

单词 toppet
释义 I. toppet1 Obs.
[ME. topet, app. a. OF. topet, toupet (12–13th c.) tuft, dim. of top, toup top, crest: in Eng. perh. eventually taken as dim. of top n.1]
Top, summit, tip.
1439in Archæologia XXI. 37, ij Salers of Gold, whereof yt oon ys a man..garnysshed wt vij rubees and vij troches, every troche of iij perles, and upon y⊇ topet is a saphur.1561Hollybush Hom. Apoth. 8 Take..the parynge of the toppet of hertes horne.Ibid. 23 Lyke vertue..hath Fenell, Penyreal, the floures of Hoppes. Branck vrsyne the toppets of the floure.Ibid. 38 Take the toppet of an onyon.
II. toppet2 Obs.
Also 5 topet, 6 tappet.
[Late ME., dim. of toppe, top n.3 basket (of fruit); analogous to MFl. topkin (‘viij topkine rosinen’ 1334), OF. (Picard) toppequin (15th c. in Godef.). Cf. also tap n.3, tapnet.]
= top n.3, tapnet.
1481–90Howard Househ. Bks. (Roxb.) 22 There cam from London x. lb. coton & a toppet figges.Ibid. 351 A topet of fygge dodes [see fig-dote].1510–11Durham Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 290 Et in quinque lez toppettis Racemorum parvorum ad ij s. viij d.1511–12Ibid. 291 In 4or le tapettes racemorum magnorum ad 2 s. 8 d., 10 s. 8 d.1516in Rogers Agric. & Prices III. 535/1 [Figs] Toppet.




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