

单词 tracing
释义 I. tracing, vbl. n.1|ˈtreɪsɪŋ|
[f. trace v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of trace v.1, or its result.
1. a. The following of traces, tracking; also concr. pl. traces left, tracks (obs.).
1523Act 14 & 15 Hen. VIII, c. 10 Diuers persons..by reason of the trasinge in snow, haue killed and destroied..the same Hares, by .x.xii. or .xvi. vpon a daye.1657Thornley tr. Longus' Daphnis & Chloe 116 A Wolf pursued me: where are the tracings of a Wolf?1753Chambers Cycl. Supp., Training, or Tracing,..used by our miners to express the tracing up the mineral appearances on the surface of the earth to their head.., and there finding a mine.1910M. Gaster in Encycl. Brit. XII. 40/1 In various parts of Germany and Austria a special register is kept for the tracing of the genealogy of vagrant and sedentary Gipsy families.
b. The procedure of making a list of all the headings under which a given item occurs in an index or catalogue; an entry in such a list.
1905N.Y. State Libr. Bull. No. 95. 582 Make slip under personal name as in 14a, following same method of tracing.1914N.Y. State Libr. School Cataloging Rules 32 Trace added entries on the back of the main card. Write the tracing for other cards toward what will then be the lower right corner.1953R. L. Collison Indexes & Indexing i. 73 Since revision [of an index]..may sometimes be necessary, it is a good policy to enter ‘tracings’ of any references made on the main slip.1978Fothergill & Butchart Non-Book Materials for Libraries iv. 191 Then the primary name heading and tracings for added entries and references can be given.
c. The following of the course of the cutting stylus by a reproducing stylus; usu. in tracing distortion, distortion that occurs when the stylus does not describe exactly the same path as the groove owing to its size in relation to the groove.
1942Jrnl. Acoustical Soc. Amer. XIII. 276/1 (heading) Tracing distortion in the reproduction of constant amplitude recordings.1959Listener 26 Mar. 542/1 Turning now to the gramophone record, we find a sound source which suffers from certain well-known inherent defects, among the most important being..tracing distortion.1961G. A. Briggs A to Z in Audio 208 These delicately balanced arms which permit good tracking and tracing at extremely light weights give the best available quality from the finest pickups.1975G. J. King Audio Handbk. viii. 192 Incorrect adjustment of the lateral and vertical tracking of the pickup can also aggravate distortion; but that resulting from ‘normal’ errors is generally less than tracing distortion.
d. Computers. The process of performing a trace (trace n.1 12 a). Also attrib., as tracing routine.
1959M. H. Wrubel Primer of Programming for Digital Computers v. 107 Tracing is an important technique in testing programs, but it must be used in moderation.1967Klerer & Korn Digital Computer User's Handbk. i. i. 23 It is possible to build in a tracing structure into any given program.1969P. B. Jordain Condensed Computer Encycl. 539 It is important that the tracing routine leave intact the natural operation of the subject program.
2. The treading of a measure; dancing. Obs.
1577Grange Golden Aphrod. F iij b, It fell by course N.O. shoulde leade this trace, bycause he knewe it beste, the tracyng of this rounde requyred in the middle thereof a conge.1596Davies Orchestra xiii, No..sight more pleasing to behold, With all their turnes and tracings manifold.1643Trapp Comm. Gen. xxix. 22 Of dancing and dalliance, of tracing, and tripping on the toe, we read not.
3. a. Drawing, delineating, marking out; the copying of a drawing, etc., by means of a transparent sheet placed over it.
c1440Promp. Parv. 499/1 Tracynge, or drawynge for to make an ymage or an other thynge (K. to make a pycture or gravynge).1573(title) A..treatise, wherein is..sett forthe the arte of Limming, which teacheth the order in drawing & tracing of letters, vinets, flowers, armes and Imagery.1712J. James tr. Le Blond's Gardening 87 The Manner of Tracing, reduced to Twenty Practices.1815J. Smith Panorama Sc. & Art II. 728 Tracing against the Light.1843Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. VI. 236/1 The slow progress of a fresco-painting, from the ‘tracing’ to the last touch.1884Mil. Engineering (ed. 3) I. ii. 21 The tracing of parallels and approaches is commenced in the dusk of the evening, when sufficiently dark to conceal men from the view of the besieged.
b. concr. That which is produced by tracing or drawing; a drawing; spec. a copy made by tracing; also, the record of a self-registering instrument.
1811Wellington in Gurw. Desp. (1838) VII. 142 Murray..tells me that he sent after you..a tracing of a large part of Alemtejo.1857Ruskin Pol. Econ. Art ii. (1868) 127 Tracings from frescos and other large works are also of great value.1864Lond. Rev. 27 Aug. 247/2 The Psychonomy of the Hand..is illustrated by tracings from living hands of various endowments.1866Rogers Agric. & Prices I. xxvi. 644 A collection of such tracings will be found in the Bodleian Library.1874H. H. Cole Catal. Ind. Art S. Kens. Mus. 251 The centre [of the embroidered pattern] is occupied by a circular disc of beautiful floral tracing.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VIII. 373 The sphygmographic tracing [in melancholia] usually indicates a feeble systole.
