

单词 tomato
释义 tomato
(təˈmɑːtəʊ, təʊ-, U.S. -ˈmeɪtəʊ)
Forms: α. 7–9 tomate; β. 8– tomato; γ. 8–9 tomata; δ. 8 tomatum, 9 -us. pl. 8 tomatos, 8– tomatoes.
[In 17th c. tomate, a. F. tomate (2 syll.) fem., or Sp. and Pg. tomate (3 syll.) masc., ad. Mex. tomatl. Tomato is an English alteration, app. assumed to be Spanish, or perh. after potato; tomata a later change, app. assuming a Sp. *tomata like patata; tomatum, -us are erroneous latinizations.
1572Guillandinus De Papyro 90 Americanorum tumatle.Ibid. 91 Tumatle..recentiores fere pomum aureum, et pomum amoris nuncupant.]
1. a. The glossy fleshy fruit of a solanaceous plant (Solanum Lycopersicum or Lycopersicum esculentum), a native of tropical America, now cultivated as a garden vegetable in temperate as well as tropical lands. It varies when ripe from red to yellow in colour, and greatly in size and shape, the common form being irregularly spheroidal, while two smaller forms, considered by some as species, are named from their shape, L. cerasiforme, the cherry tomato, and L. pyriforme, the pear-shaped tomato. Formerly called love-apple, from supposed aphrodisiac qualities. Also the plant, an annual with a weak trailing or climbing stem, irregularly pinnate leaves, and yellow flowers resembling those of the potato.
α1604E. G[rimstone] D'Acosta's Hist. Indies vii. ix. 519 There was also Indian pepper, beetes, Tomates, which is a great sappy and savourie graine.1775R. Twiss Trav. Portugal & Spain 256 Its district produces..radishes, endive, cucumbers and tomates.1796Stedman Surinam II. xxv. 224, I found plenty of tomaté, which being produced in many British gardens, I will not attempt to describe.1846A. Soyer Cookery 10 Preserved tomates.
β1753Chambers Cycl. Suppl., Tomato, the Portuguese [error] name for the fruit of the lycopersicon or love-apple; a fruit..eaten either stewed or raw by the Spaniards and Italians and by the Jew families in England.1777G. Forster Voy. round World II. 588 The Solanum Lycopersicon, the fruit of which they call tomatos.1846Lindley Veg. Kingd. 621 Tomatoes..are a common ingredient in sauces.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Voy. Eng., I find the sea-life an acquired taste, like that for tomatoes and olives.
γ1759Miller Gard. Dict., Lycopersicon... Apple-bearing Nightshade, with a soft, round, striated Fruit, commonly called Tomatas [error] by the Spaniards.1806[see 3].1839Mag. Dom. Econ. IV. 127 Directions for the various preparations of the Tomata.1887J. Ashby-Sterry Lazy Minstrel (1892) 107 The ruddy ripe tomata, In china bowl of ice.
δ1796C. Marshall Garden. xvi. (1813) 276 Tomatum, or love apples, we have red, white and yellow fruited.1822Lancaster (Pa.) Jrnl. 6 Sept. (Thornton), The pies made of the Tomatus are excellent.
b. = tomato-red, sense 3.
1920Queen 22 May (front cover), Colours:..Apricot, Ivory, Mastic, Tomato, Suede, and Saxe.1923Daily Mail 29 Jan. 1 (Advt.), Striped suitings... On grounds of mole, grey, fawn, black and tomato.1977M. Kenyon Rapist v. 56 Her rosy cheeks turned tomato with indignation.1978P. McCutchan Blackmail North viii. 93 She got into the tomato Mini and drove away.
c. An attractive girl. slang (orig. U.S.).
1929D. Runyon in Hearst's Internat. Nov. 74/1 Different guys have different names for dolls, such as broads,..and tomatoes, which I claim are not respectful.1962J. Heller Catch-22 xvi. 153, I can rush back to that night club before Aarfy leaves with that wonderful tomato he's got without giving me a chance to ask about an aunt or friend she must have who's just like her.1977H. Fast Immigrants v. 303 This tomato is twenty-three years old and she's a virgin.
