

单词 for-thy
释义 for-ˈthy, conj. Obs.
Also 1 forðí, 2–5 forthi, 3 south. forðui, 3–4 forthe.
[OE. forðí, forðý, f. for prep. + ðý, instr. of the. Cf. forthon.]
For this reason, therefore.
c1000Ags. Gosp. John vii. 22 Forðy Moyses eow sealde ymbsnydenysse.c1175Lamb. Hom. 21 Forðon a þis worlð winð onȝein us..for-þi we suneȝiet on-ȝein drihtenes welle.c1230Hali Meid. 9 For þi seli meiden forȝet ti folc.a1250Owl & Night. 69 Forthe the sulve mose Hire thonkes wolde the to-tose.13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 234 My joy for-þy watz much þe more.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. Prol. 187 For⁓þi I conseille alle þe comune to lat þe catte worthe.c1450Henryson Mor. Fab. 45 The morning myld, my mirth was maire forthy.1501Douglas Pal. Hon. i. xxii, For thy I knew the signe Was Acteon.1590Lodge Euphues Gold. Leg. in Halliw. Shaks. VI. 22 Forthy, Montanus, follow mine arreede.1647H. More Song of Soul ii. i. ii. xxviii, Forthy let first an inward centre hid Be put.
b. not-for-thy: nevertheless. what for-thy: what of that?
1375Barbour Bruce v. 319 Vndir the mantill nocht-forthi He suld be armyt preualy.1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton) i. xv. (1859) 13 Nought for thy, this I byhote expresse.c1430Syr Tryam. 736 The fyrste that rode noght for thy, Was the kyng of Lumbardy.c1450Cov. Myst. (1841) 120 Nevyr the les, what for-thy..Withowith mannys company She myght not be with childe.
Hence forthy that, earlier forthy the, because.
c1000Ags. Gosp. John vii. 22 Na forði ðe heo of Moyses sy.c1175Lamb. Hom. 41 On þon deie þa engles of heofene ham iblissieð: forði þe þa erming saulen habbeð rest of heore pine.a1225Ancr. R. 56 Al þæt vuel of Dina..ne com nout forðui þæt te wummen lokede cangliche o weopmen.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 2698 Forthy þat sum has na knawyng Of purgatory..Þarfor [etc.].c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) vi. 18 Þare also gert kyng Nabugodonosor putte þe three childer in þe fyre, forþi þat þai held þe riȝt beleue.




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