

单词 tokening
释义 tokening, vbl. n. Now rare.|ˈtəʊkənɪŋ|
[OE. tácnung (ᵹe-), f. tácn-ian, token v. + -ing1: cf. OHG. zeihnunga, MHG. zeichenunge, Ger. zeichnung, Du. teekening, etc.]
1. The action of the verb token; representation, signification, meaning, symbolization, betokening, presaging, etc.: see the verb.
c888K. ælfred Boeth. vii. §2 To hwæm cumað hi þon elles butan to tacnunge sorᵹes &..sares? [c1175Lamb. Hom. 99 Þe helende ableu his gast on his apostlas for ðere itacnunge þet heo and alle cristen men scullan lufian heore nehstan.]c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 91 Chirche haueð þe tocninge of bethfage.a1300Cursor M. 6337 Sum-kin takening suld þar be Loken in þir wandes thre.c1410Sir Cleges 217, I am aferd yt ys tokynnyng Of more harme that ys comynge.1496Dives & Paup. (W. de W.) i. xv. 48/1 Encensynge done..byfore the ymages in dyuerse sygnyfycacyons or tokenynges.
b. in tokening, in token, as a token or evidence (of). Obs.
c890tr. Bæda's Hist. ii. vi. (1890) 114 Þa he me in tacnunge his lufan bebead.1297R. Glouc. Chron. (Rolls) 1165 Ibured it was uorþ wiþ him as in tokninge Of is prowesse.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 39 A branch of ane olyve tree in takenyng of pes.a1500Chester Pl. xi. 147 A signe I offer..in tockeninge shee has lived oo in full devocion.
2. A token, emblem, sign, mark; a portent; a signal; a zodiacal sign (obs.).
c888K. ælfred Boeth. viii. §1 Hwæt syndon ða woruldsælða oðres buton deaðes tacnung?a1300Cursor M. 11252 Þar es þe king ouer al kinges Born to night wit þir takeninges.c1320Sir Tristr. 506 Hunters, whare be ȝe? Þe tokening schuld ȝe blowe.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 73 Whenne þe sonne entrys yn to þe firste tokenynge of þe crabbe.a1450Tourn. Tottenham 85 A broche on hur brest..With the holy-rode tokenyng, was wrotyn for the nonys.1553Douglas's æneis iii. vi. 67, I sall the schaw taikynins [ed. Small takins] therof full mete.1710Dict. Feudal Law 151 Taiknings, are Signals given to forwarn people of the approach of the Enemy.1867Morris Jason iii. 46 Bid him hearken, by this tokening, That I, who send thee to him, am the same.




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