4. A timber used in building; ? a framing timber. Obs.
1601Deacon & Walker Answ. to Darel, Catal. D.'s Contradict. No. 50 The groundsels, the studs, the raysing peeces, the iouystes, the tracings, and all the rest of the timber belonging thereto.1616Nottingham Rec. (1889) IV. 348 For ouer liggers and trasinges for y⊇ same bridge x s.
5. attrib. and Comb.: tracing-board, a board on which a plan, as of a building, is traced; tracing-braid, ? narrow braid used in an interlacing design; tracing-cloth, smooth transparent linen sized on one side, used for making tracings; tracing-house, a house in which the plans of a building are traced; tracing-instrument, an instrument for copying any outline or plan on the same or a larger or smaller scale; tracing-lace, narrow lace used in an open design; cf. tracing-braid; tracing-linen = tracing-cloth; tracing-machine = tracing-instrument (Cent. Dict. 1891); tracing-paper, (a) transparent paper for copying drawings, etc. by tracing; (b) lithographic transfer paper; tracing-picket, a picket used in siege work to mark lines and angles; tracing-pin, a peg or pin used to mark out lines on the ground in setting out work; tracing-point, (a) a point that traces or draws lines; (b) in Fretwork, a sharp tool used to mark out a design; tracing-staff: see quot.; tracing table, a table with a translucent top illuminated from underneath; tracing-thread, in Lace-making, a heavy thread or fillet of fine threads used to form the outline of the pattern; tracing-wheel, a toothed wheel or roulette for marking out patterns.
1399in York Fabric Rolls (Surtees) 17 In le loge [mason's work-shop] apud Ebor, in cimiterio, lxix stanexes, j magna kevell, xcvj chisielles ferri.., ij *tracyngbordes.
1906Daily Chron. 4 Oct. 3/4 The jacket was..elaborately braided with silk *tracing-braid.Ibid., The skirt..with a girdle, braided with tracing-braid to match the jacket.
1842–76Gwilt Encycl. Archit. Gloss., *Tracing cloth, a fine white cloth, prepared in a similar way to paper for rendering it transparent.1873E. Spon Workshop Receipts Ser. i. 6/2 If ink or colour does not run freely on tracing cloth, mix both with a little ox-gall.
1374–5in Oliver Exeter Cath. (1861) 385 Custus nove domus in Calendarhay vocate ‘*Trasyng hous’.1581–2York Fabric Rolls (Surtees) 118 For xj daies worke on the leades over the tracinge hows, etc., 10s. 8d. [1859Ibid. Gloss. 358 Tracinge-hous, the place or room used by the draughtsman.]
1877Knight Dict. Mech., *Tracing-instrument, an instrument for copying figures on an enlarged or reduced scale.
1901Daily News 13 Feb. 5/1 A very long robe..trimmed with gold lace, some of it what is technically called ‘*tracing-lace’, i.e., arranged in small loops placed alternately hither and thither.
1824Mech. Mag. 31 Jan. 365/2 An excellent method to make *tracing-paper.1834Penny Cycl. II. 203/2 The design is..copied on very thin transparent paper, called tracing-paper.
1862Catal. Internat. Exhib. II. xiii. 17 To the horizontal arm is fixed the *tracing pencil.
1870Wessely Germ.-Eng. Dict., Absteckpfahl..*tracing-picket.
1712J. James tr. Le Blond's Gardening 89 Tracing two Portions of a Circle..by means of a small *Tracing-Pin fixed at the End of the Cord.
1815J. Smith Panorama Sc. & Art II. 728 Where long, straight, or parallel lines occur, the *tracing point may be guided by a ruler.
1712J. James tr. Le Blond's Gardening 84 A *Tracing-Staff..is a long strait Stick tipt with Iron at the lower End, having the Point triangular..; with this Tracing-Staff you strike out and design all the Figures of a Garden.
1953A. H. Robinson Elements Cartogr. v. 82/2 (caption) A *tracing table with fluorescent illumination.1978N.Y. Times 30 Mar. b–21/8 (Advt.), Nuarc lighted tracing table, 5 drawer blueprint files.
1894J. E. Davis Elem. Mod. Dressmaking i. 7 Tracing the fitting-lines of the pattern through the doubled lining only..is now almost entirely done by *tracing-wheel.1969Guardian 30 Sept. 11/2 Singers..stock everything for dressmaking..hem markers, tracing wheels, fastenings.

Add:[3.] c. Skating. The marking out of a figure on the ice when skating; also, the manner in which this is performed, and the pattern made.
1921B. Meyer Skating 6 They do not get into the correct position..until they are well on the edge, with the result that the correct tracing, swing,..and beauty have gone.1938T. D. Richardson Ice Rink Skating i. 14 ‘Tracing’ refers to the actual drawing made on the ice, and ‘superimposition’ means the accuracy with which each drawing..is placed one on top of the other.1957E. Van Der Weyden Instructions to Young Skaters xi. 91 The rules for correct tracing, which are concerned mainly with circles and turns, do not apply to this test.1967[see paragraph n. 4].1974Rules of Game x. 234/4 The size of the figure must be approximately the same in its triple execution. Faults in the original tracing must be corrected in the succeeding tracing.1983J. Hennessy Torvill & Dean 169 It would be better to practise only once from the correct end of the rink, so that they would lay down one tracing to follow and not provide further ruts for themselves.
II. tracing, vbl. n.2
see trace v.3
(Here perhaps belong quot. 1874 in prec. 3 b, and tracing-braid, -lace in sense 5.)




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