

单词 fibrose
释义 I. fibrose, a. ? Obs.
[ad. mod.L. fibrōsus: see fibre and -ose.]
= fibrous.
1697J. Petiver in Phil. Trans. XIX. 681 The Roots fibrose and whitish.1752Ibid. XLVII. 511 Their external appearance will show them fibrose.1775in Ash.
II. fibrose, v. Path.|ˈfaɪbrəʊz|
[f. fibrose a.]
intr. To form fibrous tissue. Hence ˈfibrosed ppl. a.; fiˈbrosing vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1879St. George's Hosp. Rep. IX. 133 Lungs (some fibrosing or caseous).Ibid. 156 Indolent fibrosing tubercle at the apices of the lungs.1897Brit. Med. Jrnl. 11 Dec. 1728/1 The lower lobe of each lung was completely fibrosed.1909Practitioner Feb. 210 On examination of the fibroid, it is found shrunken and fibrosed throughout.1956G. Lapage Vet. Parasitol. x. 275 The bile ducts become fibrosed and thickened.




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