

单词 to-do
释义 I. to-do, a.
Brit. |tʊˈduː|, U.S. |təˈdu|
[‹ to prep. + do v.]
Designating a (notional) list of tasks requiring attention or completion, often organized in order of priority. Also: relating to such a list.
1921Fort Wayne (Indiana) Jrnl. 6 Nov. iii. 2/8 Again she consulted her ‘To Do’ list.1957Sunday Times Signal (Zanesville, Ohio) 12 May ii. 7/5 Modernizing of the basement into a rumpus room should be high on the to-do list.1983N.Y. Times (Nexis) 12 July c5/1 Shoebox [sc. an electronic organizer] deals with appointments, to-do reminders and expenses.1994What PC? Oct. 27/1 A..Personal Information Manager, is a product designed to combine the functions of diary, address book, scratch pad, to-do list, and so on.2002A. Behrman Electroboy (2003) p. xiv, I stash my to-do list in my pocket and buy..a round of drinks for a group of faceless people across the bar.
II. to-ˈdo, v. Obs.
[OE. to-dón, f. to-2 + dón to do, to put. Cf. MHG. zertuon.]
trans. a. To put asunder, divide, separate. b. To undo, open.
a839Penit. Laws Ecgbert ii. c. 11 ᵹif hwylc wif tweᵹen ᵹebroðru nimð hire to ᵹemæccan, oþerne æfter oþrum, to-do man hiᵹ.a900Ags. Ps. (Th.) xxi. 11 Hi todydon heora muð onᵹean me.a1000Ags. Hexameron St. Basil iv. (1849) 8 Ðæt wæter and seo eorðe wæron ᵹemengede oð ðone ðriddan dæᵹ; ða todyde hi God.c1205Lay. 2945 Ic wlle mine riche to-don..& twemen mine bearnen.Ibid. 6507 And þat deor to-dede [c 1275 vndude] his chæfles..And for-bat hine amidden a twa.




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