

单词 filch
释义 I. filch, n.|fɪlʃ, fɪltʃ|
[Belongs to next vb. It is uncertain whether the n. in sense 1 was the source of the vb., or derived from it; in the other senses it is f. the vb.]
1. A staff with a hook at one end, used to steal articles from hedges, open windows, etc. Obs.
1622Fletcher Beggar's Bush ii. i, Thus we throw up our Nab-cheats..And then our filches.1632–48Dekker Eng. Villanies M iij/2 [He] carries a short staffe..which is called a Filch.a1700B. E. Dict. Cant. Crew, A good Filch, a Staff, of Ash or Hazel, with a Hole through, and a Spike at the bottom, to pluck Cloathes from a Hedge or anything out of a Casement.1725in New Cant. Dict.
2. That which is filched or stolen; also, ‘a good taking’.
a1627Middleton More Dissemblers besides Women iv. ii, Save ev'ry hour a filch or two, Be it money, cloth or pullen.1798Wolcott (P. Pindar) Tales of Hoy Wks. 1812 IV. 424 He put a fine parcel of money into the pockets of the proprietors: quite a Filch.
3. One who filches or steals: a filcher. Obs.
1775in Ash.1810Poole Hamlet Travestie ii. iii, A very Filch, that more deserves to hang, Than any one.
4. The action of filching or stealing
1877Five Years' Penal Servit. iii. 246 She were an out and outer in going into shops on the filch.
II. filch, v.|fɪlʃ, fɪltʃ|
Also 6 filche, filtch, fylche.
[Of unknown origin; see prec. n.
Originally slang, and, like many other slang words, first recorded in 16th c. The following passage is often quoted as an earlier instance, but the various reading fliched (‘flinched’, ‘given way’) seems preferable, and in any case the present vb. yields no good sense:—
c1300Song in Langtoft Chron. (Rolls) II. 264 In toune herd I telle, Thair baghel and thair belle Ben filched and fledde.]
1. trans. To steal, esp. things of small value; to pilfer. Occas. in weaker sense: To take away surreptitiously.
1561J. Awdelay Frat. Vacab. 3 Or els filtch Poultry, carying them to the Alehouse.1596H. Clapham Briefe Bible i. 65 Let such as haue filtched Church-liuings, marke this.16022nd Pt. Return fr. Parnass. i. ii. (Arb.) 9 Those eggs which haue ben filcht from the nest of Crowes and Kestrells.a1677Barrow Serm. Wks. 1716 II. 155 From him they filcht that proud..uncivil humour.1714Gay Trivia iii. 58 The wily Fox..Who lately filch'd the Turkey's callow Care.1785Paley Mor. Philos. (1818) I. 94 If he filched a book out of a Library.1810T. Jefferson Writ. (1830) IV. 138 A mere contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves.1856Mrs. Browning Aur. Leigh vi. 671 I did not filch,—I found the child.1873Symonds Grk. Poets vii. 212 He would filch me hence.
absol.1567Harman Caveat 32 They be..skilfull in..filching.1688Ld. Delamere Wks. (1694) 26 For when Servants are pincht, they will be filching.1866Geo. Eliot F. Holt 56 If I don't lie and filch somebody else will.
b. with away, off.
1577Test. 12 Patriarchs (1604) 52 Ye shall purloin the Lord's offering, and filch away pieces of it.1678Butler Hud. iii. i. 1176 What made thee..filch the Ladie's Heart away?1829Lytton Disowned 4 The rascals would not filch off the corner of your garment.1843Prescott Mexico v. ii. (1864) 283 He..succeeded in filching away much of the territory of his royal kinsman.
c. To introduce stealthily into. Obs. rare—1.
1589Nashe Almond for Parrat 3 Thou shouldst filche thyselfe..into our gouernement.
2. To rob (of something). rare.
1567Harman Caveat 29 If they meete with a woman..such they filche and spoyle.1837Howitt Rur. Life iii. iii 243 No man is in danger of..being filched of his purse.
3. To beat, strike. Obs.
1567Harman Caveat 84 To fylche, to beate, to stryke.1610Rowlands Martin Mark-all (1874) 38 Filch, to beate.
Hence filched ppl. a.
1567Drant Horace Epist. xiii. E iv, Drunken Pyrrhe beares her wool her flycesie filched gaine.a1625Fletcher Chances i. ix, I foster up your filch'd Iniquities!1809Scott Poacher 74 The filched lead the church's roof affords.1856G. H. Boker Poems, Anne Boleyn i. i, This same haughty moon That floods our prospect with her filched beams.




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