

单词 fnast
释义 I. fnast, n. Obs.
[OE. fnǽst str. masc., f. root of ON. fnasa, fnása to snort, breathe hard.]
c1000Sax. Leechd. III. 100 Hyt bring[ð] forð þane fnæst.a1250Owl & Night. 44 Wel neȝ hire fnast at-schet.
II. fnast, v. Obs. rare.
[OE. *fnǽstian, f. prec.; cf. OHG. fnâstôn.]
intr. To breathe hard, pant; also quasi-trans. to breathe out (fire).
c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 242 Fnæstiað swiðe.c1300Havelok 548 He [ne] mouthe speke, ne fnaste, Hwere he wolde him bere or lede.c1340Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 1702 His felaȝes fallen hym to, þat fnasted ful þike.c1400Destr. Troy 878 Þe orible oxin..þat fyre out fnast.
Hence ˈfnasting vbl. n., breathing, snorting.
1382Wyclif Jer. viii. 16 Fro Dan is herd the fnesting of his hors.c1400Destr. Troy 171 These balfull bestes were..ffull flaumond of fyre with fnastyng of logh.




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