

单词 friendful
释义 ˈfriendful, a. Obs.
[f. friend n. or v. + -ful.]
Friendly, well-disposed, loving.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints, Vincencius 173 Þar-for so frendful ma nane be to me as þu.c1470Henry Wallace ix. 1383 A hous, quhar..A wedow duelt was frendfull till our men.a1509Hen. VII in Antiq. Rep. (1808) II. 321 note, The dedly corrupcion did utterly overcom the pure and frendfull blod.1570Buchanan Ane Admonitioun Wks. (1892) 36 Remember yat he schew him self neuir mair freindfull and succurabill to na people yan he hes done to ȝow.
Hence ˈfriendfully adv., in a friendly manner.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints, Placidas 659 He hyme met, &..ful frendfylly hym gret.c1450Golagros & Gaw. 1173, I mak you request, Freyndfully, but falsset, or ony fenyeing, That ye wald to me..Tell your entent.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. III. 329 Thir governouris to purpois than tuke Richt freindfullie to deliuer this duke To his fredome.




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