

单词 finger-stall
释义 ˈfinger-stall
A cover or protection for the finger, usually of leather, e.g. the finger of a glove, used in some handicrafts, in dissection, or when the finger is injured or diseased.
1483Cath. Angl. 131/2 A Fyngyr stalle, digitale.1578Lyte Dodoens ii. xxiv. 175 Foxe glove hath..fayre, long, round, hollow floures fashioned like fingar stalles.1606Holland Sueton. 74 The fore finger of his right hand hee perceived..to be so weake, that..he could hardly set it to any writing, with the helpe of an hoope and finger-stall of horne.1643I. Steer tr. Exp. Chyrurg. xv. 64 Finger-stalls made of Leather.1832Babbage Econ. Manuf. i. (ed. 3) 14 The child puts on the forefinger of its right hand a small cloth cap or finger-stall.1879G. F. Jackson Shropsh. Word-bk. 148, I cut my finger, but I clapt a finger-stall on.




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