

单词 firlot
释义 firlot Sc.|ˈfɜːlɒt|
Forms: 5 ferlot, 6 feirt-, fert-, ferthelett, fertleitt, furlet, fyrlot, 7–8 furlot, 8 farlet, 6– firlot.
[First in L. ferthelota, app. repr. ON. fiórþe hlotr fourth part: see lot.
The OE. hlot does not appear to have been used in the sense of ‘(fractional) part’.]
1. A measure of capacity for corn, etc., the fourth part of a boll.
[1264Comput. Vicecom. de Forfar (Jam.), In servicio regis iij celd. ij boll. et j ferthelota.]1426Sc. Acts Jas. I (1597) §70 They ordaned..foure firlotts to conteine a boll.1484Act Audit. 36/2, iii ferlotis of mele.c1540in W. H. Maxwell Sports & Adv. Scotl. xxviii. (1855) 229 Oats, 47 chalders 1 boll 2 firlots.1708J. Chamberlayne St. Gt. Brit. ii. iii. ii. 510 The Firlot of Linlithgow..contains Thirty-one Pints Sterling Jugg, for the Measuring of Wheat, Rye, Meal, etc.1824Mech. Mag. No. 46. 279 You can determine the weight of a firlot of grain in the short space of half a minute.1876Grant Burgh. Sch. Scotl. ii. 458 note, Another [gives] a firlot, and another two firlots of meal.
b. A certain measure used for other commodities; also, a great quantity.
1549Inv. of Brine (Somerset Ho.), xij ferthelettes of grece butter.1585Inv. of Postilthwaite (Somerset Ho.), Itm v. feirtletts couerlete ȝarne.a1832Fire of Frendraught iii. in Child Ballads vii. cxcvi (1890) 46/1 Ye's hae a firlot o the gude red gowd.1883J. Purves in Contemp. Rev. Sept. 353 Poachers..who in a night secure a ‘firlot’ of partridges.
2. A vessel used to measure a firlot of corn, etc.
1573Tyrie Refut. Answ. Knox 40 b, Na man doth licht ane lanterne, putting it vnder ane firlot.1577–95Descr. Isles Scotl. in Skene Celtic Scotl. III. App. 437 To take sa mony firlotts as micht stand side by side.1670Ray Prov. 287 Mony words fills not the furlot.1815Scott Guy M. ii, The old castle, where the family lived, in their decadence, as a mouse lives under a firlot.




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