

单词 freke
释义 freke poet. Obs.
Forms: 1 freca, 5–6 freak(e, freik(e, (5 frecke, freeke, freyke), 4– freke.
[OE. freca, properly subst. use of frec, freck a.]
Properly, one eager for fight; a warrior, champion; but usually a mere poetic synonym for ‘man’ (cf. berne, tulk, wye).
Beowulf 1563 He ᵹefeng þa fetel-hilt freca scyldinga.13..K. Alis. 2161 Oure kyng hath this freke y-felde.c1420Avow. Arth. xl, Wele armut and dyȝte, As freke redy to fyȝte.c1450Bk. Curtasye 255 in Babees Bk. 305 Go not forthe as a dombe freke.15..Scotish ffeilde 50 in Furniv. Percy Folio I. 214 When his father, that feirce freake, had finished his dayes.a1555Lyndesay Tragedy 218 Than euery freik thay tuke of me sic feir.a1605Montgomerie Commend. of Love 39 Fy on that freik that can not love.




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