2. a. With qualifying words, applied to varieties of this fruit or plant, as cherry-tomato, currant-tomato, or to other species resembling it, as cannibal's tomato, strawberry-tomato or husk-tomato: see quots.
1867Brande & Cox Dict. Sc., etc. III. 806/1 The Solanum anthropophagorum, which the Feejeans eat at their feasts of human flesh, is hence called the Cannibal's Tomato.1884Miller Plant-n., Cherry Tomato-plant, Solanum Lycopersicum var. cerasiforme.Ibid., Physalis Alkekengi,..Bladder Herb, Red Nightshade, Red Winter-cherry, Straw-berry-Tomato. P. pubescens, Barbadoes Cape-Goose-berry, Straw-berry Tomato.1887Nicholson's Dict. Gard. IV. 53/1 Cherry and Red Currant Tomatoes, these are chiefly grown for ornament, as their fruits are borne in great profusion in bunches or clusters. They represent, in general appearance, the Cherry and Red Currant, after which they are popularly called.
b. tree tomato, the shrub Cyphomandra betacea, N.O. Solanaceæ, a native of Colombia and Peru, now naturalized in many tropical and subtropical countries; also its fruit.
1880–81Morris Ann. Rep. Public Gardens Jamaica 35 Tree Tomato.1884Gard. Chron. XXI. 510 Tree Tomato. This is the popular name of a fruit naturalized in Jamaica... It answers in every respect the purposes for which the ordinary Tomato is esteemed.1887Standard 16 Sept. 5/2 Here..is the tree tomato,..the Tomato de Paz, or the ‘vegetable mercury’.1944Living off Land ii. 40 Tree-tomatoes will be found as garden-escapees.1959N.Z. Listener 8 May 22/3 Tree Tomato Sauce. Eight pounds tree tomatoes, 2 large onions, [etc.].1966G. W. Turner Eng. Lang. Austral. & N.Z. viii. 172 Tree tomato and Chinese gooseberry seem to be commoner in New Zealand than in other English-speaking countries.1976K. Thackeray Crownbird v. 91 A separate table bore..tree tomatoes, portions of yellow jackfruit and chilled mountain paw-paw.
3. attrib. and Comb., as tomato-blight, tomato-can, tomato chutney, tomato-grafting, tomato-growing, tomato-ketchup, tomato-leaf, tomato-plant, tomato purée, tomato-rot, tomato salad, tomato sandwich, tomato-sauce, tomato-scab, tomato-seed, tomato soup, tomato-top; tomato-coloured, tomato-red adjs; tomato-gall: see quot. 18912; tomato hawk-moth or sphinx, an American sphingid moth, Protoparce celeus; tomato hornworm = tomato worm; tomato juice, the juice from tomatoes; also, a drink of this; tomato paste, thick, concentrated tomato purée; tomato pinworm, the larva of a small moth, Keiferia lycopersicella, which bores holes in the buds or fruit of the tomato plant; tomato vine U.S., a tomato plant; tomato-worm, the caterpillar of this, which feeds on tomato leaves.
1868‘O. C. Kerr’ Smoked Glass xviii. 216 What mean these letters which I find imprinted upon..the tomato can?1914Sat. Even. Post 4 Apr. 11/1 A gay-cat..will turn against a friend when that friend is down to tomato cans.
1855E. Acton Mod. Cookery (rev. ed.) xxxii. 609 Tomata and other chatnies.1963A. L. Simon Guide Good Food & Wines 133/1 (heading) Green tomato chutney.
1869L. M. Alcott Little Women ii. iii. 31 Brown rain, and purple clouds, with a tomato-coloured splash in the middle.1891M. M. Dowie Girl in Karp. 68 Her two tomato-coloured aprons.1904E. Nesbit Phœnix & Carpet xi. 206 Tomato-coloured Liberty silk.
1887Nicholson's Dict. Gard. IV. 51/2 It is only in warm situations..that the Tomato crop can be depended upon in the open air.
