释义 |
forjudge, forejudge, v.|fəˈdʒʌdʒ| Also 4–5 forjuge, (5 forjugge), 5–7 forjudge, 6–9 forejudge. [In sense 1, ad. OF. for-, fors-, fourjugier, f. for(s-, for- prefix3 + jugier judge v. In sense 2 the prefix seems to have been taken as for-1.] 1. To exclude, oust, or dispossess by a judgement. Const. from, of, or with double obj. Obs. exc. in Law.
[1292Britton i. xiv. §4 Si soint il forjugez de chescune ley et hors de nostre pes.] c1470Harding Chron. cxiv. xix, He was depriued of his estate..Foriuged hole from [all] his magestee. 1491Act 7 Hen. VII, c. 16 It was enacted..that John Duke of Norfolk..shuld..be..forjuged of all honour. a1577Sir T. Smith Commw. Eng. (1609) 90 His lands..in all cases of felony are commonly lost from him and his heires, if he be foreiudged, that is, condemned for a felon by the law. 1641Termes de la Ley 164 If an Attourney or other officer in any Court bee put out and forbidden to use the same, he is said to be forjudged the Court. 1642tr. Perkin's Prof. Bk. v. §432. 186 If..the tenant bringeth a Writ of Mesne against the Mesne, and forejudgeth him. 1643Prynne Sov. Power Parl. i. 12 The same Justices were forejudged of their lives. 1765Blackstone Comm. I. 134 It is enacted by the statute 5 Edw. III. c. 9. that no man shall be forejudged of life or limb, contrary to the great charter. 1883F. Pollock Land Laws (1887) 25 When a man is forejudged of life and lands for cowardice in battle. †b. To prohibit (from). Obs.
1675Camden's Hist. Eliz. iv. 589 The Navigation of the English into those Parts would for the future be forejudged and wholly barred. 1697View Penal Laws 151 For the fourth shall be forejudged from ever keeping an Inn again. †2. To condemn judicially (to a penalty). Obs.
1390Gower Conf. III. 192 Alisaundre..a worthy knight Of sodein wrath and nat of right Forjuged hath. 1423Jas. I Kingis Q. iii, From estate, by fortune a quhile Foriugit was to pouert in exile. 1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 568 [They] were takyn as prysoners in the Towre of London, and soone after foriugyd, hanged, and hedyd. 1571Golding Calvin on Ps. xli. 1 The greater part of men forjudge miserable folk to destruction. 1752Carte Hist. Eng. III. 606 She..being already condemned and forejudged to die. Hence forˈjudging vbl. n.
1651N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. ii. iii. (1739) 20 No..forejudging of Life..against the form of the Grand Charter. |