

单词 fermery
释义 ˈfermery, ˈfarmery Obs. exc. Hist.
Forms: α. 4–6 fermerie, -y(e, 4–7 fermori(e, -y(e, 5 fermary(e, 7 Hist. fermarie, firmorie, firmary. β. 6 farmarie, -erye, -ory, 7 farmary, 6– farmery.
[aphet. f. OF. enfermerie, ad. med L. infirmāria: see infirmary.]
= infirmary; chiefly, the infirmary of a monastery.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xiii. 108 If ȝe fare so in ȝowre fermorie.c1394P. Pl. Crede 212 Fermery and fraitur with fele mo houses.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode iv. lx. (1869) 205, I wole lede þee with me..in to þe fermerye to reste.c1550Bale K. Johan 82 Gett thee to the farmerye.1593Rites & Mon. Ch. Durh. (Surtees) 44 A chamber called the Dead Mane's Chamber in the said Farmery.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. viii. §62 The rehearsall..of his dying in the Firmary.1626Spelman Gloss., Firmarium al. Fermarium, Angl. a fermarie.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. vi. ii. 287 Infirmarium or the firmorie.1891W. H. St. J. Hope in Venables Chron. de Parco Lude Introd. 55 Of the farmery (infirmitorium)..very little has been made out.
attrib.a1490Botoner Itin. (Nasmith 1778) 83 The fermarye chyrch continet in longitudine 34 virgas.




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