Ibid. 52/1 Tomato culture.
1891Cent. Dict., Tomato-gall, a gall made upon the twigs of the grape-vine in the United States by the gall⁓midge Lasioptera vitis: so called on account of its resemblance to the fruit of the tomato.
1897Westm. Gaz. 16 Dec. 12/2 To graft the tomato on the potato stalk... So far from taking from the strength of the tubers, the tomato-grafting, he thinks, improves them. He never grew such fine potatoes as with tomato-tops, nor such fine tomatoes as with potato roots.
1928Metcalf & Flint Destructive & Useful Insects xvi. 488 The southern or tomato hornworm ranges from the northern states southward far into South America.1972Swan & Papp Common Insects N. Amer. xix. 263 Tomato hornworm{ddd}sometimes called the five-spotted hawk moth.
1935M. Morphy Recipes of All Nations 595 Tomato juice cocktail.1936‘R. West’ Thinking Reed ii. 56 She ordered some tomato juice, for she would never again need a cocktail.1981P. Van Greenaway ‘Cassandra’ Bell iv. 47, I ordered another tomato juice to calm his nerves.
1845E. Acton Mod. Cookery v. 136 Tomato catsup.1896Daily News 25 Nov. 3/5 An alleged libel on the plaintiffs in their trade as sellers of tomato ketchup.
Mod. Breakfast Menu Card, Tomato Omelettes.
c1938Fortnum & Mason Price List 59/1 Tomato Paste.1979Guardian 25 Aug. 10/4 Pepsi's had been selling cola in Budapest..but all the company had been able to get out of the country was tomato paste.
1931Monthly Bull. Calif. Dept. Agric. XX. 458 (heading) Damage to tomatoes in Southern California by the tomato pin worm.1972Swan & Papp Common Insects N. Amer. xix. 323 The closely related Tomato Pinworm..bores pinholes in the developing buds, green and ripening fruits of tomatoes.
1887Nicholson's Dict. Gard. iv. 52/2 Tomato-plants are seldom very seriously injured by insects.
1877E. S. Dallas Kettner's Bk. of Table 122 Add to the sauce a tablespoonful of tomato purée.1977B. Pym Quartet in Autumn vii. 64 Tomato purée, stuffed vine leaves..and tapioca pudding.
1892Daily News 3 Sept. 2/1 Another tea jacket is in tomato red velvet.
1877E. S. Dallas Kettner's Bk. of Table 460 For the tomato salad a dash of mustard is not a bad addition.1980I. Murdoch Nuns & Soldiers 176 Supper consisted of onion soup, black sausage with tomato salad, and a local cheese with herbs.
1911W. J. Locke Glory of Clementina Wing ii. 17 Tomato sandwiches and plum-cake set out for a visitor's tea.1978F. Olbrich Desouza pays Price xxv. 161 Delicate tomato sandwiches and fragrant Darjeeling tea.
1806A. Hunter Culina (ed. 3) 233 The only difference between this and the genuine tomata sauce, is the substituting the pulp of apple for the pulp of tomata.1846A. Soyer Cookery 9 Four tablespoonfuls of tomate sauce.
1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. III. 885 Readily mistaken for tomato-seeds.
1846Jewish Manual, or Pract. Information Jewish & Mod. Cookery v. 97 Dry tomato soup.1974‘E. Lathen’ Sweet & Low xvi. 154 The problem we have with tomato soup in my cannery.
1897Tomato top [see tomato-grafting above].
1876‘Mark Twain’ Adventures Tom Sawyer i. 18 [She] looked out among the tomato vines and jimpson weeds that constituted the garden.1981G. V. Higgins Rat on Fire xii. 92 You..tromp all over the old people's tomato vines.
Hence toˈmatoey a., having the taste or flavour of tomatoes.
1972Homes & Gardens Aug. 101 (Advt.), The result is a tomato juice that's thicker, smoother and more tomatoey than any you've ever tasted.1982D. Wiltse Wedding Guest xv. 205 The shared appreciation of the wine, the spicy sausage, the tomatoey beans.




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