV. 38 Having noo bulwarkes nor fawsbrayes.1688Capt. J. S. Fortification 57 The onely end of this Faussebray, is the defence of the Moat.1767Sterne Tr. Shandy IX. xi, All its trumpery of saps, mines..fausse-brays, and cuvettes.1828Napier Penins. War x. vii. (Rtldg.) II. 74 A second wall, about 12 feet high, called a fausse braie..surrounded the first.1855Smedley Occult Sciences 211 note, One of the pinnacled battlements of the fausse-braye.
β1604E. Grimstone Hist. Siege Ostend 34 Others..were in the False Bray.1667Lond. Gaz. No. 212/2 Our men are now busily employed in placing new Palisados upon the Falsbray.1702W. J. Bruyn's Voy. Levant xi. 51 One may more properly call that of the outward Wall a False-bray, or Under-Bulwark.
attrib.1812Wellington in Gurw. Desp. VIII. 551 Having escaladed the fausse braie wall.




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